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1、Module3 模块测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. funny B. hungry C. sunny( ) 2. A. eatingB. shining C. singing( ) 3. A. picnic ( ) 4. A. stationB. parkB. illC. photoC. blow( ) 5. A. right B. night 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。C. bright( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,补全句子。1. I hadavery _dayonSaturday.2. Wehada picnic in the_.3.

2、I miss_in China.4. In this photo,thesunis _.5. The_areeatingour picnic.6. Thebirdsare_in thetrees.7. I amonthe_now.8. Thechildrenarejumpingin the_.9. Now we aregoing downthe_.10.Now thetrain is comingto the_.四、听录音,判断所听句子与所给图片是()否()一致。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )笔试部分一、用单词的适当形式填空。( )1. I _(send)ane-mailto my fathe

3、rnow.2. Thesun_(shine)on thesea.3. Thegirl _(sing)asongloudly.4. We_(swim) in theseanow.5. Are you _(write) a letter?6. They_(play) football now.7. Look! Who_(run) fastin theplayground? 8. Dont goout. It _(rain) now.二、连连看。(1) in thepark A. 看(2) fly away(3) middleof thenight(4) in thesun(5) in this p

4、hoto(6) alovely time(7) haveapicnic(8) look hungry(9) in thetree(10) look atB. 在太阳下C. 野餐D. 在公园里E. 一个美好的时刻 F. 飞走G. 在树上H. 深更半夜I. 在这张照片中J. 看起来饥饿三、读一读,选出正确答案。( ) 1. Dont _the window. Were having a class now. A. looking outof B. look out( ) 2. Were going to catch the train to Beijing _. A. atthestation B

5、. in station( ) 3. Dont read in the _.C. look outofC. onthestationA. sun( ) 4. I ll showyou _.B. sunny C. sunsA. somephotos B. somephotoes ( ) 5. He is _aletterto his penfriend.A. send B. sending( ) 6. Thesun_.Lets go and take a walk.C. somephotoC. sentA. shining B. is shining C. shine ( ) 7. Shehad

6、 _onSunday.A. alovely day( ) 8. Thebirdsare _.B. lovely adayC. lovely dayA. fly away B. flys away ( ) 9. The_is swimmingin thewater.A. duck B. rabbit ( ) 10. Were flying kites _.A. in park B. in thepark ( ) 11.-Whatareyou _?-Im _ my room.C. flying awayC. chickenC. attheparkA. do;clean B. doing;clean

7、ing C. doing;cleaning( ) 12. Im going to watch TV _.A. tonight B. in tonight C. attonight四、阅读短文并判断对()错()。Thereis aparknearmy home.Peoplelike to goto thepark.Someof themgoto the parkeveryday.Look! Thatis Mr King. He is sitting on a chairandwatchingthechildren. Somechildren are playing a game.Someboys

8、 are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standingunderatree.Theyaretalking. Thereis asmall river in thepark.Wecanseesome boatson the river. Somechildren are sitting in the boatswith their fathersand mothers. Listen!A girl is singingasong.Shesingsverywell. Thisis really anicepark.I comehere everyday.

9、(1) Mr King is standingandwatchingthechildren.(2) Lucy is talking with Lily.(3) All thechildrenareplayingfootball.(4) Therearesomeboatsontheriver.(5) Thegirl singsvery well.五、写作。你去过海边吗?你举行过野餐吗?你一定度过了很快乐的时光吧。请介绍下你 觉得最有意思的一次活动的内容。要求:书写工整,语句通顺,无语法错误。40 词左右。参考答案听力部分听力材料:一、1. funny 2. shining3. photo4. b

10、low 5. bright二、1. It s raining. Thechildrenaretalking.2. It s hot. The boy is drinking a cola.3. It s sunny. The children are playing.4. I ts cold. The boy is makingasnowman.1. Its warm. The girl is watering the flowers.三、1. I hadavery funny dayonSaturday.2. Wehada picnic in thepark.3. I misseveryon

11、ein China.4. In this photo,thesunis shining.5. Theducksareeatingour picnic.6. Thebirdsaresingingin thetrees.7. I amonthetrain now.8. Thechildrenarejumpingin thewater.9. Now we aregoing downthehill.10.Now thetrain is comingto thestation.四、1. Thesunis shiningnow.2. Theboy is playingbasketball.3. Thera

12、bbitis lovely.4. In this photo,theyarerowing aboatonthelake.5. Thebird is in thetree.听力答案:一、1-5 ABCCC二、52341三、1. funny2.Park3. everyone4. shining5. ducks6. Singing7. train 8. water9. hill 10.station 四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 笔试部分一、1. am sending2. is shining 3. is singing 4. are swimming5. writing 6. are play

13、ing 7. is running8. is raining二、(1)-(10) DFHBIECJGA三、1-6 CAAABB 7-12ACABCA四、(1)-(5)五、I tsbeautifulsunnyday! Therearemanypeopleonthebeach.Somepeoplearetakingphotos.Othersarelying onthebeach.A few peopleareplayingbeachvolleyball.Many childrenareplayingin thewater.Somepeopleareswimmingin thesea.Everyoneishavingagoodtime.


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