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1、2022年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第五周星期日仿真模拟卷五(I)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.I feel nervous when taking an exam. and you can do it well.A.Take it easy B.Take your timeC.Good luck D.Its up to you2.When the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking,h

2、e ordered his men to send out a for help.A.signal B.signC.symbol D.signature3.Among the mountains a lake and next to the lake some cottages.A.lie;stand B.lies;standsC.lies;stand D.lie;stands4.Can I go now,sir?If you leave,do it quietly.A.should B.mustC.shall D.may5.Unfortunately,I didnt have a tire

3、when my car broke down.A.suitable B.spareCmon D.practical6.The drug is not harmful itself,but is dangerous,according to the new finding,if with alcohol.A.taking B.being takenC.to take D.taken7. I went to the library,I saw him sitting on the same seat,reading carefully.A.Now that B.If onlyC.In order

4、that D.Every time8.Whats your plan for the oneweek holiday?At this time next week we the warm sunshine in Maldives.A.have been enjoying B.have enjoyedC.will be enjoying D.are enjoying9.Environmentalists are very worried that power stations will be built water resources are plentiful.A.wherever B.wha

5、teverC.whenever D.however10.The fog was very heavy and all the flights were cancelled.A.consequently B.constantlyC.continuously D.consistently11.The little boy wont go to sleep his mother tells him a story.A.or B.unless C.but D.whether12.Do you know our town at all?Surely,this is the third time I he

6、re.A.came BeC.had e D.have e13.Do you have ready for the spring outing?No,I still have to buy some fruit.A.everything B.anythingC.something D.nothing14.The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students two weeks to prepare for the exams.A.give B.be givenC.should give D.would be given15. is know

7、n to us is that tobacco contains nicotine and other harmful substances,so you should give up smoking.A.As B.ItC.What D.Which第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In the clinic,I asked if Michael could be retested,so the specialist tested him again.To my 16 ,it was the same

8、 score.Later that evening,I 17 told Frank what I had learned that day.After talking it over,we agreed that we knew our 18 much better than an IQ(智商) test.We 19 that Michaels score must have been a 20 and we should treat him 21 as usual.We moved to Indiana in 1962,and Michael studied at Concordia Hig

9、h School in the same year.He got 22 grades in the school,especially 23 biology and chemistry,which was a great fort.Michael 24 Indiana University in 1965 as a premedical student,soon afterwards,his teachers permitted him to take more courses than 25 .In 1968,he was accepted by the School of Medicine

10、,Yale University.On graduation day in 1972,Frank and I 26 the ceremony(典礼) at Yale.After the ceremony,we told Michael about the 27 IQ score he got when he was six.Since that day,Michael sometimes would look at us and say 28 ,“My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor,not until aft

11、er I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the 29 we had in him.Interestingly,Michael then 30 another IQ test.We went to the same clinic where he had 31 the test eighteen years before.This time Michael scored 126,an increase of 36 points.A result like that was supp

12、osed to be 32 .Children often do as 33 as what adults,particularly parents and teachers, 34 of them.That is,tell a child he is “ 35 ”,and he may play the role of a foolish child.16.A.joy B.surpriseC.dislike D.disappointment17.A.tearfully B.fearfullyC.cheerfully D.hopefully18.A.student B.sonC.friend

13、D.doctor19.A.argued B.realizedC.decided D.understood20.A.joke B.mistakeC.warning D wonder21.A.specially B.strictlyC.naturally D.carefully22.A.poor B.goodC.average D.standard23.A.in B.aboutC.of D.for24.A.visited B.choseC.passed D.entered25.A.allowed B.describedC.required D.offered26.A.missed B.heldC.

14、delayed D.attended27.A.high B.sameC.low D.different28.A.curiously B.eagerlyC.calmly D.jokingly29.A.faith B.interestC.pride D.delight30.A.looked for B.asked forC.waited for D.prepared for31.A.received B.acceptedC.organized D.discussed32.A.imperfect B.impossibleC.uncertain D.unsatisfactory33.A.honestly B.muchC.well D.bravely34.A.hear B.learnC.expect D.speak35.A.wise B.rudeC.shy D.stupid第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEditors ChoiceUNWARRANTED:Policing Without Permission,by Barry F


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