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1、(通用版)2020版高考英语三轮复习题型突破练完形填空双题限时练1完形填空双题限时练1 (限时35分钟)AClark lost nearly all possessions to the Tubbs Fire.The seventh-grader remembers Oct.9 1:He woke up to a scene in chaos around 1:30 am.Seizing some of his things,he and his family 2 onto the crowded roads,full of other people 3 home.“There were ju

2、st cars everywhere,people driving on the wrong side of the road,4 starting on lawns(草坪),” Clark says.“We were all just really 5 for what could happen.”6,his family made it to safety,but their home was completely destroyed.Considering the trauma(创伤) their students had just 7 ,teachers in Northwest Pr

3、ep knew they couldnt ask the students to 8 back to study directly and they wanted to do something to help.Alyssa,Clarks math teacher,had the 9 of an oral history project when she took her kids to a museum,looking at a(n) 10 about earthquakes that 11 California in 1906 and 1989.Inspired by that way o

4、f recording history,Alyssa arranged for her students to use their smartphones to 12 stories from the fire and its 13 on the people in the community.Then on the first day back,all 75 students gathered and 14 about the fires powerful effect on their lives.Alyssa 15 it will go beyond storytelling and p

5、rovide a “sense of 16” to both the students and their 17.As Clark returned,he sometimes found it hard to talk about the fire,but its also been really 18 to do so.Early this month,Clarks family and neighbors returned to their old 19 to put decorations on one of the few trees left standing after the f

6、ire.“Were not 20 very much anymore.Were looking for some good holidays,” he says.1.A.clearlyB.seriouslyC.easilyD.secretly2.A.tried outB.landedC.headed outD.got3.A.hurryingB.walkingC.returningD.leaving4.A.rescuesB.firesC.interviewsD.quarrels5.A.excitedB.scaredC.cautiousD.curious6.A.EventuallyB.Sudden



9、到达安全之地arrangeforsb.todosth.安排某人做某事BMy father always told me:“All work is noble.” He wasnt 1,but he earned a reasonable living.Thanks to his 2,I was able to go to an art college.I,however,wanted to do something 3,something more interestingI was special!After graduation,I moved to New York in search o

10、f a graphic designer job.It was winter and,ever the optimist,I only brought enough money to 4 myself for about a month.I wasnt 5I was sure Id find a fantastic job immediately.Within a few weeks,though,I found myself wandering around the streets having been 6 by every design office in town.My hotel 7

11、 was almost gone and I hadnt eaten in days.“How had I reached this point?” I wondered as I 8 in my thin jacket.I was just about to 9 when my dad called.He suggested that I get a job in a 10 until something else came along.At first,pride made me 11.But I was cold,hungry,and unwilling to go home feeli

12、ng 12 and defeated.I entered an expensive-looking caf near one of the design offices that had turned me away and asked the manager if they were 13.She said they were 14,and offered me a job right away.15,I found that I really enjoyed serving people.I started making big 16 right away.Later,the manage

13、r learned that I had a design 17 and asked me to design the caf menus.That led to a part-time job at an advertising company.Previously,I had never considered being a 18,but there I was.I 19 got my dream design job,but that winter I learned not to make 20 about work.1.A.concernedB.wealthyC.generousD.

14、caring2.A.educationB.timeC.powerD.effort3.A.differentB.simpleC.strangeD.safe4.A.entertainB.protectC.supportD.identify5.A.disappointedB.worriedC.helplessD.alone6.A.rejectedB.annoyedC.restrictedD.invited7.A.hostB.roomC.contractD.rent8.A.waitedB.trembledC.regrettedD.sweated9.A.show offB.settle downC.gi

15、ve upD.set out10.A.libraryB.galleryC.factoryD.restaurant11.A.hesitateB.agreeC.continueD.reply12.A.relievedB.ashamedC.secureD.lonely13.A.hiringB.workingC.servingD.checking14.A.reasonableB.popularC.overstaffedD.shorthanded15.A.HopefullyB.UndoubtedlyC.SurprisinglyD.Obviously16.A.designsB.contactsC.mealsD.tips17.A.hobbyB.companyC.backgroundD.task18.A.waiterB.designerC.directorD.man


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