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1、 Contents1.0 Introduction- 2 -2.0 The flexed budget- 2 -3.0 Calculate the Materials variances, Labour variances and the Total overhead.- 2 - 3.1 Direct the materials variances , labour variances and the total overhead.- 2 - 3.2 Variance analysis.- 3 -4.0 The recommendations for management (variances

2、).- 4 -5.0 Using four different methods to evaluate the financial.- 5 -5.1 Identify the accounting rate of return.- 5 -5.2 Identify the payback.- 5 -5.3 Identify the Net present value.- 5 -5.4 Identify the Internal rate of return.- 6 -6.0 Recommendations for investment decision.- 6 -7.0 Conclusion-

3、7 -8.0 Appendices- 7 -1.0 IntroductionThis report will divided into two parts. Part A and Part B. In Part A,First of all, I will prepare a flexed budget in line with actual activity. Second, this will including the Materials variances, Labour variances and total overhead. At the same time, I will id

4、entify a minimum of one possible cause of the each variance. Finally, according to data analysis, there have been some recommendations to management of Matteck PLC. In Part B, It will have four different ways to evaluate financial performance and give recommendations for Matteck PLC. These ways are

5、ARR ,Payback, NPV and IRR. Part A2.0 The flexed budgetFor Flex budged of Matteck PLC, we can see the Appendix 1. 3.0 Calculate the Materials variances, Labour variances and the Total overhead. 3.1 Direct the materials variances , labour variances and the total overhead.This section shows the Appendi

6、x 2. 3.2 Variance analysis.Material price variance:The material price variance is 32,000(F). According to the data analysis, it is 2/kg less expensive than planned. The possible reasons can be divided into three points: first, they could replace raw materials, using a lower - grade material. Second,

7、 the supplier to provide some discount for this batch of raw materials. Finally, learn from the case, the company has managed to locate new materials from an overseas. Due to the product from overseas, according to different exchange rate, the material will reduce the price.Material usage variance:T

8、he material usage variance is 30,000(A). The possible reasons include the effects of raw materials and the influence of the machine. If the company using poor quality raw materials, it may be more difficult to work. This will increase the waste materials. At the same time, the case shows that the co

9、mpanys new machinery can be fully used in the second week. The delay time may have caused the machine to use more materials than planned. Material total variance:The material total variance is 2,000(F). Case shows that the companys raw materials are from overseas suppliers. This will reduce some cos

10、ts. Which leads to the material price variance is 32,000 (F). On the other hand, the company has introduced a new machine, the influence of machine installed time, caused some wasted of materials. This makes the material usage variance is 30000 (A). Even if The companys material total variance is 20

11、00 (F). The companys management still should pay attention to The utilization of raw materials.Labour efficiency variance:The Labour efficiency variance is 10,000(F). The possible reasons could include the new machine to improve staff work efficiency. Using new machine can less labour hours. At the

12、same time , the case shows that the company has had to employ more highly qualified staff. They can increase the working efficiently through the higher skill. Labour Rate Variance:The Labour rate variance is 15,000(A). Through the calculation, the labour rate is 1.50 per hour higher than original. T

13、he possible reasons is 1.50 per hour higher than planned. The cost of direct labour is adverseness for this firm.Labour Total Variance:the Labour total variance is 5,000(A). The reasons of variance, the company has introduced the new machine, As the result the direct labor efficiency variance is fav

14、orable which is 10,000(F). On other hand, the labour rate is higher than standard labour rate. Finally, lead to the labour total variance is adverse, 4.0 The recommendations for management (variances).1. The company should be had a variety of data investigation to set up complete data system. At the

15、 same time, through the different variance, the company can know more about the market information.2. The company should intensify the performance monitor for staff because the lower performance will accelerate waste of material and then lead to the material usage is increase, the performance monito

16、r can help the company shrink the variance.3. Management: the company can provide some motivation policies to motivate the staff that is work hard and enhance the work enthusiastic of the staff. This can improve the staff work efficiency.Part B5.0 Using four different methods to evaluate the financial. 5.1 Identify the accounting rate of return.


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