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1、1 目的Objective 对本公司所生产的产品在生产过程中各个影响质量的因素实施控制,确保全过程处于受控状态,所有出厂产品的各项指标均能满足用户要求,特制定本程序。The objective of this procedure is to control the factors influencing product quality in AICQ production process, and to ensure the whole process is under control and all the indices of the ex-factory products meet th

2、e customer requirements.2 适用范围Applicable Scope 适用于公司生产过程及职能部门的管理。This is applicable to the management of production process and functional department.3 职责Responsibility3.1 技术工程部负责技术准备工作及现场技术服务工作。The Engineering Department is responsible for the technical preparation and on-site technical services.3.

3、2 制造部负责按月计划组织生产,搞好均衡调度,解决生产中存在的实际问题,做好设备维护、保养和文明生产检查工作,确保生产正常秩序。The Manufacturing Department is responsible to organize the production per the monthly plan, to balance the assignment, to solve real issues during production, to conduct maintenance and repair of the equipment, and to check the civiliz

4、ation production, so as to ensure the normal production order.3.3 采购物流部负责按月生产计划编制物质采购计划,组织原材料、协配件和设备配件的采购。The Purchase and Logistics Department is responsible to formulate the material purchase plan per the monthly production plan and to organize the purchase of raw materials, components and equipme

5、nt fittings.3.4 人力资源部负责协调生产人员的上岗培训、教育与考核。The Human Resources Department is responsible to organize the qualification training, education and appraisal of the production staff.3.5 质量部负责原材料、协配件,半成品和成品的检验和验证。The Quality Department is responsible for the test and inspection of the raw material, componen

6、ts, semi-finished products and finished products.4 工作程序Work Procedures4.1 过程策划Process Planning 由横向协调项目组按产品质量先期策划控制程序进行工艺、设备、工装、生产、检验等的策划,并制订过程流程图和控制计划。根据过程流程图和控制计划编制相应的各类工艺卡、操作规程、检验作业指导书和其他作业指导书,现场使用的各类作业指导书和用于指导生产的各种样品/样件、缺陷照片等须放置在相应工位处,使操作人员易于得到。The Cross Function Team will plan for the process, e

7、quipment, tooling, production and inspection, and formulate the process flow chart and control plan per the Advanced Product Quality Planning Control Procedure. The process cards, operation specification, inspection instruction and other operation guide will be compiled per the process flow chart an

8、d the control plan. The operation instructions for site use, sample product/part for production guidance and the defective product pictures should be placed in proper work site easy for the operator to reach. 4.2 过程控制Process Control4.2.1 操作人员应通过培训,考核合格后,发放方可上岗,具体按培训控制程序执行。The operator can only work

9、on his post after qualified training. The details are shown on the Training Control Procedure.4.2.2 操作员应正确使用、维护和保养设备,制造部设备科实行定期检修和及时抢修,做到备品备件齐全,执行设备管理控制程序。The operator should operate, maintain and repair the equipment properly. The Equipment Section of Manufacturing Department will perform regular i

10、nspection and on-time repair, and ensure the spare parts are fully available. The Equipment Management Control Procedure will be applied.4.2.3 生产用的原材料、协配件,要有检验合格单或合格的质量证明,不同类别应明确标识,按采购控制程序执行。如因市场原因需变更原材料的,由采购物流部填写向技术工程部申报办理,经认可后实施采购。The raw materials and components for production must have inspectio

11、n qualification or quality verification, with definite labels attached to different goods. The Purchase Control Procedure will be applied. When the raw materials need to be changed due to market reasons, the Purchase & Logistics Department shall fill in Material Replacement Request Form and submit i

12、t to Engineering Department. The purchase can only be actualized after approval.4.2.4 现场使用的技术文件必须是现行有效版本,按技术文件管理制度执行。The technical document used on site must be the current valid version based on “technical document management system.4.2.5 操作工在生产中必须严格执行工艺纪律。The operator must perform strictly the pro

13、cess discipline during production4.2.6 生产过程中防止不同规格、型号的产品混淆,严格按产品标识和可追溯性控制程序执行。In production process, be sure to avoid mixing different product types and models in strict accordance with the Product Identification and Traceability Control Procedure.4.2.7 生产现场的原材料、在制半成品、成品及不合格品的存放、搬运、防护按搬运、贮存、包装、防护和交付

14、控制程序执行。At production site, the raw materials, semi-finished products under production, finished products and nonconforming goods must be stored, handled and protected in accordance with the “Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation & Delivery Control Procedure”.4.3 关键、特殊工序控制Critical and Special Pr

15、ocess Control 关键工序、特殊工序操作人员要经过专门、专业培训后,持证上岗。The operators for critical and special process must be provided with special and professional training, and can only be allowed to work with qualification certification.4.3.2 电工,电、氧焊工,叉车司机,要定岗、定员,不能随意更换、变动。The electrician, electricity & chlorine welder, an

16、d forklift driver have to be fixed position for fixed personnel. No random shift or change of the personnel is allowed.4.3.3 关键设备(含高、精、稀设备)必须定人、定机,按设备管理制度执行。The critical equipment (including the advanced, precision and rare equipment) has to be appointed to certain persons for certain equipment. The Equipment Ma



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