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1、2022年考博英语-西北大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Radio stations are proliferating over the Internet, so more and more Americans can listen to hometown stationseven if they live in Nome or In Miami.问题1选项A.roamingB.transmittingC.increasingD.broadcasting【答案】C【解析】句意:无线电台在互联网上激增,因此越来越多的美国人可以收听家乡电台的节目即使他们住在诺姆或迈阿密。pr

2、oliferating意为“激增,大量生存产”。roaming漫步,闲逛;transmitting传送,传递;increasing增加,增大;broadcasting广播。选项C与之意思相近。2. 单选题Tom had been completely exhausted but felt greatly ( )after a meal and a rest.问题1选项A.renewedB.refrainedC.resumedD.efreshed【答案】D【解析】renew更新,复兴,重新开始;refrain节制,克制;resume 重新开始,继续;refresh 恢复精神。句意:汤姆本来已经筋

3、疲力尽了,但吃过饭休息一会儿以后,他又恢复了精神。选项D符合句意。3. 翻译题It is a common saying that we do not fully value a thing until we lose it. We often value the love and worth of a friend when he has been taken from us by death, more than when he was with us in the flesh; it is only when we have left school or college that we

4、understand the greatness of our opportunity of education, which has gone forever; and it is the sick and the ailing who realize the value of good health. We are so used to vigorous health that we take it for granted.(1)The organs of our body work so smoothly that we scarcely know we have lungs and l

5、iver, heart and stomach. But when any of these get upset and give us pain and sickness, we learn by bitter experience what an unspeakable blessing it is to be well,(2)It is therefore wise and necessary to learn in time, before we have lost out health, that it can be kept only by knowing and observin

6、g the laws of health. Natures laws cannot be ignored with impunity. In the long run they will avenge themselves on us if we forget them, even if they do not do so at once. At first we may not feel the result of excesses and unhealthy habits; but we certainly shall some day. (3)Many a man who in midd

7、le age finds himself a confirmed invalid has to curse the follies of his youth: but his remorse is vain, for Nature never forgives breaches of the laws of health.(4) Loss of health makes us miserable, and a burden to ourselves and our friends. It cripples our efforts, so that we cannot accomplish ma

8、ny of the good and great things we might have done. It spoils our life. What must we do to keep our health?We must be moderate in eating and drinking, and wise in the choice of plain, wholesome simple food. Gluttony has killed thousands, and strong drink tens of thousands. (5)We must, when young, ge

9、t plenty of sleep, which is “natures sweet restorer” (恢复剂), and not try to bum the candle at both ends. We must live as much as possible in the open air and keep our rooms well ventilated. We must get sufficient and regular physical exercise; and keep our bodies clean. And we must avoid bad habits a

10、nd secret sins as we avoid the devil, and keep our thoughts clean and our bodies pure. Our ideal must be the second mind in the sound body.【答案】1.我们身体的各个器官运转得如此平稳以至于我们几乎察觉不到我们有 肺、肝、心脏和胃。但当其中任何一个不舒服并给我们带来疼痛和疾病的时候,痛苦的经历让我们体会到一切都好的时候是多么的幸福。2.因此,在我们没有失去健康之前,懂得只有通过了解和遵守健康法则 才能保持健康是明智的并且是有必要的。3.很多人在中年发现自己浑

11、身是病,于是诅咒他年轻时的愚行,但悔恨是徒劳的,因为大自然永远不会宽恕对健康法则的破坏。4.失去健康我们很悲惨,会给自己和朋友增加负担。它会削弱我们的努 力,使我们无法完成一些我们本该完成的很多美好的和伟大的事情。5.在年轻的时候,我们一定要得到充足的睡眠,这是“自然的甜蜜恢复剂”,而不要不顾身体过度劳累。4. 单选题We are not sure that he will be able to ( )the shock of going bankrupt.问题1选项A.get overB.put throughC.take upD.depend upon【答案】A【解析】get over 克

12、服,恢复,熬过;put through 接通,完成,使经受;take up拿起,开始从事;depend upon依赖,取决于。句意:我们不确定他能否从破产的打击中恢复过来。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题Please hold up on a sum of money to cover the costs of handling.问题1选项A.borrowB.reserveC.takeD.carry【答案】B【解析】hold up on意为持有,储备。只有选项B与之意思相近。6. 单选题They have always regarded a man of ( )and fairness as a

13、reliable friend.问题1选项A.robustnessB.temperamentC.integrityD.compactness【答案】C【解析】robustness稳健性,健壮性;temperament气质,性情;integrity完整,正直;compactness简洁,紧密。句意:他们一直把正直、公正的人看作可靠的朋友。选项C符合语境。7. 单选题By todays standards, early farmers were imprudent because they planted the crop repeatedly, exhausting the soil after

14、 a few harvests.问题1选项A.unwiseB.stubbornC.tiresomeD.unscientific【答案】A【解析】句意:按照今天的标准,早期的农民是轻率的,因为他们反复种植作物,几次收获后就把土壤耗尽了。imprudent意为“轻率的,鲁莽的”。unwise不明智的,轻率的;stubborn顽固的;tiresome无聊的,令人讨厌的;unscientific不科学的。选项A与之意思相近。8. 单选题His father read the newspaper at the kitchen table, all the while delivering ( )on t

15、he politics of the day for the benefit of anyone within earshot.问题1选项A.complementsB.remarksC.speechD.animadversions【答案】D【解析】complement 补语,补足物;remark言辞;speech演讲,讲话;animadversion 批评,评语。句意:他的父亲坐在餐桌旁看报纸,一直批判当今政治只对极少数人有利。选项D更符合语境。9. 单选题He gave her a long and insolent stare.问题1选项A.unblinkingB.slyC.affectionateD.insulting【答案】D【解析】insolent意为无礼的,傲慢的。unblinking 坚定的,不动摇的;sly狡猾的,淘气的;affectionate深情的,充满爱的;insult


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