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1、教材版本:人教版PEP英语册 别:五年级第六册课题名称:Unit 4 What can you do? Part A执教教师:江西省萍乡市萍师附小 阳 娟Teaching content1.Learn the actions:sweep the floor cook the meals clean the bedroom water the flowers empty the trash 2.Sentences: Im helpful. I can sweep the floor Teaching Aims 1. Enable the students to say and do the ac

2、tions 2. Ask and answer: What can you do ? I can 3.Encourage the students to be kind and often help others Teaching Aids a CD-ROM pictures about the actions a puppet(手偶) a chart Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warming-up1. Greetings: Hello ,boys and girls. Nice to meet you .2 .Now , who can tell me : Wha

3、ts the weather like today?S: Today is sunny .Oh ,what a wonderful day ! I like it very much. What about you? I want to do sports now. Lets do together, ok?3 .Do the actions :Stand up! Sit down! Run, run, run Walk, walk, walk Jump, jump, jump play basketball play football play ping pong swim Step 2.

4、Teaching Presentation 1 .Oh , I really want to know: What can you do in real life? I can play basketball. What about you ?S: I can 2. Ok , we often do sports, so we are healthy. (课件:出现Grandma Zhang) Look, this is Grandma Zhang. She is healthy, too. But today she is ill. She has got a cold. She cant

5、do anything .Look at her bedroom.(课件:出现bedroom).What a mess ! What can we do ?T&S: We can help her!3 .You are so kind . Ok , lets learn how to help her.Learn: sweep the floor (课件:出现图片,并在黑板上书写)Read after the teacher, do the action, and read one by one. T: Can you sweep the floor? S: Yes, I can.(Add “

6、I can ”before “sweep the floor”.)Read the sentence “I can sweep the floor”.Use the same way to teach:cook the meals clean the bedroom water the flowers empty the trash 4. Say a chant: Sweep , sweep ,sweep the floor Cook ,cook ,cook the meals Clean, clean, clean the bedroom Water ,water, water the fl

7、owers Empty ,empty ,empty the trash5.I have some pictures here. Look, can you say out the actions? (students read ) Now, please put the picture on the blackboard. ( under the corresponding sentence)Step 3. Practice1.Please read the phrases and sentences in your group. I will join your group and list

8、en to your reading. Ok ?2. Do a guessing game : Guess : What can he/she do ? One student come to the front and do the actions, the others guess: what can he/she do? (出现配合这个游戏的课件,点击有文字及欢呼声出现)3 Look , this is Teddy. Its Grandma Zhangs dog. Hello. (与小朋友们打招呼) It want to know : Are you helpful? What can

9、you do ? T: Hello, Im teddy. S: Hello, Im T: What can you do ?S: I can Teacher ask the others: Is he/she helpful?表扬方法:Helpful , helpful, you are helpful.This student acts as Teddy and ask the next one.Step 4. Consolidation1 You are so helpful. I think all of you can help Grandma Zhang. Now , Lets do

10、 an investigation in your group. Group leader ask your members : What can you do ? . 2 Make a report Step 5 Summary 1 You are helpful boys and girls. I hope that you can help your mother and your father. Ok ?2 Say goodbye .教学反思:与新标准英语教材比较起来,人教版的教材内容更切合实际生活,难度相对来说更低。本堂课是一节新授课,因此在教学过程中我很注重新知识的学习和巩固。首先

11、我以一些常见动作来热身,并以这些动作为基础,让学生们来答答what can you do ?,做到温故而知新。在这堂课上,我以一条线贯穿始终,以Grandma Zhang is ill, we can help her.为任务来学习,真正做到了新课标所提倡的任务型教学法,同时也对学生进行了思想品德教育。在教学过程中,每一步教学步骤过渡得都很自然,我利用了各种各样丰富的活动来激发学生的积极性,形成活跃的课堂气氛;学生能用学会的东西和老师及同学进行交流,有充分的自豪感,从而增加学习英语的自信心。还有一点值得一提的是,我巧妙的在同学之间开展相互评价,体现了以学生为本的教学思想,并用“Helpful ,helpful,you are helpful”来表扬同学,做到了知识的创新处理。整堂课下来,学生学得有趣,学得实在,教学任务有了落实,我觉得这堂课的教学目标我已达到了。


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