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1、高考英语第二轮热点专题复习代词内容解读1. 不定代词的用法;2. 替代词的用法;3. it 的用法;4. 其他不同性质代词用法差异。规律方法1近五年代词的考查点集中在不定代词上,考查角度有两个:一是考查它们相互间的意义和功能差别,如:all, everything 和anything 等的意义差别,it, that 和one 不同的指代功能;二是它们之间语法牲的差异,如it (代词) 和which (关系代词) 的区别。2试题注重了情景干扰,注重了特定语言环境中上下文的联系,而且题干的语义结构越来越复杂,正确分析其结构、理解句意在解题中起着很重要的作用。高考对代词的考查将继续沿着两条主线前进;

2、1. 加强语境的真实性和复杂性。2. 加强对语义较丰富、语法较复杂的不定代词的考查。突破方法:1. 英语中代词的相关知识庞杂,代词在语言使用中又极力频繁,所以,代词的用法看似简单,其实不易。建议考生认真对待代词,不可掉以轻心。2. 首先要从整体上把握代词的知识,如代词种类的划分:人称代词;物主代词:形容词性物主代词,如your;名词性物主代词,如yours;反身代词;相互代词;指示代词;不定代词;疑问代词;连接代词(名词性从句);关系代词(定语从句),了解各类代词的一般用法。更重要的是,根据上面所介绍的高考考查热点,更重点掌握几组易混词,尤其是不定代词间的用法区别。知识梳理清单一 物主代词、反

3、身代词和疑问代词一、物主代词的用法物主代词1形容词性物主代词只作定语:This is our classroom. His father is an engineer. / 2名词性物主代词1)作主语:This is her coat. Mine is over there.2)作宾语:Something has gone wrong with my bike. May I use yours ?3)作表语:This book isnt mine; its Toms.说明: 英语中必须有形容词性物主代词,而汉语中往往省略不译。如:Jack took off his coat and went

4、to bed.杰克脱掉外套就上床睡觉了。 “of + 名词性物主代词”可用作定语。如:Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party.我的一些朋友要出席我的生日晚宴。That car of hers is always breaking down. 她的那辆小车总是出毛病。二、反身代词的用法反身代词:1作宾语1)动宾:Tom taught himself Chinese.2)介宾:The boy is old enough to take care of imself.2作表语:She is not quite herself today.

5、她今天身体不太舒服。3作同位语:I myself can repair the bike. The table itself has only three lege.说明:含有反身代词的惯用语 与介词连用Youll have to see if he has gone to the school for yourself. (for oneself 亲自)你得亲自去看看了是否去学校了。The computer can shut off itself. (of oneself 自动地)计算机会自动关机。Jim is ot bad in himself, but he is a little sh

6、y. (in oneself地质上)吉姆本人并不坏,可有点害羞。You shouldnt leave the child by himself at home. (by oneself 独自)你不应把孩子独自留在家里。One would rather have a bedroom to oneself. (to oneself 独自享用)最后是与每个人都各有自己的卧室。 与动词连用be oneself 处于正常状态,显得自然enjoy oneself 玩得愉快behave oneself (be polite; show good manners)boast oneself 自夸come to

7、 oneself 苏醒devote oneself to 专心于;献身于find oneself to 随便吃,自行取用make oneself at home 不要客气seat oneself ( = sit )三、疑问代词1what, who一般说来,what 问的是职业或地位,who 问的是姓名。如: What was her husband ?她丈夫是干什么的? He was a lawyer. 他是律师。 Who was her husband ?他丈夫是谁? He was John Forbes, the son of a famous writer. 他是约翰福布斯,一个著名作家

8、的儿子。2what, which which 用于已知情况的选择,其后可跟of 短语;what 用于未知情况的疑问,其后不能跟of 短语。如:What fruit do you like best ?你最喜欢什么水果?Can you tell us what school you graduated from ?能告诉我们你毕业于什么学校吗?Which do you like better, oranges or apples ?你比较喜欢桔子还是苹果?Which of you would like to go to that island ?你们中谁乐意去那个岛?What are you l

9、ooking for ?你在找什么?3whatever, whichever, whoever 分别为what, which, who 的强调形式。如:Whatever do you want ? 你到底想要什么?Whoever gave you the book ? 究竟谁给你的这本书?4注意下列疑问词的使用与汉译的差别What is the population ? 人口是多少?What is the distance ? 距离有多远?What is the price ? 价格是多少?What is the address ? 住在哪里?What is the attitude ? 态度

10、怎样?What is the height / depth / width / size / weight ?高度/深度/宽度/长度/大小/重量是多少?清单二 不定代词的用法一、不定代词一览表可数one, each, many, both, another, either, neither, (a) few 不可数much, (a) little可数不可数oone, any, other, all, some 复合不定代词anyone, anybody, anything; someone, somebody, something; everyone, everybody, everythin

11、g; nobody, nothing 二、不定代词的语法特征1every 和no 只能用作形容词,不能用作代词。2复合不定代词只起代词作用,作主语时,谓语动词一概用单数。表物为的复合不定代词,指代词用单数,即:it, its; 表人类的复合不定代词,指代代词通常用复数,即:they, their 或them 等。He said something was lost, but he didnt say what is was. 他说有什么东西丢了,但没说是什么。Someone is waiting for me at the school gate, but I have no idea who

12、 they are (or who he or she is).有人不得校门口等我,但我不知是谁。3复合不定代词都不可接of 短语,但some one, every one, any one 都是两个词,之后可接of 短语(注意no one 不可接of 短语)。Every one of the students can speak good English.这些学生中每个人都能说一口流利的英语。4除它们之外,其他的不定代词既可用作代词,又可用作形容词(none 只作代词)。形容词修饰复合不定代词时,必须置其后。三、不定代词的用法难点1none, no one, nothing 的用法区别 no

13、ne 既可指人,也可指物,且一定是特指概念,常用来回答how many /much 引导的疑问句;no one 只能指人,且只能是泛指概念,常用来回答who 引导的疑问句;nothing “什么也没有”,否定一切,常用来回答what 引导的疑问句。如: How many people are there in the room now ? None. Who is in the room ? No one / nobody none 往往与前面的(some / any / every ) + n. 匹配构成试题;而nothing 往往与something, anything, everythi

14、ng 相匹配构成试题;no one / nobody 往往与someone / somebody, everyone / everybody, someone / somebody 相匹配构成试题。如:I need someone to help me, but there is no one here. I need something to drink, but there is nothing. I need some students to help me to carry the tools for experiment, but there is none here. Is the

15、re anyone in that room ? No, no one. Is there anything in that room ? No, nothing. Is there any student in that room ? No, none. none 后面可加of 引导的介词短语,而something / anything / everything / nothing; someone / anyone / everyone / no one 却不能。2. each 和every each 强调“个体”,起代词和形容词作用;every 强调“全体”,只能作定语。Each 作同位语时,不影响谓语动词的数,不可用not each 来表示部分否定,而not every 表示部分否定。如:The tickets each cost ten dollars.这些票每张十美元。(each 作同位语,不能用costs)Every man is not honest. 并


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