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1、Unit2MyFavouriteSchoolSubjectLesson 14 Irfan studied China课文讲解1.The grocery store had many foods I didnt know.食品店里有许多我不知道的食品。用法归纳 I didnt know修饰foods,是定语从句,引导词that / which 省略,所修饰的名词为人时常用who/whom / that, 为物时常用which/ that. (引导词用作从句宾语时常省略,作主语时不可以省)。例如:The bike (that)my father bought for me is broken.我父

2、亲给我买的那辆自行车坏了。 典例1The boy_ I met in the street yesterday is my brother.A. where B. when C. that D. whose解析: C 通过句意分析,I met 是定语从句,先行词是the boy,所修饰的名词为人时常用who/whom / that,故选C。句意:昨天我在街上遇见的男孩是我弟弟。变式演练(英译汉)The boy who came to see me yesterday is my brother. 2. Thats a funny name, isnt it?那是个很有趣的名字,不是吗?用法归纳

3、 该句是反意疑问句,由前后两部分构成。当前面的陈述部分是肯定形式时,后面的疑问部分通常用否定形式。反之亦然。注意前后部分时态要一致,回答前后也要一致,根据事实回答,事实是肯定用Yes,事实是否定用No,来回答:例如: Its going to rain, isnt it?要下雨了,不是吗?Yes, it is. 是的。 典例2You arent a student, _you?A. is B. isnt C. are D. arent解析:这个反意疑问句的前面是否定,所以后面用肯定形式。根据前后时态要一致原则,故选 C。句意:你不是学生,是吗?变式演练反意疑问句填空:He never come

4、s to school late,_?3. You learn about different countries of the world.你知道世界上不同国家的事情。用法归纳 learn 动词,“学习,学会,了解” learn about. 获悉,知道,了解。 He is learning English now.他去学英语。Learn from. 向学习。We should learn from Lei Feng .我们应该向雷锋学习。典例3 I learn _that he has gone to America.A. about B. of C. from D. for解析: A l

5、earn about. 获悉,知道,了解。后跟宾语从句。故选A。句意:我获悉他去美国了。变式演练I _ a lot by by now.A. learn B. is learning C. learned D. have learned4.Our teacher took us to a Chinese restaurant and a Chinese grocery store. 我们的老师带我们去一家中国餐厅和一家中国杂货店。用法归纳take 动词,拿;带;短语taketo 把带到某地。典例Would you like to take my bag _ my house?A. in B.

6、to C. for D. with解析: take 动词,拿;带;短语taketo 把带到某地。故选:B.句意:你愿意把我的书包带到我家吗?变式演练翻译: 带这本到这儿。5. This book is interesting.Im interested in this book. 这本书很有趣,我对这本书感兴趣。用法归纳interesting, 形容词,有趣的;interested,形容词,有趣的,两者的区别:以ed结尾的形容词修饰人,以ing结尾的形容词修饰物。典例I like something_ in my life.A. interest B. interesting C. inter

7、ested解析: interest,名词,兴趣,故排除;interested ,修饰人,排除,故选B. interesting, 形容词,有趣的, 修饰物。变式演练We must find the _ things in our books.A. interest B. interesting C. interested针对练习基础过关 课堂巩固,基础闯关A)翻译短语1.最有趣的_ 2.对有兴趣_3.社会学_4.中国的节日_5.儿童节_6.母亲节_7.把带到_8.春节_9.中国杂货店_10.一个有趣的名字_B)根据句意、汉语提示及首字母完成句子。1. His favorite subject

8、is social s_.2. My uncle knows about _(不同的) countries of the world.3. She loves to _(旅行).4. Li Lei is i_ in Chinese.5. The funny elephant is so i_.C). 单项选择( ) 1. Edison was _ in science, when he was only five years old.A. interesting B. interestedC. more interested D. the most interesting( ) 2.You g

9、ot a funny name, _?A. do you B. dont you C. did you D. didnt you( ) 3. We all like _ Day.A. Child B. Children C. Childrens D. Childish( ) 4.She doesnt know why it is _ that.A. call B. to call C. called D. calling( ) 5. _China has become a member of WTO,English is more popular that beforeASince BThou

10、gh CWhether DIf拓展提高 课后拓展,提升能力.(中考高频题)单项选择( )1. (2006年北京)A tsunami (海啸) happened in some southern Asian countries _ December, 2004.A. at B. on C. in D. by( )2. (2005年上海)Tims mum is worried _ her sons eyesight as he plays online games too much.A. forB. aboutC. withD. ofII. (创新题) 选择正确的词填空1. He is _(int

11、eresting/interested) in Chinese food.2. I never go to England, _(does/doesnt) I?3. We know something about different _(country/ countries) of the world.4. Lin Tao is _(the most interesting/more interesting) boy in our class.5. Mr. Green often takes his students _(to/in) a Chinese grocery store.III.(

12、趣味题)完型填空It was a very cold morning. Some children were _1_on the ice. It was snowing 2 but they enjoyed themselves. Mike, the tallest boy, skated fast and he 3 that there was a hole 4 the ice. He _5_ into the water. The other children called out loudly for help. _6_ at that moment a young worker 7 b

13、y and heard them. He put his bike by the side of the river 8 ran to them. When he pulled Mike out of the 9 , he was all wet. Then he sent Mike to a hospital. 10 that the young man hurried to work.( ) 1. A. walkingB. skatingC. sitting( ) 2.A. hardlyB. hard C. heavy() 3. A. didnt seeB. cant seeC. not

14、see( ) 4. A. on B. in front of C. in( ) 5. A. jumpedB. felt C. fell( ) 6. A. Just B. OnlyC. When( ) 7.A. passedB. was passingC. past( ) 8. A. andB. but C. then( ) 9. A. iceB. snowC. water( ) 10 A. beforeB. After C. AndIV.(综合题)阅读理解There was once a farmer. He lived near a road.It was not a busy road, but from time to time cars passed the far


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