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1、课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Unit 6 Not Just Tasty!授课教师小兜老师授课内容Reading and Writing 2授课班级课 时第3课时授课时间教 学 内 容 分 析读写部分的两篇课文围绕美食文化和粽子制作的话题展开。第一篇课文介绍了四个不同国家的饮食民俗和文化。首先,引导学生带着问题阅读课文,理解语篇基本信息。之后,引导学生通过补充图表,对语篇内容进行分类整理。第二篇课文介绍了粽子的制作步骤。引导学生使用祈使句和连接副词,描述粽子的制作过程。学 习 目 标1. 学生能够运用略读和扫读策略,获取有关国家饮食文化阅读语篇的主旨大意。2. 学生能够运用略读和扫读策略,了解

2、不同国家的饮食传统,获取有关食物背后蕴含的文化信息。3. 能够读懂粽子的制作过程;识读与制作粽子的步骤和原料相关的词句,并能根据提示,写出粽子制作的具体步骤。4. 在英语课堂学习的基础上,根据自身特点,能够充分利用网络,搜索相关信息,提高自己的信息素养和自主学习的能力。学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. 能通过祈使句的结构分析,掌握利用祈使句来说明步骤或给出指令的用法。2. 能正确运用first, second, third, then和finally等序数词和副词体现流程与步骤。学习难点1. 能够分析与食物制作相关的非连续性文体的文体特征和语言特点,并根据提示,借助first, second,

3、third, then, finally等写出粽子的制作步骤。资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教 学 活 动 设 计设计意图Step 1Organization1. Greet the students and divide them into four groups. Good morning, boys and girls. Its nice to see you again. How are you doing today ?通过问候,尽快让学生进入课堂。Step 2Le

4、ad - in1 The students play a guessing game guess the food based on the pictures of ingredients.通过游戏的形式提高学生学习的兴趣和参与的积极性,同时为下一步的活动做铺垫。Step 3New LessonTask 1 : Pre-reading 1 The students learn the key words and expressions about the ingredients and verbs used in zongzi-making in Activity Three with the

5、 help of T.Task 2 : While-reading1 The students watch the pictures and read the steps on how to make zongzi in Activity Three.2 The students read after the recording, and try to retell the process of making zongzi. 3 The teacher explains the usage of imperative sentences and some adverbs.在教师的帮助下学习制作

6、粽子所需主要原料的英文表达及相关动词。通过看图片,读制作步骤,学生对粽子制作有初步的了解。学生跟读录音,学习单词发音、语调和节奏等语音知识;试着复述粽子的制作过程。教师讲解祈使句和副词的用法,特别是其在介绍食物制作步骤中的作用。Step 4Practice1 The students do a brainstorming to list more verbs and materials involved in making Chinese food with the help of Internet. Verbs: prepare, slice, mash, mix, season, boil

7、, add, roll, fry, cook etc.Materials: rice, flour, water, pork, beef, egg, garlic, ginger, leeks, mushroom, tofu etc.2 The students work in pairs, discuss, and write a complete recipe about making zongzi.3 The students are invited to share their written recipes; others listen carefully and give comm

8、ents.通过头脑风暴、上网搜索等,发挥集体智慧,列举制作中餐的常见原料及制作过程中常用的动词,锻炼信息检索能力,为接下来的食谱写作打下基础。Step 5SummaryWith the help of the teacher, the students try to sort out the knowledge points. 梳理板书内容,高效整理本课思路,归纳知识点。Step 6Homework1. Finish the exercise in this period.2. The students improve their writing about zongzi-making bas

9、ed on the comments.知 识 点 详 解Find the rules Prepare the sticky rice, filling, bamboo leaves and strings. Boil the bamboo leaves. Wrap and tie up the leaf with a piece of string1.定义用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。祈使句还可以用于说明步骤。(1)祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词均为一般现在时,句末则使用句点来表示结束。例:Go and wash your hands.

10、-(命令)Be quiet,please.(Please be quiet.)-(请求)Keep off the grass.-(禁止) No parking.-(禁止)(2)祈使句有时也会把主语you表达出来,使对方听起来语气柔和些,如:Yougoand tell him, Chris.2.用法:祈使句无主语,主语 you 常省去;动词原形谓语当,句首加 dont 否定变;朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。3.肯定结构:(1)Do型,即动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分。如:Please have a seat here.(2)Be型,即Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其他成分。如:Be a good

11、boy!(3)Let型,即Let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分。如:Let me help you.4.否定结构(1)Do型和Be 型的否定式都是在句首加Dont构成。如:Dont forget me! Dont be late for school!(2)Let型的否定式有两种:“Dont+let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分”和“Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分”。如:Dont let him go.Let him not go.5. No开头的祈使句用来表示禁止性。如:No smoking!No fishing!6.常见与祈使句相关的考点(1)反意疑问句Lets go to the western restaurant, shall we? Let us go to the western restaurant, will you? Open the door, will you?(2)祈使句+and/or+陈述句Work hard, and you will make great progress. Hurry up, or you will miss the train.板 书 设 计Unit 6 Not Just Tasty!教 学 反 思


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