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1、三年级下册培优练习(一)一、 写英语单词1. 学校 2.教室 3. 故事书 4. 尺子 5.铅笔 6. 记号笔 二、火眼金睛,找出不是一类的单词( )1. A. school B. cat C. dog D. panda( )2. A. ruler B. classroom C. pen D. scissors( )3. A. desk B. classroom C. school D. home( )4. A. Kate B. Anna C. Ken D. waterbottle( )5. A. go B. see C. nice D. look 三、选出错误的一项,将序号写在题前括号内,并

2、把正确答案写在后面的横线上。( )1. I have an storybook . A B C D( )2. - I have a ruler. - Me to! A B C D E( )3. Show I your waterbottle . A B C D( )4. Look to my new pencil-box . A B C D E( )5. I like peachs . A B C三、选择填空( )1. Glad see you again. A. too B. to C. go( )2. Lets go school. A. in B. of C. to( )3. Can I

3、 see new marker? A. you B. your C. it ( )4. - I have a big balloon. - too! A. Is B. Me C. My( )5. -Look at my yellow bag. - Wow, nice! A. how B. what C. who四、写出下列缩写形式的完整形式1. Lets = 2. Whats = 3. Heres = 4. Its = 5. Im = 6. My names = 五、连词成句1. my, Look, at, purple, erasers (.) 2. is, What, the, penci

4、l-box, in (?) 3. I, Can, have, water, some (?) 4. to, meet, Nice, you (.) 5. have, orange, I, an, sharpener (.) 六、补全对话 Look, I have a new pencil. Sure. Here you are. Hello, Peter.A: I have a new waterbottle.B: Cool! A: Oh, good! Can I see it?B: 三年级下册培优练习(二)一、写出单词中所缺字母m k b s m n k y t r n p n d c r

5、y n p a r s r r b b t p p l b n n c b k b k p c h m s 文具 水果 动物 交通工具 二、 写出下列短语1. go to school 2. on the desk 3. in my bag 4. How nice! 5. a new Chinese book 6. touch your chair 7. 一位英语老师 8. 一个旧的铅笔盒 9. 一些牛奶 10. 回家 11. 看 三、选择填空( )1. Look at . A. me B. my C. I( )2. Lisa a new doll. A. have B. has C. is(

6、 )3. Is this elephant? A. an B. a C. the( )4. I have some . A. crayon B. crayons C. pencil( )5. on the table? A. What B. Whats C. Whats三年级下册培优练习(三)巧学妙记:基数词: 1至12分别记,13至19都带-teen;整十后缀要用-ty,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。131913 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen 209020 twenty30

7、 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety“几十几”的数字,先说“几十” ,再说“几”,个位和十位中间要有连字符“-”。(例如: 21 twenty-one, 29 twenty-nine)一、 用英文写出1-120 zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 二、填入适当的数字1. four + seven = 2.fourteen + = twenty3. zero = eighteen 4. thirty = five5. five twelve = 6. six = seven三、动脑筋,找

8、规律,填入正确数字1. one, two, , four, five, 2. one, , five, seven, 3. twelve, ten, , six, four, 4. one, two, three, five, ,thirteen, twenty-one, 5. five, ten, , twenty, twenty-five, 三年级下册培优练习(四)一、 找出每组单词中不同类别的一项( )1. A. two B. twelve C. school D. fourteen( )2. A. dog B. book C. bear D. bird( )3. A. pen B. ten C. pencil D. ruler( )4. A. storybook B. English book C. Chinese D. picture book( )5


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