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1、2022软件水平考试-高级网络规划设计师考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol;it is designed to be used between multiple autonomous().BGP assumes that routing within an autonomous system is done by an intra-autonomous system routing protocol.BGP does not make any assumptions about int

2、ra-autonomous system()protocols employed by the various autonomous systems.Specifically,BGP does not require all autonomous systems to run the same intra-autonomous system routing protocol.BGP is a real inter-autonomous system routing protocol.It imposes no constraints on the underlying Internet top

3、ology.The information exchanged via BGP is sufficient to construct a graph of autonomous systems connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned and some routing()decisions at the autonomous system level may be enforced.The key feature of the protocol is the notion of Path Attributes.This featur

4、e provides BGP with flexibility and expandability.Path()are partitioned into well-known and optional.The provision for optional attributes allows experimentation that may involve a group of BGP()without affecting the rest of the Internet.New optional attributes can be added to the protocol in much t

5、he same fashion as new options are added to the Telnet protocol,for instance.问题1选项A.routersB.systemsC.computersD.sources问题2选项A.routingB.switchingC.transmittingD.receiving问题3选项A.connectionB.policyC.sourceD.consideration问题4选项A.statesB.searchesC.attributesD.researches问题5选项A.routersB.statesC.metersD.cos

6、ts答案: 本题解析:参考答案:B、A、B、C、ABGP是自治系统间的路由协议;它被设计用于多个自治()之间。BGP假定自治系统的路由通过内部自治系统的路由协议。BGP不会做出任何假设内部自治系统采用的不同的自治系统()协议。具体而言,BGP不需要所有的自治系统运行在相同的内部自治系统路由协议。BGP是真正自治系统间的路由协议。它规定,对互联网的基本拓扑没有限制。信息交换通过协议足以建立一个自治系统连接图,在自治系统间可执行路由环路的修剪和一些路由()。路径属性的概念是协议中的关键功能。此功能提供了灵活性和可扩展性。路径()分为知名的和可选。提供可选的属性,允许试验可能涉及一组BGP()不影响

7、其余的互联网。例如:在许多相同的方式中,新的可选属性可以作为的新的通讯协定添加到该协议中。2. 问答题:网管中心在进行服务器部署时应充分考虑到功能、服务提供对象、流量、安全等因素。某网络需要提供的服务包括VOD服务、网络流量监控服务以及可对外提供的Web服务和邮件服务。在对以上服务器进行部署过程中,VOD服务器部署在();Web服务器部署在();流量监控器部署在(),这四种服务器中通常发出数据流量最大的是()。问题1选项A.核心交换机端口B.核心交换机镜像端口C.汇聚交换机端口D.防火墙DMZ端口问题2选项A.核心交换机端口B.核心交换机镜像端口C.汇聚交换机端口D.防火墙DMZ端口问题3选项

8、A.核心交换机端口B.核心交换机镜像端口C.汇聚交换机端口D.防火墙DMZ端口问题4选项A.VOD服务器B.网络流量监控服务器C.Web服务器D.邮件服务器答案: 本题解析:参考答案:A、D、B、B本题考查服务器部署的相关知识。VOD视频点播服务器提供视频点播服务,所以应部署在核心交换机端口上。WEB服务器一般情况要供外网用户访问,所以应该部署在防火墙的DMZ端口。流量监控服务器要收集通信流量,部署于核心交换机的镜像端口,发出数据流量最大的为网络流量监控服务器(出题者的意图是说明流量最大)。3. 问答题:按照RSA算法,取两个最大素数p和q,n=p*q,令(n)=(p-1)*(q-1),取与(

9、n)互质的数e,d=e-1 mod (n),如果用M表示消息,用C表示密文,下面()是加密过程,()是解密过程。 A.C=Me mod n B.C=Mn mod d C.C=Md mod (n) D.C=Mn mod (n) 问题2 A.M=Cn mod e B.M=Cd mod n C.M=Cd mod (n) D.M=Cn mod (n) 答案: 本题解析:正确答案AB公钥加密公式:me c(mod n)也可以写为c = me mod n私钥解密公式cd m(mod n)也可以写为m = cd mod n4. 问答题:A Bluetooth device can be either a m

10、aster or a slave and any of the devices within a ()can be the master. There is only one master and there can be up to ()active slave devices at a time within a single network. In addition, a device may be a standby slave or a parked slave. There can be up to () parked slaves. If there are already ma

11、ximum number of active slaves, then a parked slave must wait until one of the active slaves switches to ()mode before it can become active. Within a network, all ()communications are prohibited.问题1选项 A.Wireless LAN B.Wireless MAN C.Cellular radio network D.Piconet 问题2选项 A.7 B.15 C.63 D.255 问题3选项 A.1

12、27 B.255 C.511 D.1023 问题4选项 A.master B.standby slave C.parked slave D.active slave 问题5选项 A.master-to-master B.master-to-slave C.slave-to-slave D.slave-to-master 答案: 本题解析:答案: D、A、B、C、C。蓝牙设备可以是一个主设备也可以是一个从设备,位于()中的任一设备都可以成为主设备。在一个网络中只有一个主设备,最多有 ()个激活的从设备。另外,一个设备可以是活跃的从设备或是休眠的从设备,最多有()个休眠的从设备。如果已有最大数量的

13、活跃从设备,那么,一个休眠的从设备就必须等到某活跃从设备切换到()模式后才能被激活。在一个网络内,所有的()通信都是被禁止的。5. 问答题:A glue that holds the whole Internet together is the network layer protocol,(). Unlike most older network layer protocols, it was designed from the beginning with internet working in mind. Its job is to provide a -()way to transpo

14、rt datagrams from source to destination, without regard to whether these machines are on the same network or whether there are other networks in between them.Communication in the Internet works as follows. The()layer takes data streams and breaks them up into datagrams. Each datagram is transmitted

15、through the Internet, possibly being fragmented into smaller units as it goes. When all the pieces finally get to the destination machine, they are reassembled by the()layer into the original datagram. This datagram is then handed to the transport layer, which inserts it into the receiving process input stream.An IP datagram consists of a header part and a text part. T



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