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1、心理学家解析九大常见梦境Many psychologists have given up trying to interpret dreams, but we talked to one who hasnt. 许多心理学家已经放弃解梦了,但我们采访了一位还在坚持的人。 Psychologist Ian Wallace has interpreted over 150,000 dreams during more than 30 years of practice. 在30多年的实践中,心理学家伊恩华莱士已经解读过超过15万个梦境。 He helped us compile a list of

2、nine of the most common dreams, their meanings, and what action you should take in waking life. 他帮助我们列出了九个最常见的梦、它们的含义以及在现实生活中人们应该怎样做。 9. Finding an unused room 发现一间闲置的房间 What it means: The rooms in a house represent different aspects of your character. So finding an unused room suggests that youre d

3、iscovering a talent that you werent aware of before. 含义:房子里的房间代表了你性格中的不同特质。所以梦见自己找到一个空置不用的房间,意味着你正在发现自己之前没有察觉到的一种才能。 What you should do: The more time that you spend exploring your dormant talents, the more likely that you will find other doors opening for you in waking life, says Wallace. 现实启示:华莱士说

4、,你花越多的时间去探索未发掘的才能,在现实生活中你越可能发现有其他的大门为你敞开。 8. Out-of-control vehicle 车子失控 What it means: The car represents your ability to make consistent progress toward a specific objective. In waking life, you may feel that you dont have enough control over your road to success. 含义:汽车代表了你朝着某个特定目标不断前进的能力。在现实生活中,你

5、可能觉得无法完全掌控自己的成功之路。 What you should do: Instead of trying to over control the situation, Wallace says to relax your grip and allow your fundamental instincts and drives to steer the best path for you. 现实启示:华莱士说,不要试图掌控住整个形势,反而应当放松控制,让原始的本能和欲望引导你走向最合适的道路。 7. Falling 坠落 What it means: Feeling yourself f

6、alling in a dream indicates that you are hanging on too tightly to a particular situation in waking life. You need to relax and let go of it. 含义:梦见自己坠落说明在现实生活中你对某件事情太过紧张。你需要懂得放松和放手。 What you should do: Rather than being so concerned about losing control, sometimes you just have to trust in yourself

7、and others by allowing everything to fall naturally into place. 现实启示:与其如此担心局面脱出自己的掌控,有时候你只需要相信自己和别人,让事情顺其自然地发展就好。 6. Flying 飞翔 What it means: Being able to fly suggests that you have released yourself from circumstances that have been weighing you down in waking life. 含义:梦见自己能够飞翔说明你将自己从现实生活中的某些负担中解放

8、出来了。 What you should do: Although you may regard this feeling of liberation as just luck or coincidence, it is usually because you have managed to make a weighty decision or risen above the limitations of a heavy responsibility, says Wallace. 现实启示:华莱士说,尽管你可能觉得这种解放的感觉只是运气或巧合,但这往往是因为你做出了一个重大决定或是摆脱了一份重

9、任的限制。 5. UNPRepared for an exam 裸考 What it means: Exams are how we judge our ability to perform, so this indicates that you are critically examining your own performance in waking life. 含义:考试是我们判断自己执行能力的方式。所以梦到毫无准备地去考试说明在现实生活中,你正批判性地审视自身的表现。 What you should do: Rather than immersing yourself in endl

10、ess self-examination, the real test of your character is being able to accept your talents by celebrating your knowledge and achievements, instead of constantly judging them. 现实启示:不要沉浸在无休止的自我反省中,对你的性格的真正考验是能够通过获取知识和成绩来肯定自己的才能,而不是一味地评判自己的能力。 4. Naked in public 在公共场所一丝不挂 What it means: We choose our c

11、lothes to present a particular image to the people around us. Being naked in public suggests that there is a situation in waking life that is making you feel vulnerable and exposed. 含义:我们挑选的穿着是为了向周围的人们展示出某种特定的形象。梦见自己在公共场所赤身裸体说明在现实生活中出现了令你觉得十分脆弱、孤立无助的情况。 What you should do: Although it might be poten

12、tially embarrassing, sometimes you just have to open up to others so they can see your real talents. 现实启示:尽管敞开心扉、让别人得以认识到你真正的才能有可能令人困窘,但有时候你确实应该这样做。 3. Unable to find a toilet 找不到厕所 What it means: Toilets are what we use to cleanly respond to some of our most fundamental needs, so there is an issue

13、in waking life where you are finding it a challenge to clearly express your own needs. 含义:厕所是我们用来解决一些我们最基本的需求的地方,因此如果梦见找不到厕所,说明在现实生活中,你发现清楚地表达出自己的需求很困难。 What you should do: Spend more time looking after your own needs, rather than the needs of others. 现实启示:与其多花时间关心别人的需求,不如多花时间满足自己的需求。 2. Teeth falli

14、ng out 掉牙 What it means: Your teeth symbolize how confident and powerful you feel, so some situation is causing your confidence to crumble in waking life. 含义:牙齿代表着你对自己拥有的信心和强大程度,所以梦见掉牙说明现实生活中发生了令你的自信崩溃的情况。 What you should do: Rather than seeing this situation as something that will leave you powerle

15、ss, just try calmly thinking over the facts and relish it as a challenge. 现实启示:与其将这种情况看作是你无能为力的事,不如试着冷静地思考实际情况,将它视为挑战并享受其中。 1. Being chased 被追赶 What it means: There is an issue in your waking life that you want to confront, but you dont know how to. 含义:现实生活中存在你想面对的问题,但你又不知该如何面对。 What you should do:

16、This issue is often a great opportunity for you to pursue a particular personal ambition. Although they may seem scary, your pursuers are actually bringing your attention to your unrealized talents in your own pursuit of fulfillment. 现实启示:梦见被追赶往往是你实现某个个人抱负的大好机会。那些追击者可能看着很可怕,但它们实际上能让你注意到你在追求自我实现过程中并未察觉到的才能。 Vocabulary dormant:未显露的,未表明的,潜在的 drive:欲望 steer:引导 coinci



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