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1、全国第四届中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:英语2,课时:13,学生课前准备:一、To learn and use It is+ adjective + that to say how one feels about something二、create new words by putting two words together.二、 教学课题8B Unit6 A charity walk (Vocabulary)三、 教材分析本单元围绕讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人,其中一个重要途径就是组织慈善活动(a charity w

2、alk)展开教学。本课要求学生通过理解文章的信息,能学会用正确的语言介绍一项具体的慈善活动,熟练灵活地运用英语来表达。教学重点:create new words by putting two words together教学难点:To learn and use It is+ adjective + that to say how one feels about something 教学目标一知识与能力目标:1. 熟悉并理解文章的信息2. 能通过图片、标题和上下文语境猜测课文大意3. 理解相关细节和信息4. 能学会用正确的语言介绍一项具体的慈善活动二. 方法与过程目标:掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读技

3、能;培养学生搜集、整合信息的能力三. 情感态度与价值目标:通过贴近学生的话题激发学生主动学习的动力,提高学生的合作能力,使其自身能力在英语中充分发挥,并在克服困难和体验成功的过程中感受学习英语的乐趣。同时渗透积极的人生观与价值观的教育,激发学生乐于助人、乐观进取的品性。四、 教学方法 discussion, communication 五、 教学过程Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Listen to a song sung by Wang Fen “Fly higher ”. 【百度搜索】http:/ T: What is the song about?

4、( About the meaning of life. This song encourages people to improve their lives. ) (通过询问歌曲内容自然引出本课的话题:如何帮助需要帮助的人,除了参加慈善活动,还可以教他们如何努力去改变命运,使生命更加灿烂,正像歌词里唱的:我要的那种幸福,在更高的那片天空,挣脱怀抱,飞得更高。)3. Watch a short video T: Who is she? (She is Tai Lihua.) What kind of person is she? (She is a deaf person. But to ou

5、r surprise, she can dance to the music.)(通过观看邰丽华等聋哑舞蹈演员们跳的千手观音,激发学生们对残疾人的关爱之情,同时也领悟到一个真理:Where there is a will, there is a way.)【百度搜索】http:/ It is + adjective + to infinitive1. Explain the structure is similar to the one learned in Part A, in which the adjective describes an action or activity.2. As

6、k two students to read and explain the two examples in the grammar table on P100.3. Check that students have understood the structure with the extra example:E.g.: tiring / up hills / It is / to run-It is tiring to run up hills.HK$6,000 / necessary / to raise / It is / at least-It is necessary to rai

7、se at least K$6,000.Tell the differences between It is + adjective + for/of+sb+ to infinitive【百度搜索】http:/ them out alone ,then check them with the teacher Step2 Presentation1.Ask the students T: Whats this? S: Its a blackboard. Write on the Bb : black +board T: .Whats this? S: Its a football.Write o

8、n the Bb : foot +ballStep3 Vocabulary1.We can create new words by putting two words together. Sometimes we need to add a hyphen(-) between the two words.class + room classroom fund +raising fund-raising2.Tell students the way of forming compound nouns.(1) n. + n. e.g., home town, football, raincoat,

9、 etc(2) adj. + n. e.g., wildlife, blackboard, etc(3) v-ing + n. e.g., waiting-room, sleeping-car, etc(4) v. + n. e.g., cross-country, pickpocket, etc(5) num. + n. e.g., first-aid, second-hand, etc2.Tell students the way of forming compound nouns.(6) n. + n. e.g., home town, football, raincoat, etcLo

10、ok and think (7) adj. + n. e.g., wildlife, blackboard, etc(8) v-ing + n. e.g., waiting-room, sleeping-car, etc(9) v. + n. e.g., cross-country, pickpocket, etc(10) num. + n. e.g., first-aid, second-hand, etc3.Tell students the way of forming compound adjectives.a) n. + adj. e.g., worldwide, world-fam

11、ous, etcb) n. + v-ing e.g., fund-raising, peace-loving, English-speaking, etcc) n. + v-ed e.g., man-made, air-filled, grass-covered, etcd) adj.+ n-ed e.g., kind-hearted, bad-tempered, etce) num. + n. + (adj.) e.g., 100-kilometre, 13-year-old, etc4. Finish Part A and Part B.5. exercise【百度搜索】http:/ 4

12、GameDivide the class into six groups. Give them two minutes to see how many compound words they can write. If the group writes the most words, it will be the winner.Step 5 Test in class【百度搜索】http:/ 词汇A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1. If you have a _(机会) to go, take it. 2. Do you know the saying, “Practice ma

13、kes _(完美的). ”3. She went to Beijing with the _(目的) of learning from the teachers there. 4. He is here in body, but not in _(精神). 5. Shall I _(记录) what he says? B. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We should try our best to help the _(able) people. 2. As an _(experience) teacher, he always has ways to make his clas

14、s lively. 3. Mr. Kings son has come to China for_(far) study. 4. The old men do exercises every day to improve their_(fit). 5. The government(政府) should do something to help those_(home) people. II. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话。A: 1 What did you do today?B: We planted trees just now. A: Oh, I have remembered. 2 Where did you work?B: At the foot of the hill. The one on the other side of the river. A:



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