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1、2022年考博英语-西北大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Electrical energy may be separated into two ( )components as positive and negative.问题1选项A.specializedB.toldC.specifiedD.said【答案】C【解析】specialize使专门化;使适应特殊情况;specify指定,详细说明,列举。句意:电能可分为正负两种指定的部分。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题The president appears to have been ( )when he promised to

2、 try to balance the national budget.问题1选项A.in earnestB.in personC.in privateD.in reality【答案】A【解析】in earnest 认真地,诚挚地;in person 亲自地;in private秘密地,私下地;in reality 实际上;事实上。句意:当总统承诺努力平衡国家预算时,他似乎是认真的。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题One of the peculiarities of the bazaar is that people dealing in the same kind of goods colle

3、ct in the same area.问题1选项A.advantagesB.shortcomingsC.disparitiesD.characteristics【答案】D【解析】peculiarities意为特征,特质。advantages 优点,有利条件;shortcomings 缺点,短处;disparities不一致;characteristics 特性,特征。选项D与之意思相近。4. 翻译题人们对金钱有各自的看法。有的人喜欢钱是因为钱能为他们买到东西,另一些人则把它看作安全的保障。有的人担心自己永远挣不到足够的钱,另一些人则不喜欢有太多的钱。人们对于钱的态度取决于许多方面:在什么样的

4、环境中长大,习惯于拥有多少钱,是为钱而努力工作还是为喜欢的工作而挣钱。甚至人们对生活的信念也影响对金钱的看法。对于金钱的态度没有正确和错误之分,每种态度都自有其合理之处。【答案】People have their own views on money. Some people like money because money can buy things for them, while others treat it as a security guarantee. Some people worry that they will never earn enough money, while

5、others would not like to have too much money. Peoples attitude towards money depends on many aspects such as in what kind of environment you grow up, how much money you are used to obtaining, and you work hard for making money or make money just because you love the job. Even the faith of peoples li

6、fe also affects the view on money. There is no right or wrong attitude towards money, and each attitude has its own reasonable point.5. 单选题By todays standards, early farmers were imprudent because they planted the crop repeatedly, exhausting the soil after a few harvests.问题1选项A.unwiseB.stubbornC.tir

7、esomeD.unscientific【答案】A【解析】句意:按照今天的标准,早期的农民是轻率的,因为他们反复种植作物,几次收获后就把土壤耗尽了。imprudent意为“轻率的,鲁莽的”。unwise不明智的,轻率的;stubborn顽固的;tiresome无聊的,令人讨厌的;unscientific不科学的。选项A与之意思相近。6. 单选题It has been widely accepted that the size of the universe ( )our imagination.问题1选项A.transformsB.transfersC.transpiresD.transcend

8、s【答案】D【解析】transform改变,转化; transfer转移,移交;transpire蒸发,泄露;transcend胜过,超越。句意:人们普遍认为宇宙的大小超出了我们的想象。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题Tool makers must have the ability to work very ( )in order to meet exact specifications.问题1选项A.plausiblyB.profoundlyC.preciselyD.primarily【答案】C【解析】plausibly 似真地;profoundly深刻地,极度地;precisely 精确地,

9、恰好;primarily 主要地,根本上。句意:工具制造者必须能非常精确地工作,以满足准确的规格要求。根据下文可知,选项C符合句意。8. 单选题The ( )of these many events led many people to believe that they were interrelated.问题1选项A.concurrenceB.agreementC.occurrenceD.circumstance【答案】A【解析】concurrence同时发生, 赞同,合作;agreement 协议,同意,一致;occurrence 发生,出现;circumstance 环境,情况,境遇。

10、句意:许多这些事件同时发生使很多人相信它们之间是相互关联的。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题When she began the job, Lisa showed ( )and was promoted to a manager after a year.问题1选项A.nitiativeB.ambitionC.attributeD.peculiarity【答案】B【解析】initiative 主动权,首创精神;ambition抱负,雄心;attribute属性,特质;peculiarity怪癖,特征。句意:当丽莎开始这份工作时就展现了她的抱负,一年后被提升为经理。选项B符合句意。10. 单选题At

11、 first, the results of the experiment seemed ( ),but finally a pattern emerged.问题1选项A.haphazardB.graveC.genuineD.gullible【答案】B【解析】haphazard 偶然的,随意的;grave 严肃的,暗淡的;genuine 真正的,诚恳的;gullible 易受骗的,轻信的。句意:起初,实验的结果似乎没有起色,但最终出现了一个模式。选项B更符合语境。11. 单选题Her ( )manner embarrassed the others at the party.问题1选项A.af

12、fableB.tractableC.sapidD.gauche【答案】D【解析】affable 和蔼可亲的,友善的;tractable 易于管教的,易驾驭的;sapid 有滋味的,有趣的;gauche 笨拙的,粗鲁的,不善交际的。句意:她在聚会上笨拙的举止使其他人感到很尴尬。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题In the face of an uncooperative Congress, the Chief Executive may find himself ( )to accomplish the political program to which he is committed.问题1选

13、项A.neutralB.impotentC.impudentD.pious【答案】B【解析】neutral 中立的;impotent无力的,无效的;impudent鲁莽的,无礼的;pious虔诚的,尽责的。句意:面对不合作的国会,行政长官可能会发现自己无力完成他所承诺的政治计划。选项B符合句意。13. 单选题I must go now, and ( )if you want that book Ill bring it next time.问题1选项A.SuccessivelyB.respectivelyC.incidentallyD.accidentally【答案】C【解析】successi

14、vely 相继地,接连着地;respectively 分别地,各自地;incidentally 顺便,偶然地,附带地;accidentally 偶然地,意外地。句意:我现在必须得走了,顺便说一句,如果你想要那本书,我下次会带来。选项C符合句意。14. 单选题I think that I committed a ( )in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.问题1选项A.blunderB.revengeC.reproachD.scandal【答案】A【解析】blunder 大错,愚蠢的错误;revenge报复,复仇;reproach责备,耻辱;scandal丑闻,流言蜚语。句意:我认为我在问她的时候犯了一个大错,因为她似乎被我的问题弄得很心烦。选项A符合语境。15. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.My eldest daug


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