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1、课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Unit 7 When Disaster Strikes授课教师小兜老师授课内容Warming Up & Listening and Speaking授课班级课 时第1课时授课时间单 元 主 题 分 析本单元围绕自然灾害相关内容展开,属于课标中“人与自然”范围内的“自然与环境”主题。内容涉及常见的自然灾害、灾害预防和应对措施等话题,让学生了解自然灾害与人类生产、生活息息相关,引导学生正确认识和对待自然灾害,并通过自己的努力减少自然灾害的发生,减轻自然灾害对人类生产、生活的影响,学会与自然和谐相处。另外,本单元还介绍了都江堰这一中国古代著名的水利工程,展示了中国人与

2、自然和谐相处的优秀传统价值观。教 学 内 容 分 析热身部分由两个活动组成,旨在导人自然灾害这一话题,激活学生所掌握的与常见自然灾害相关的语言知识,为接下来整个单元的学习活动作铺垫和预热。活动一通过词语、音频和图片呈现了一些常见的自然灾害。活动二通过图片介绍了常见的气象灾害预警信号,引导学生了解气象灾害的种类和不同级别。听说部分的两篇材料,一是发生在母子之间的对话,讨论为应对台风所作的准备;二是发生在两位同学之间的对话,讨论灾后的志愿活动。听说部分旨在培养学生在真实语境下获取信息和语言表达的能力,并在此基础上加深学生对单元主题意义的理解。学 习 目 标1. 学生通过看图片、听录音、做匹配练习,

3、了解常见的自然灾害。2. 学生通过对比气象灾害预警信号的颜色,了解灾害的严重程度。3. 学生通过听录音,能够获取听力材料中谈论的灾害名称。4. 学生通过听录音,能够获取应对措施、志愿工作等关键信息,并完成听力任务。5. 学生通过模仿听力脚本,能够结合真实语境表演对话,讨论应对台风的准备工作。6. 学生能够结合自身情况及所学专业,讨论并分享灾后能为他人提供的帮助。教学过程建议学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. 正确识读常见自然灾害的英文表达,如earthquake, typhoon, drought, flood等。2. 掌握与描述灾前准备措施相关的动词或短语,如reinforce, track,

4、charge up, keep away from等;理解合成词构词规律;掌握flashlight, flowerpot, gas pipe, electric wire等物品和设备名称的表达。3. 有逻辑地阐述灾害准备工作和个人在灾后能提供的帮助。学习难点1. 理解听力语篇中关于灾前准备和灾后志愿活动的描述。2. 根据自身抗灾经验,谈论灾害准备工作和灾后志愿活动。资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教 学 活 动 设 计设计意图Step 1Organization1. Greet

5、 the students and divide them into four groups. Good morning, boys and girls. Its nice to see you again. How are you doing today ?通过问候,尽快让学生进入课堂。Step 2Lead - inThe teacher shows a video clip or pictures of typhoon and asks the students to list other natural disasters in English as many as possible.

6、通过呈现学生熟悉的自然灾害情境,调动学生参与的积极性。Step 3New LessonTask 1 : Pre-listening1 The students listen to the recording and match the pictures in Activity One with the English expressions of the disasters.2 The students watch a video clip of a weather forecast or read a weather forecast, find out what disasters are

7、 mentioned and pick out the signals shown in Activity Two.3 The teacher asks the students to match the signals with the disasters in Activity Two and leads students to brainstorm how to prepare for a coming disaster mentioned in the activities above.Task 2 : While-listening1 The students listen to t

8、he dialogue between Li Wei and Mum and choose the topic in Activity One.2 The students listen again and tick the right details in Activity Two.3 The teacher shows the script of the dialogue. The students underline the key words and expressions to check answers. 4 According to the given script, stude

9、nts work in pairs to role-play on Li Wei and Mum. 5 The students recall their own personal experiences of fighting typhoon. Based on the dialogue and given information, The students work in pairs to act out the dialogues in Activity Three.6 The teacher shows the picture of reconstruction after the t

10、yphoon in Activity Four. The students brainstorm and discuss what aspects the reconstruction work may cover in the dialogue. The students draw a mind map based on the brainstorming. 7 The students listen to the dialogue and take notes by using key words and marks. The students check their mind map a

11、ccording to the recording.8 The students listen again and think about the question in Activity Four. They answer the question based on the mind map and notes.通过图、词、音、义的对应,帮助学生回顾旧知。观看或阅读常见的天气预报,紧密联系日常生活,激活学生与主题相关的背景知识。将灾害名称与相关气象预警信号相匹配,进一步强化主题语境,激活背景知识,为单元学习做好铺垫。结合气象预警信号的级别,引导学生讨论如何做好应对,在贴近学生生活的情境中,自

12、然铺垫,顺利引出听说内容。通过听力任务,训练学生把握大意、理解细节的听力能力。夯实重点词句,加深文本理解,为后续的语言输出做铺垫。采取角色扮演的活动,达到“以听促说”的目的,为下一阶段的仿说奠定基础。搭建适当的语言支架,从依托于对话的角色扮演过渡到语境交际,实现语言的控制性输出。听前看图预测,通过头脑风暴集思广益,锁定听力内容范围,提高听的效率,发展逻辑思维,有效促进听力内容理解。培养学生理解细节的听力能力,通过有效的记笔记策略,提升学生信息判断和关键信息的提取能力。Step 4Practice1 The teacher helps students use more words and ex

13、pressions to describe ideas about post-disaster assistance. 2 The students review and work in pairs to discuss about what help can be offered after different disasters. students are encouraged to talk based on their major and skills and with the help of the learning resources provided by teacher. Af

14、ter that, students finish the task in Activity Five. 语言输出活动与学生自身防灾抗灾经验密切相关,具有现实交流的意义。学生结合自身专业和技能,选择相应资源,归纳和巩固所学,提升真实环境中的语用能力。Step 5SummaryWith the help of the teacher, the students try to sort out the knowledge points. 梳理板书内容,高效整理本课思路,归纳知识点。Step 6Homework1. Finish the exercise in this period.2. The

15、students shoot a video introducing how to prepare for one certain disaster and send the video to their friends and get some comments.知 识 点 详 解1. theres a typhoon forecast for Sunday.【句子分析】* there 引导 there be . 句型, 表示“有”的意思。* is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。* a 为不定冠词。2. We should make some preparations.【知识点】(1)make some preparations 做准备3. Ill buy in plenty of foodenough to last for a few days.【句子分析】* buy 为谓语,采用一般将来


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