2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义

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2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义_第1页
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2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义_第2页
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2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义_第3页
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《2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024届高考英语应用文写作优质模拟好题手拉手主题:参观颐和园 讲义(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语备考指南真题风向标参观颐和园精选模拟优题,拓展写作主题内容,积累相关词组搭配,不局限于写作,同时能拓展相关主题的阅读词汇搭配知识面!假如有一批澳大利亚中学生在京旅游,住在北京饭店,请用英语为他们拟一个参观颐和园(the Summer Palace)的口头通知,内容要点如下:(1) 参观时间: 五月四日,星期三(2) 颐和园简介: 它是中国最大的保存最完好的皇家园林,风景优美,甚是迷人,有山有水,有皇家建筑和画廊。(3) 活动安排:上午自由参观,中午在快餐馆吃午饭,下午5:30返回宾馆。(4) 集合时间:星期三早上6:10,汽车6:30出发,行驶45分钟到达。(5) 集合地点:

2、宾馆大门口。AnnouncementBoys and girls,May I have your attention?_Thats all. Thank you!【任务一】模板套句:开头:1. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your tour guide speaking. Today, Im excited to announce our itinerary for visiting the Summer Palace on Wednesday, May 4th.(早上好,女士们、先生们。我是你们的导游。今天,我很高兴地宣布我们参观颐

3、和园的行程安排,时间是5月4日星期三。)2. Attention, everyone. Im pleased to inform you about our upcoming visit to the Summer Palace, scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th.(各位请注意。我很高兴地通知大家,我们即将前往参观颐和园,时间是5月4日星期三。)3. Dear guests, its my honor to guide you on a tour of the Summer Palace, Chinas largest and best-preserved im

4、perial garden. Our visit will take place on Wednesday, May 4th.(亲爱的客人们,我很荣幸地为您带领参观颐和园,这是中国最大、保存最完好的皇家园林。我们的参观时间是5月4日星期三。)中间行文:1. The Summer Palace is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, featuring lush gardens, serene lakes, and magnificent royal architecture and galleries.(颐和园以其令人叹为观止的景色而闻名,拥有郁郁葱

5、葱的花园、宁静的湖泊以及壮丽的皇家建筑和画廊。)2. Our morning will be dedicated to exploring the Summer Palace at your leisure, allowing you to immerse yourselves in the beauty and history of this cultural treasure.(上午我们将自由参观颐和园,让您尽情沉浸在这个文化宝藏的美丽和历史中。)3. Following our visit, we will enjoy lunch at a nearby fast-food restau

6、rant, providing you with a convenient and quick dining experience before returning to the hotel at 5:30 PM.(参观结束后,我们将在附近的快餐馆享用午餐,为您提供方便快捷的用餐体验,然后在下午5:30返回酒店。)结尾:1. Finally, please remember to gather at the hotel entrance at 6:10 AM on Wednesday morning. Our bus will depart promptly at 6:30 AM, and t

7、he journey to the Summer Palace will take approximately 45 minutes.(最后,请记得在星期三早上6:10在酒店门口集合。我们的汽车将于上午6:30准时出发,前往颐和园的行程大约需要45分钟。)2. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to guiding you on an unforgettable tour of the Summer Palace.(感谢大家的关注,我期待着为您带来一次难忘的颐和园之旅。)3. Wishing you a pleasant stay

8、 in Beijing and an enriching experience at the Summer Palace.(祝您在北京愉快,颐和园之行充满收获。)【任务二】范文:Attention, everyone. Im pleased to inform you about our upcoming visit to the Summer Palace, scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th. The Summer Palace is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, featuring lush gardens,

9、serene lakes, and magnificent royal architecture and galleries. Our morning will be dedicated to exploring the Summer Palace at your leisure, allowing you to immerse yourselves in the beauty and history of this cultural treasure. Following our visit, we will enjoy lunch at a nearby fast-food restaur

10、ant, providing you with a convenient and quick dining experience before returning to the hotel at 5:30 PM. Please remember to gather at the hotel entrance at 6:10 AM on Wednesday morning. Our bus will depart promptly at 6:30 AM, and the journey to the Summer Palace will take approximately 45 minutes

11、. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to guiding you on an unforgettable tour of the Summer Palace. Wishing you a pleasant stay in Beijing and an enriching experience at the Summer Palace.高级搭配:1. tour guide - 导游2. cultural treasure - 文化宝藏3. dining experience - 用餐体验4. gather at - 在.集合5. scheduled for - 安排在.学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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