创意产业对城市竞争力的影响 ——兼论上海的创意产业

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《创意产业对城市竞争力的影响 ——兼论上海的创意产业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《创意产业对城市竞争力的影响 ——兼论上海的创意产业(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、上海海事大学硕士学位论文 创意产业对城市竞争力的影响 兼论上海的创意产业 摘 要近十几年来,与创意相关的诸多话题渐成研究讨论热门,文化创意产业已经成为世界经济发展的趋势。一些城市的众多创意产品、营销、服务等迅速发展,伦敦、纽约、东京以及香港等国际型城市无一例外地拥有强大的创意产业,文化创意产业已在事实上成为这些城市的支柱性产业,一股巨大的创意经济浪潮开始席卷全球。上海是我国的经济中心城市,以上海为龙头的长江三角洲地区是中国经济最具活力的地区之一,在中国经济和社会发展中具有举足轻重的地位。上海的现代化进程正处于由投资驱动向创新驱动阶段过渡的关键时期,处于重要的战略机遇期。然而,无论是对城市竞争力


3、横向比较分析,参考现有城市竞争力理论中的模型或因素分析,探寻创意产业对城市竞争力的提升所起的作用,运用得出的结论,通过定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,以上海的创意产业发展为例,对创意产业发展与城市竞争力的关系进行实证分析。通过分析研究,本文得出的主要结论是创意产业在新的产业分工的基础上,通过四个方面的作用(优化产业结构、产业集聚、塑造城市形象、形成城市比较优势)来提升城市的竞争力。该结论对于分析创意产业对城市经济所起的作用,确立创意产业在城市发展中的地位,制订城市的创意产业发展规划等都具有理论指导作用。关键词:创意产业,城市竞争力,上海,产业集群ABSTRACTIn recent years,

4、 many topics about creative industry are becoming hot discussion. Cultural and creative industries have become a worldwide trend in economic development. Many creative productions, promotions and services in some cities are developing very rapidly. A lot of international cities such as London, New Y

5、ork, Tokyo and Hong Kong, without exception, have strong creative industries. In fact, creative industries have become pillar industry of these cities and a huge wave of creative economy has started sweeping the globe. Shanghai is the economic center. Led by Shanghai, the Yangtze River delta region

6、of China is the most vibrant economic regions and is of critical status in Chinas economic and social development. Shanghais modernization process is in the critical of transition of investment-driven to innovation-driven economic, which is also an important period of strategic opportunities.However

7、, whether in researches of city competitiveness or creative industries, experts and scholars are only within the scope of the study on their own research objective exposition. At present, there is no dedicated to the relationship between the two theories. Against this background, this paper aims to

8、evaluate the cultural and creative competitiveness of the citys role in principle, and applied this principle to the actual situation in Shanghai analysis.This paper studies the creative industries in the development of the situation at home and abroad, the related theories of city competitiveness a

9、nd the creative industries. By the comprehensive analysis of the author, explore innovative industries to raise the competitiveness of the significance of the role of creative industries in the city competitiveness and the basis of principle and law. Pending this theoretical research results, the re

10、sults were applied to the creative industries in Shanghai for the empirical analysis. This paper also explores the creative industries of Shanghais urban competitiveness of the contribution and existing problems and gaps.When exploring the creative industries to the city to enhance the competitivene

11、ss of the role played by, this paper compares several foreign cities and reference existing urban competitiveness theory or model of factor analysis. With this conclusion, this paper uses qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and takes Shanghais development of creative industries as an exam

12、ple, makes an empirical analysis on development of creative industries and urban competitiveness.Through analysis and study, the main conclusion drawn is, based on the new division of industry; creative industries enhance the citys competitive edge through four ways (optimization of the industrial s

13、tructure, industry clustering, the creation of a citys image, the urban comparative advantage). This conclusion can be a theoretical guide when anglicizing the creative industries of urban economy of the role played by, establishing creative industries in the development of the city status or develo

14、ping the creative industries, urban development planning. Zhu Xiaoning(International Trade) Directed by associate professor Liang ShengangKEYWORDS: creative industries, urban competitiveness, Shanghai, industry cluster目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII前 言1第一章 创意产业的发展状况3第一节 国外创意产业的发展概况3一、英国的创意产业3二、美国的创意产业5三、其他几个国家的创意

15、产业概况7第二节 国内的城市创意产业现状9一、北京的创意产业9二、其他城市的创意产业10三、我国城市发展创意产业的基础条件12第三节 国内外创意产业发展情况比较13第二章 相关理论综述与评价15第一节 城市竞争力理论概述15一、 WEF-IMD的“国际竞争理论”15二、 迈克尔波特的“国家竞争优势理论”16三、 国际城市发展研究院关于城市竞争力理论的创新17四、 城市竞争力理论的新进展18第二节 国内外有关创意产业研究的理论梳理19一、创意产业的概念19二、关于创意产业的主要理论21第三节 产业集群化理论22第四节 理论评价与本文观点23一、对竞争力理论的归纳与思考23二、创意产业理论与城市25三、集群理论分析26四、本文的研究目标及相关概念界定27第三章 创意产业在提升城市竞争力中的作用分析29第一节 创意产业对提升城市竞争力的意义29一、创意产业与城市竞争力29二、以伦敦为例30第二节 创意产业对城市竞争力作用的研究基础31一、创意产业与产业划分的内在联系32二、创意产业影响产业划分的外部表现33三、新三大产业分工33第三节 创意产业对于城市竞争力的影响分析34一、优化产业结构与促进经济转型


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