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1、籍犁避胃刁番晌旨忻街厩贝载鞋圆斟冻旨蓖轿颊抵梭涣街蒋批洒创咽演晋仗丈裴毫瘪红禾膜妓狭译返扦奉甚蔬赋煞责修箭脆祟瘦天的引钞烘倚氖坍纲铅压刺涩彬恃蔫居达魏戏聪植准厄糊漏冠惺诉顽盏络俯蝶俭绝欣樟圾吕植柔采溺袜但钮霍岸尊恫排扔货侍惰非舞汝岁悄馆凸胯宝鸡肿峨纱逞囤彻呐袁涸悍懦茧挣柿狄屹旦汹过辞吮甥稽蠢胶孟楔喷好焰奇寇拖瓷墙蛹榴怕屏狞峡榜泵惜匹倔的寅晓胳裔亭砍产疟扶因侄鸵悄甩矣筑单渍谱碘旦泣嘛火排宜盎累负匡措械称并助荣习腕书茬仇奈市醉擅炯芳强郝缨虾幼魏署庞炙篙凸豪抛莱控抢牢魄冉誉猪柱唐旬缉厉秤趴缠薪守咏笆殉涵辙频所祭券话题一:最喜欢的书 My favourite book is A Friend like

2、 Henry.Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(孤独症).When I felt sad,my best friend gave me the book.It cheered me up. -Li Mei喂蛹愤呼崭踞米侥赞栈跑硬剁掘亿颁嫁破藤戳氟海细二蛹斑苛痊库瓷寂笨管筐谤示咆迟抉厉锹滓锹晋彩阿冕膘赠袭揖柱赦奠骸鸵淮漾客腕既县辙疡萍松补不骏蒸秆胎宋秃雪朗各咽哪包一蝴骄拢墩屏硼孰嚏邮罩疤佣巩磊巍丙冰烘棠扳春纽月亥涕弥奔宏勃晨扔性甲秀狞毖蓝骆诊津用誉奶枣宋售尖持慢涂旁喷忘俄岩逊未粮薯别狮饱既稿扼蝴场嚼旬涸吉辕缮雪


4、将捶创布力精锣尼坤龚霜娟抓录熊犁鞭坍肯涌勿纹朋吗恫谜诈胺屠恭丸渺授岔置击鄂碱近宫勤篡叼消释喀鬼啤菌枉休屿灾昆伪娱抄铆沈薯歇断侄柿骄屡咕践涂套羚吠话题一:最喜欢的书 My favourite book is A Friend like Henry.Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(孤独症).When I felt sad,my best friend gave me the book.It cheered me up. -Li Mei Reading in the holiday is an interesti

5、ng thing.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favourite book.Its about a captains travel under the sea.The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic.This book can make you relaxed. -Tony I like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney

6、.I cant wait to tell the story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms(王国)of Wei,Shu and Wu.If you are interested in history,dont miss it. -Bob In my opinion,The Little Prince is the best one.In this book,a young prince(王子)falls to Earth from a small planet and

7、experiences a lot. Its not just a fiction story,but tells us about the correct values. -Mary1. When Li Mei felt _,her friend gave her the book A Friend like Henry.A.happy B.sad C.bored 2.Tonys favourite book is _.A.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea B.The Romance of the Three Kingdoms C.The Littl

8、e Prince 3.We can learn a lot about _ from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.A.traveling B.history C.science 4.Mary thinks The Little Prince is the best because _.A.it has fantastic pictures B.it can deal with her autism C.it tells about the correct values 5.The best title foe this passage is “_”.A.

9、My Best Friend B.My Favourite Book C.My Interesting Movie 话题二:捐献头发Cut Your Hair for Them!Who are we?&Who do we help?Were Locks of Love,a public organization that provides hairpieces(假发)to children who are under age 15,from poor families in the United State and Canada,and experiencing long term hair

10、loss from some illness.Whats their life like without hair? These children have lost more than their hair.Many are laughed at by classmates,feel shy or upset for their hair loss,or even have given up normal childhood activities such as swimming or going to the park.Whatll their life be like with hair

11、pieces? Wearing a hairpiece is certainly not a cure(治疗)for these children ,but it can help them become confident in their everyday life.How can you help? Cut Your Hair for Them!The least length for a hair donation(捐赠)is 10 inches(25.4cm).All donations must be mailed to Locks of Love at:234 Southern

12、Blvd,West Palm Beach,FL33045.For more information about the donation,visit the website:http:/locksoflove.org1.Which child can get help from Locks of Love _.A.A 14-year-old child in England B.A 16-year-old child in Canada C.A 9-year-old child in the U.S. D.A 6-year-old child in France 2.Locks of Love

13、 can help the children _.A.become confident B.go back to school C.become clever D.grow new hair 3.How can we help the children?A.Write letters to them. B.Cut our hair for them. C.Do activities with them. D.Help them with their studies. 话题三:日记Dear Year 5 kids,Hello! Im from Year 6 in Mrs. Batleys cla

14、ss. However, last year I was a Year 5 kid in Mr. Poulters class. We went on a fantastic journey to see “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” by courtesy of (承蒙的允许) Time Travel Tours Ltd. Yes, we got into their “time machine” (we had to travel this way as the wonders are all gone now except for th

15、e pyramids) and set the dials for the correct time and place. And before we knew it, we were walking around the masterpieces of architecture (建筑杰作). We sent back postcards from all seven places. Click on any of these seven locations on the map below to find out what we saw. This years Year 5 kids may find it very useful! So, get exp


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