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1、2022研究生入学-英语一考试题库(含答案解析)1. 问答题:Write an email to the freshmen in your department to recommend a book club.In your email you should include the details you think necessary.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SFIEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email.UseIi Minginstead.(

2、10 points)答案: 本题解析:Dear Stuclents.I president of Yanjing Reading Club,am writing to recommend our reading club to you,and invite those who are interested in studies or Guoxue to join us.Yanjing Reading Club,targeting alt students in our school,aims to carry on and promote Chinese classics and wisdom

3、.The reading of classics,hosted by teachers from the Department of Philosophy,is organized every Friday at 7 p.m.in Room 503,No.2 Teaching Building.In addition,there will be regular lectures on Guoxue given by famous experts and scholars.Join us,and you will get the chance to Iislen to masters and t

4、alk with like-minded people!Im sure you will benefit a lot from it.Looking forward to having you join us!Faithfully yours,Li Ming2. 问答题:Its impossible not to like imho.If youve spent any time online,youve seen the wrd at least a dozen times.It usually sets off an opinion from the text around it Thos

5、e jeans dont look very good imho But its a pliable little devil.Depending on its context,imho can function as a gentle nudge or a punch in the gut.It can ease you into the persuasive mode:This is all smart but imho you need to talk to him again.It can spring-load sarcasm:imho this column is Absolute

6、ly Correct.It can set off a punch line:Nuclear war sounds pretty bad imho.Much like lol or omg,it can convey a huge range of possible meanings.It can even be a little phatic Yet on we ednesday imho suffered an apparent crisis.Employees at BuzzFeed reportedly coule not agree on what the letters in im

7、ho represented.Some staffers claimed they meantin my humble opinion.Others said that imho stood forin my honest opinion.They turned it into content and posted a poll(which is silly,because democracy alone cannot determine correct usage).The debate soon metastasized across the English-speaking intern

8、et At press time,their poll showedhonestin the lead with about 11,000 more votes.Here at The Atlantic,my colleague Alexis Madrigal has already weighed in on the debate:According to dozens guidebooks dating back to the early days of the internet,imho stands for in my humble opinion.Whats more,there a

9、re many books that list humble alone,and many that list humble and honest.But there are none that list only honest Etymologically speaking,Alexis is correct.The h in imho clearly did originate from humble.But hes wrong about what imho means today.Sorry,Alexis-Im just being honest.Think about it Hone

10、st and humble have two wildly different meanings.Theyre not even talking about the same quality Honest conveys something about the truth value of the statement that follows.Humble communicates its tone and emotional charge If imho could legitimately mean either humble or honestand half of us have be

11、en using it one way,and the other half the other-then we live in semantic anarchy.We were all typing,clickety-clacking with our fingers,but we werent communicating anything.If imho can mean humble or honest,then the internet is full of noise and empty of soul But of course this isnt the case.We all

12、know what imho means It is a set of letters that can introduce friendly advice,a stern caesura,or a joke.In other words,imho is a word.It joins the many other initialisms that have been ratified into ordinary words:snafu,radar,laser,zip code.Specifically,imho is a discourse marker-a word or phrase l

13、ike however,well,or anyway that acts as glue in a piece of writing.And its a pretty good word imho.Its a lot cuter than the other discourse markers.But then again,what do I know?Im not a linguist or anything fwiw.答案: 本题解析:imho会让你以一种轻松的方式给他人建议。譬如:这样做很聪明,但以本人愚见,你最好还是再和他谈谈。本句主干为It can ease you into the

14、 persuasive mode冒号后表示举例,用来说明iho的用法。Ease somebody into something tr y to become or help somebody to become familiar with something new,especially a new Job.例如:Endurance cross-training can therefore help you ease into the sport,if youre a new runner,by reducing the amount of impact your body absorbs.译

15、文:如果你是刚开始跑步的,通过减少对你身体的冲击,坚持交叉训练能帮助你轻松开始训练。3. 问答题:was a Vote Leave campaigner during the eu referendum campaign in 2016.In fact,I was one of many Vote Leave volunteers who were in the headquarters on a daily basis.I met Boris Johnson Daniel Hannan and other pro-leave leaders.But I have come to the co

16、nclusion that there absolutely should be a referendum on the final Brexit deal.Heres why.Twice now the British people have been asked how they feel about our relationship with the European Union,and twice the British people have said:Hey,Im not really sure.The first time was at the actual referendum in June 2016,in which the voting public was split 51.9%/48.1%.The second time was the 2017 g



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