七年级英语下册《Unit 8 Pets Reading》教学案(新版)牛津版

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1、七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets Reading教学案(新版)牛津版教学目标1. 能了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。2. 能阅读有关动物行为的诗歌。3. 能运用新词汇谈论动物。教学内容词汇:poem, wide, hide, build, camp, stick, fight, till, end, trouble, touch, care词组:run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after, till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take care of 句型:My do

2、g is the cleverest animal of all. She isnt any trouble.重点难点了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。教学过程一、 自主学习预习课本P94-96,完成词组和句子。1. 所有中最聪明的动物 2. 追赶球 3. 眼睛睁得大大的 4. 我躲他找 5. 玩精彩的把戏 6. 永远照顾他 7. 不必,喂它许多 8. 需要轻轻地抚摸 二、 合作探究1. poem puim n. 诗歌 poems about pets 关于宠物的诗歌2. wide waid adv. 充分地 with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的 adj. 宽的;广泛的 3.

3、build bld vt. 建造,建筑 builds built buildingbuild sb. camps out of sticks 用树枝给某人搭建营地(帐篷)build的名词是building ,建筑物,是可数名词E:They _(build) these _(build) three years ago.4. fight fat vi&vt. 打仗(架);与打仗(架) fights fought fightingfight with sb. 和某人打架E:He doesnt like _.他不喜欢和别人打架。5. look after 照顾 = take care ofE:You

4、 should _/_your younger sister.6. till tl prep. 到时,直到 为止end end n.终止;末尾,终点 v.结束 ends ended endingtill the end 直到最后 在的末尾 at the end of in the end=at last 最后E:在本学期末 _注:句中的till 是介词,其前面的动词是延续性动词。7. trouble trbl n.麻烦 不可数名词She isnt any trouble. =She doesnt make any trouble. 她不惹麻烦。Whats the trouble with ?=

5、Whats wrong with ?怎么啦?8. touch tt n.&v触摸,碰 touches touching touched She doesnt need a gentle touch. 她不需要温柔的抚摸。 Dont touch the box. 别去碰这个盒子。9. with his eyes open wide . 眼睛睁得大大的with +名称+形容词/介词短语 表示伴随状态He looks at so much money _.眼睛睁得大大的1010. the cleverest animal of all 所有动物中最聪明的 cleverest 是clever的最高级,

6、最高级前一般要加the ,有修饰词时省略the Eg: my best friend 三、 巩固提升(1)、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. My dog never _ (worry) because we take good care of her.2. If you love Beijing Opera, why not _ (visit) our local theatre?3. Dont make any noise. My mother _ (sleep) in the next room.4. The robbers tried to run away but the police

7、 _ (catch) them in the end.5. I hear our teacher _ (return) from Nanjing in a week.6. Last night I heard someone _ (shout) “Fire! Fire!”.7. Can you tell me when _ (have) a meeting?8. Its necessary (clean) the fish tank every day.9. You should practise _ (speak) English often after class.10. She want

8、s _ (keep) a pet.(2)、单项选择。( )1.My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some trouble _books without glasses.A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading( )2. I looked for my pen _, but I cant find it_.A. everywhere; anywhere B. anywhere; everywhereC. somewhere; everywhere D. everywhere; somewhere.( )3. N

9、obody _about the price.A. care B. careful C. cares D. carefully( )4. Tom fights _his brother_ food sometimes .A. for, for B. with, with C. with, for D. for, with( )5. He _ finish his homework _ his Dad came back. A. not; until B. didnt; until C. wont; before D. isnt; after( )6. Who is _ student _ yo

10、ur class.A. cleverest; of B. the cleverest; in C. clever; in D. more cleverer; of( )7-Where is Mr. Wu, do you know?-Well, its hard to say. But I saw him _ a football game just now.A. was watching B. watchingC. had watchedD. watched( )8. Mary runs _ of all the girls in her school and she won the 100-

11、meter race last month.A. fastestB. slowestC. nearestD. highest( )9. -_ I return the MP3 player to you today, Tinna?-No, you neednt. Tomorrow is OK.A. ShallB. MustC. WillD. Can( )10. -Whats your problem? -I have trouble _ these words in English.A. talkingB. sayingC. tellingD. speaking(3)、句型转换。1. I wi

12、ll look after the dog till the end. (改同义句)I will the dog.2. Cats sleep on top of pianos. (对划线部分提问). _ _ cats _?3. You mustnt speak to the little child like that. (改为祈使句) _ _ _ the little child like that.4. Tom always exercises and works. (改否定句) Tom .(4)、阅读理解。Here is our pet. Mr. Hawkeye is seven years old, and we got him from our vet (兽医). He takes in a lot of cats. Hawkeye is one of the eight cats at our home but is a real character. He receives his name because he is such a hawk(掠夺者) around food. If you are not looking, he will take a sandwich off



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