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1、名词专训巧记 f(e) 结尾的名词复数 树叶半数自己黄, 妻子拿刀去割粮 。架后窜出一只狼 ,就像窃贼逃命忙。 词汇 :leaf half self wife knife shelf wolf thief life 巧记-f 结尾的直接加-s 变复数 海边、屋顶上 ,首领奴仆两相望 ;谁说他们无信仰 , 证据写在手帕上 。 相关词汇 :gulf roof chief belief proof handkerchief 名词变形容词的常见词缀 -ese / -ian/ -an/-n / -ful/ -ly/ -en/ -ous/ -y/ -less/ -al 例词 :Chinese Egypti

2、an Austrian joyful comradely woolen dangerous dirty hopeless physical巧记“ 某国人” 变复数 复数词形不难记, 英、法 联盟 a 改 e , 中、 日单复形一致, 其余一律加“ s ” 。写出下列各词的复数形式。 1. potato 2. wife 3. story 4. foot 5. woman 6. sheep 7. boy 8. month 9. roof 10. handkerchief 11. scarf 12. leaf 13. chief 14. belief 15. serf 16. wolf 17 coo

3、 18. kilo 19. piano 20. tobacco 21. tomato 22. zoo 23. Englishman况序数词钱不用定冠词的情一、不定冠词用在序数词前表示“又一”、“ 再一” 的意思。如: He cast the net a second time . 二、序数词前已有指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格或every时,不用定冠词。如: He made his first set in an old box. Berlin in 1929 held a public celebration on Einsteins fiftieth birthday.三、在表示分数的序数

4、词前不用定冠词。如; Two-thirds of the area is covered by trees. 四、序数词与名词构成复合名词时,不用定冠词。如: There is a first-class hotel over there. He went to a second-hand bookshop. 五、序数词用作副词时,前不用定冠词。如:六、有些固定搭配中不用定冠词。如: at first first of all from first to last 巧记分数表达法 分子基数词,分母序数词, 分子大于“一”,分母加“s”。 分母若是2和4,half、quarter也合适。 A.

5、What B. How many C. How much D. Whi代词专练1. This pen was given me by my mother. Its_. A. my B. mine C. to me D. I 2. The bike belongs to my sister.Its _. A.his B. him C. her D. hers 3. “ Whose room is that ?” Its _. A. my B. ours C. my brothers D. of my brother4. To the players, _ , the last high jump

6、 was the most exciting as well as the most difficult. A. both Bob and I B. Bob and I C. both Bob and mine D. Bob and me 5. In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and _ did was to go out to see the bear.A. me B. I C. mine D. myself 6. “ Who is _ ?” “ Its _ .” A. he; I B. it; I C. h

7、e; me D. it; me 7. _ are to blame. A. Tom and I B. Tom or I C. I and Tom D. Tom and me 8. _ who are from Beijing lived on the second floor.A. I and the other two B. The other two and I C. I or the other two D. The other two or I 9. Lucy, I have _ to tell you. A. something important B. important some

8、thing C. anything important D. important anything 10. He knew _ about it because _ had told him before.A. I and the other two B. The other two and I C. I or the other two D. The other two or I 9. Lucy, I have _ to tell you. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. impor

9、tant anything 10. He knew _ about it because _ had told him before.A.Nobody B. No body C. Nothing D. None of 13. _ of them was asked to air this views freely. A. Every body B. Everyone C. Every one D. Someone 14. Without careful investigation ,_ of us is liable to come to wrong conclusions.A. everyo

10、ne B. everybody C. anyone D. any one 15. _ of my parents has come yet . A. Each B. Both C. Neither D.Either 16. Mr Black has two children . _ of them is a doctor. A. None B. Both C. Neither D. No one 17. Neither my sister nor I _ good at dancing.A. am B. are C.is D. be 18. As we were _ asleep , _ of us heard the sound. a. both; all B. all ; none C. all; no one D. both; no one 19. The teacher said _ can live without air or water. A. none B. no one C. not one D. not everyone


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