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1、考点跟踪突破14 八年级(下)Un its 910一、单项选择。1. Xi Jinping , our _C_ preside nt, paid a visit to Harbin last mon th.How encouraging ! (2016,哈尔滨)A. 63 years oldB. 63 years oldC. 63-year - old2. Is that a new coat?No, I _C_ it for a long time.(2016,威海)A. bought B . have boughtC. have had3. Its nice to see you agai

2、 n.We _C each other si nee 2014.(2016,北京)A. wont see B . dont seeC. have nt see n D . did nt see4. John is such a ( n) B man that we can always believe him.(2016,包头)A. friendlyB. honestC. careless D. foolish5. The fridge does nt work.Why not con sider _D_ a new one?A. buy B . bought C . to buy D . b

3、uying6 . I have bought a new house , but I dont want to _C_ my old one.(导学号:38122075)(2016,重庆模拟)A. live in B . stay withC. part with D . leave for7. Be careful whe n you are drivi ng, _C in a rain storm like this.Thanks.l will.(2016,十堰模拟)A. seriously B . exactly C . especially D . probably8 . Would

4、you like to go to the Water Park with me?Sorry , I _ D_ there many times.(导学号:38122076)(2017,预测)A. have gone B . have gone toC. have bee n to D . have bee n二、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(2016,陕西)A: Hi, B: I have been to Beijing.A: What did you do there?B: 10.GA: Really ? How did you perform?B: 11.DA: Congr

5、atulations! Youre always the best.Whose poem did you choose?B: I chose Li Bais.He is my favourite poet.A: I love his poems , F_B: Fantastic.Youknow, our Chinese ancient poemsare really great.We should learnmore.A: 13.B Its our duty to keep and spread our traditi onal culture.B: Thats right.A. Whydid

6、 you go there?B. I agree with you.C. Where have you been?D. I won the first prize .E. Do you like Li Bai?F. And what do you think of the competition?G I took part in the FirstChinese Ancient PoemReading Competition .三、完形填空。(导学号:38122077)(2016,朝阳模拟)I did nt leave myhometow n un til Iwas sixtee n year

7、s old.My hometow n has leftlotsof sweet _14. YesterdayI returnedto my hometown.l have been away forthreeyears , so many things have _15_ there.Before I left ,there was a small pond16 my house, but now people havefilledthispond and havebuilt a largeshoppingmall.The things in it are good andcheap,_17=

8、 there are many people every day.There was a baseball court in my hometow n in the past.We used to play baseball there ,18_ on weekends.Now a new stand (看台)has bee n _19so that more people can sit there to watch games .It looks 20than before.The street in front of my house looks just as it used to b

9、e.People have built a public _21in the n ext street.Every day quite a few people read books andmagaz ines in it.Besides , people have built a beautiful park .In it gree n trees and fresh flowers can be seen _22 . It is really a wonderful place for people to _23 . I really hope our hometow n will bec

10、ome more and more beautiful.(B)14.A.foodB. memories C . voiceD. songs(A)15. A.cha ngedB . heldC. introduced D.researched(D)16.A.i nside B.across C . over D .opposite(B)17.A.though B.so C . but D . or(D)18.A.simply B. mostly C . recen tly D.especially(A)19. A.added B.moved C . repaired D.led(C)20.A.w

11、orse B.stra nger C . better D.older(B)21. A.toilet B.library C . hospital D . museum(D)22. A.a ny whereB . somewhereC. no where D .everywhere(B)23.A.work B.relax C . discuss D .sweep四、阅读理解。(导学号:38122078)(2016,孝感)Dear mum and dad ,rm writingthis letter to you from the center of Australia.At the momen

12、t werestaying near Uluruthats the aboriginal ( 土著)name for Ayers Rock.On the firstday, we took a balloon tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was:3.6 kilometers long and 384 meters high.The colors of the rock are fantastic, andat different times of the day, they change from purple t

13、o red.The Aborigines arethe first people of Australia, and the ancient aboriginal stories describe thespirits that created the world.Uluru is a cen ter of Aborig inal culture.The Australia nshave many British relatives.Thats why theyre like us in manyways.Their family life is similar to ours , and t

14、hey enjoy the same food and hobbies.The food and drink that most Australia ns like are grapes, lamb , ham andespecially wi ne that they make in the south of the coun try.They love all sports,but football is the most popular.Most Australia ns live n ear the coast , so they also love going to the beac

15、h , swimming and surfing.Although its December , its summer over here.The sunshine is very bright,and near the coast the countryside is very green.There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills , but the outback (澳洲内陆)is more like a desert , full of rocksand sand.The next day after we arrived at Uluru , we went on a camel (骆驼)ride.The camel that I rode had a bad temper . Whenl sat on its back, it became very angry and refused me.So every one else thought it was ver


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