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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?i. 单项选择。()1.do you spell Wed nesday? A. What B. How C. Which D. Why()2. Those people canChin ese.A. say B. say to C. speak D. talk()3. They canEn glish.A. speak many B. much speak C.a little speak D. speak a little()4. The yellow shirt is.A. her B. my C. your D. his()5

2、. Her brotherlunch at school.A. .isn t have B. hasn t have C. doesn t has D. doesn t have()6. He can play. And he can play, too.A. basketball the pia no B. a basketball a guitarC. the basketballpia no D. basketball guitar()7. My mother can ta cake.A. do B. to do C. to make D. make()8. Ia cup of tea.

3、A. want to B. wa ntC. like to D. could like()9. Mrs. Gree nbuy a nice dressher daughter.A. want, to B. wants to, for C. want to, for D. wants to, as()10. Pleaseus a story, Granny.A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk()11.I come in, please? I m sorry. I m too late.A. Would B. Do C. Am D. May()12. Our teach

4、er always helps usour En glish.A. for B. i nto C. onD. with()13. Don tChinese in English class.A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell()14. He said he becamein physics.A. in terest B. interests C. interested D. interesting()15. There are manyon the playground.A. leafes B. leaf C. leaves D. leafs()16. - Can

5、you speak Russia n? - Yes, but only.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few()17. There iswater in the bottle. You have to get some.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few()18. Wang Wei is aworker. She works veryin the factory and we alllike her.A. well, well B. good, good C. good, well D. well, good()19

6、. My gran dpa does n t wantat home. He wantsout for a walkon Sun day.A. to stay, go B. stay, go C. stay, to go D. to stay, to go()20. She can tthe differenee between the two cars.A. say B. talk C. speak D. telln.连词成句。1. speak, she, can, Engl ish?2. you, childre n, good, with, are?3. talk to, in form

7、ati on, Peter, more, for, please4. concert, maybe, school, you, then, be, in, can, our,5. want to, the, art, I, jo in, clubIII. 阅读理解。(A )The crow (乌鸦)is an ordinary (普通的) bird. It is about twenty inches (英寸)longand black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on old bad food. Crows eat al

8、ot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds. They clean upthe dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for food all day long, and in the eve ning you can see them in large nu mbers flying back to their n ests(窝) inthe trees. They sleep there at ni g

9、ht.Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, and sometimes they do it byturns like human beings (人类).It is easy to tell from(区另U)crows sounds whetherthey are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk

10、a lot because they are friendly birds. A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and sometimes it dies, too.()1. A crow isin ches long.A. about twenty B. thirty C. ten D. less tha n twenty()2. Why ar

11、e crows dirty?A. They are black all over the body. B. They like to eat dirty food.C. They usually talk.D. They don t have baths.()3. Crows are always.A. hungry B. pleased C. sad D. kind()4. Why are crows more useful to us than any birds?A. They are usually no isy. B. They are usually dirty.C. They a

12、re flying in large nu mbers. D. They eat a lot of waste food.()5. You can tell from crows sounds.A. whether they are hungry or full B. whether they are pleased or hungryC. whether they are ill or healthy D. whether they are living or dead.(B)Most people make their livi ngwith theirhan ds. But Tommak

13、es his livi ngwith his feet.A very good liv ing it is, too.Tom s story began in a ver y small city in England. His parents were very poor. Sevenpeople lived in their small house. Tom had no place to play in but in the street.Tom s father ofte n played football, and little Tom wan ted to play footbal

14、l, too. Sohis father made a nice ball for him to play. The little boy played it every day.At last Tomlearned to play a real football, and after a few years he could play football very well.Now Tom is one of the best football players.()1.Tom made his living with his.A.hands B.head C. feet D. legs()2.

15、Tom s parents lived in acity in English.A. small B. big C. new D. old()3. Tom s fathera football for him to play.A. bought B. borrowed C. built D. made()4. A few years later, Tom wasat play ing football.A. wellB. goodC. bad D. nice()5. Tom plays footballtha n many other players.A. harder B. worse C. best D. better(C)Once a great boxer(拳击家),Tom Brown, went to a restaura nt(饭馆)for dinner. He-# -put his bag n ear the doo r, but he was afraid that some one would take it. So he got out apen and a piece of pap



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