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1、英语六级写作常用的8种强调方式一、用形容词“very”,“single”等表示强调 Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。 Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。 二、用反身代词表示强调 I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。 You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。 三、用助词“do”表示强调 The

2、 baby is generally healthy, but every now and then she does catch a cold. 那孩子的健康状况尚好,但就是偶尔患感冒。 Do be quiet. I told you I had a headache. 务必安静,我告诉过你,我头疼。 四、用副词“very”,“only”,“even”,“too”,“just”等表示强调 He drank it to the very last drop.他把它喝得一干二净。 Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用这样的方

3、法我们才能消灭敌军。 He didnt answer even my letter.他甚至连我的信都不回。 I will too go! 我要去的! The scenery is just superb. 风景真是美极了。 五、用“.and that”,“.and those”,“not.too much”,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调 They fulfilled the task, and that in a few days. 他们在几天内完成的就是那项任务。 I gave her some presents, and those the day before yesterday. 前天

4、我送给她的就是那些礼物。 I cant thank you too much. 我无论怎样感谢你都不过份。 I am not unfaithful to you. 我对你无比忠诚。 六、用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等表示强调 His behaviour was in every way perfect. 他的举止确实无可

5、挑剔。 By all means take your son with you. 你一定要把儿子带来。 The news was only too true. 这消息确实是事实。 It was over all too soon! 此事的确了结得很快! Where in heaven were you then?当时你到底在哪里? Nobody under the sun would buy that car. 确?示强调 Dishonest he is! 他的确不诚实! In wine is the truth. 酒后吐真言。 八、用强调句型表示强调 It was the headmaste

6、r who opened the door for me. 正是校长为我开的门。 It was yesterday that we carried out that experiment. 就是在昨天我们做了那个实验。 作文的展开按照三步走: 1)题目涉及的现象进行简单的描述,在描述的过程中将写作引向文章的主题(这样的描述可以自己控制,如果第一段落字数单薄,可以适当使描述具体化) 2)在第一步的基础上给出观点,观点视文章主旨可以分为:个人观点(包括方法、途径),和多方观点(观点从正反两方面或者一个方面的多个层次阐述;在交待观点是需要有原因和支持。) 3)个人观点总结点题(同意异表),简要指出方

7、法途径,如果找不到具体的解决方法,则将话讲得圆滑(如果正文中间观点没有必然冲突,则可以融合)A 1995.1 my view on the negative effects of some advertisements 社会上的广告现象越来越多,很多的广告对我们的社会有不良的影响-(广告如何多:路边大型广告,报纸一半是广告,电线杆上垃圾广告,电视商业广告频繁。) Today we live in a world of advertisement. Ads appear on broad side boards, take up much of newspaper coverage, slip

8、their way onto walls and constantly interrupt TV programs. However pervasive they are, (尽管他们四处充斥)they always produce a negative influence. 从观点的多个层次描写:1,白日抢劫-卖家通过弯曲夸大事实来欺骗消费者购买(化妆品)2,种下不良消费习惯或者价值观(香烟)3,污染环境(牛皮癣和校园商业海报) To begin with, daylight robbery is made everyday occurrence (百日抢劫每天都在发生)as a resul

9、t of the negative effects of ads. Harmful ads exaggerate the functions and distort/ignore the facts.(夸大功能,歪曲事实) Every means is tried to hook people into buying(为了诱导人们消费,不择手段). Make-up promotion is a typical case in point.(化妆品促销就是一个典型的例子) Furthermore, misleading ads plant in the mind (在脑海中植下)of consu

10、mers, especially young people, a bad consumption habit or, even worse, corrupt values. For proof, look no further than cigarette selling. (香烟销售就是一个典型的例子)Ads with the image of a smoking pop star broadcast an irresistible message.(传递无法抗拒的信息) Last but not least, easily-printed posters and handouts have

11、 polluted our environment. 个人认为广告负面效应不可避免,要通过严格的法律来减少危害,同时开动脑精,远离它们 Personally, no one can avoid the negative influence. However, we need to step up law enforcement (加强执法)to minimize the harm of such ads. Meanwhile, as consumers, we need to use our head and keep our distance. B 1996.1 Two-day weeken

12、d -工作效率提高,物质生活富足,人们可能享受2天周末制,(除了工作效率之外:人们对生活水平的期待) As the productivity improves, our society becomes more affluent than ever before. As a result of such social advance, a 2-day weekend seems not just possible but also feasible.从正反两方面描写,每个方面可以从多个角度来论述:1,有人欢呼,原因如下1)更长的休息时间,更好的调整精力,更高的效率为新的一周做好准备 2)更长的

13、时间与家人分享,更加融洽家庭关系3)可以进行适当距离的旅游,更好的享受生活。 2,有人反对,原因如下1)在某种程度上不利于生产和生活(减少产出,办事不方便)2)降低效率(周末未完之事必须拖拉两天;周末活动过多造成假期疲劳) The proponents (支持者)happily welcome a 2-day weekend for the following reasons. Firstly, a 2-day weekend ensures more time for rest(确保足够的时间休息). People can better recover from 5 days hard wo

14、rk(可以更好的从天的工作中恢复过来) and get more refreshed and productive for the coming week. Secondly, a 2-day weekend allows more time to share with ones family. Thirdly, 2 days make possible(使成为可能) short-distance travels, so that people neednt rush through a destination (在一个游玩的目的地走马观花)and can enjoy more of life

15、(更好的享受生活). On the other hand, the opponents(反对者)argue an extended weekend(延长了的周末) causes incontinences of some kind (某种程度的不便)to life and harm to economy, as workers in service agencies (服务行业)and in companies leave position for leisure and recreation.(离职去娱乐享受) Whats more, a longer weekend reduces efficiency(降低效率) and does not necessarily promise (确保)more energy for a new week. Anything that happens on Friday but cant be finished within that day has to be delayed even longer. Aft


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