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1、Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications总复习作业本 外研版必修1.单项填空1Why do you look so worried?Ive lost a file_a lot of important documents.AcollectingBformingCcontaining Dsaving2Many people in Copenhagen joined in the parade,hoping to make_clear that something should be done to save the earth.Athis Bthat

2、Cit Dwhat3Clothing_for preschoolage children often follows the fashion for adults.Adecorated BpreferredCdesigned Dorganised4There is no denying that teachers have a relatively stable income_with people in many other professions.Acomparing Bto compareCcompare Dcompared5It has been proved that every s

3、ubstance,no matter what it is,_of atoms.Aconsists Bis consistedCis consisting Dhas been consisted6The books in the school library are easily_as all the shelves are open.Aaccessible BrelativeCacceptable Dsensitive7She has a list of achievements_she is proud,including local government participation in

4、 the energysaving movement.Ain which Bin thatCof which Dof that8Through various studies,scientists have been able to_new methods of slowing down the aging process.Aput up with Bcome up withCkeep up with Dend up with9Will $100 be all right?Thats far from enough!We need at least_.Aas twice as many Btw

5、ice as manyCtwice as much Das twice as much10China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals_.Abesides Bas wellCeither Din case11When you start to build up a store of vocabulary it is important to use it_.Aeventually BoccasionallyCfortunately Dfrequently12With the completio

6、n of his first novel he is starting to feel_about what hell be making in the future.Aoptimistic a bit moreBmore optimistic a bitCa bit more optimisticDa bit optimistic more13The only_to the village surrounded by the flood was destroyed so the rescuers couldnt reach the villagers.Aaccess BapproachCad

7、vance Daddress14What a small meeting room!Do you think_possible for so many students to sit in?Athis BthatCthere Dit15Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his_one.Abetterknown BwellknownCbestknown Dmostknown.完形填空(2011英语周报第1期) One afternoon,I joined CharityFocus folks to

8、distribute (分发) food to homeless people. We_1_at a coffee shop and other members came with lots of food packaged properly for_2_.The first person we offered_3_to cried and was at a loss for words.This was an emotional moment for all of us and really_4_me.After this,the rest of our distribution_5_at

9、a particular place near Port Authority where many such_6_people sat.Here the food was distributed quickly with a crowd_7_us and receiving our packets.Our activity got_8_by 500 pm and we started back to our homes._9_,I was still feeling the need to do more.I distributed all the stuff I had prepared.S

10、till the_10_was a little less.Then I found one lady sitting on one corner of the road.I asked her if she would like to eat_11_and she agreed.I_12_nice pizza and cake and gave the entire package to her.I thought she would be_13_and start eating at once,but instead she just kept the package and starte

11、d_14_for money.I added some money as well and went off. After this as I walked home,I felt a surge of satisfaction I_15_experienced before.I didnt feel_16_though I hadnt eaten much the whole day.This was a unique,deep_17_,and I felt a little uplifted (意气昂扬) from my normal self and very peaceful with

12、in.This is what happens_18_we give what we actually need.I never got that feeling by doing any other_19_and Im sure those beautiful moments are worth any sacrifice.What I_20_was much more than what I gave.1.A.rested BarguedCdiscussed Dgathered2A.distributing BcookingCeating Dpractising3A.clothes Bca

13、rdsCfood Dmoney4A.disappointedBdisturbedCinterestedDtouched5A.lost BhappenedCfailed Dremained6A.needyBgenerousCbusyDenthusiastic7A.supportingBdirectingCsurroundingDencouraging8A.off BupCout Dover9.A.InsteadBHoweverCBesides DTherefore10A.satisfactionBexplanation CsuggestionDquestion11A.bothBallCsomet

14、hingDeverything12A.enjoyedBpurchasedCmadeDsorted13A.amused BashamedCworried Dexcited14A.looking BwaitingCasking Dfighting15A.never BalwaysCoften Drecently16A.proud BhungryChopeless Dcold17A.effort BideaCopinion Dfeeling18A.though BbeforeCwhen Dwhere19A.actionBexperimentCresearchDbusiness20A.permitted BgotCadmitted Dsent.阅读理解(2011南昌一模)Each year,millions of people go abroad to work,study,or travel.Its a great way to find out what life i



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