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1、Hhappen (尤指不愉快的事) 发生;碰巧happen to do sth:Later that day, I happened to pass Jeffin the dining room.那天晚些时候,我在餐厅碰巧从杰夫身边走过。happen to sb / sth:Afew days ago, something very badhappened to my friend Lily.几天前,我的朋友莉莉遇上了件倒霉事。it (so) happens that / as it happens:It so happened that I had no moneyon me. / As i

2、t happened, I had nomoney on me.碰巧我身上没带钱。hate 讨厌;憎恨hate doing / to do sth:I hate to waste food.我讨厌浪费食物。hate sb to do / doing sth:Jennys mother hates her to stay /staying out late.珍妮的母亲不喜欢她在外面待得太晚。hear(heard, heard)听见hear sb / sth do sth:I often hear her sing in the next room.我经常听到她在隔壁唱歌。be heard to

3、do sth:She was heard to go out. ( She washeard go out.)有人听见她出去了。hear sb / sth doing sth:I can hear the river flowing.我能听见河里的流水声。hear sb / sth done:He heard his name called.他听到有人叫自己的名字。hear about听说(的情况)hear from 接到的来信/电话;得到的消息hear of 听说;得知help 帮助;帮忙help (sb) with sth:Im going to help with the housewo

4、rk.我打算帮忙做家务。help (to) do sth:She helped (to) organize the party.她协助筹备了这次聚会。help sb (to) do sth:She helped me (to) improve myEnglish.她帮助我提高英语水平。cannot help (doing) sth / cannothelp but do sth忍不住做某事help oneself (to)自用(食物等);擅自取用()help (sb) out 帮助(某人)克服困难;帮(某人)一把hope希望hope for sth:Hope for the best, but

5、 prepare forthe worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。hope to do sth:I hope to join you next time.我希望下次能加入你们。hurry 赶紧;匆忙hurry to do sth:Dont hurry to make a conclusion.别急着下结论。hurry up 快点;赶快I-Jimagine 想象;设想imagine (sb) doing sth:We cant imagine living without theWeb.我们无法想象没有网络的生活。impress给留下深刻的印象impress sb with / by st

6、h:We were very impressed by your work.你的工作给我们留下了深刻的印象。introduce 介绍;引进introduce sb / sth (to sb):I will certainly introduce him to you.我一定把他介绍给你认识。introduce sth (to / into sth):Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink toChina.可口可乐公司把软饮料引进中国。invite邀请invite sb to sth:He invited us to his wedding.他邀请我们参加他的婚礼

7、。invite sb to do sth:At the end of the term, Rose wasinvited to give us a speech.期末的时候,罗斯受邀给我们作了一场演讲。join 参加;加入;连接参加;加入join sb (for sth):Would you like to join us for dinner?你想和我们一起吃晚饭吗?join sb in doing sth:Susan, go and join your sister incleaning the yard.苏珊,去和你姐姐一起打扫院子。join sb to do sth:Join us t

8、o celebrate Lilys 8th birthday.和我们一起庆祝莉莉的八岁生日吧。join in参加(比赛、活动等)joinsthwithsthNow join the sentences with “andthen”.现在用“and then”把句子连起来。Kkeep(kept, kept)(使)保持keep (sb / sth) + adj / adv / prep :What can we do to keep fit?我们能做些什么来保持健康呢?keep (sb / sth) doing sth:Im sorry to keep you waiting for solong

9、.对不起,让你久等了。keep on (doing sth)持续(做某事)keep sb / sth from (doing) sth阻止某人/某物(做)某事keep (.) away from (使)远离keep . out (of)遮挡;使不进入keep off 避开;(使)不接近keep going 尽力维持下去;坚持(活)下去keep up 保持;继续keep up with跟上keep a secret 保守秘密keep a pet dog 养了一只宠物狗keep a diary 写日记know(knew, known)知道;懂得know + wh- to do sth:I dont

10、 know how to increase myreading speed.我不知道如何提高阅读速度。it is known + that 从句:It is well known that smoking isharmful to peoples health.众所周知,吸烟有害健康。be known as 以而出名;被称作;被认为(be famous as)be known for因而闻名(be famousfor)be known to为所熟知know about了解know of 知道;听说Llead (led, led) 指引;导致lead sb to:His road will le

11、ad us to the YellowRiver.这条路会引领我们到达黄河。lead to:Small steps lead to big changes.小步骤导致大变化。lead sb to do sth:An advertisement sometimes leadscustomers to buy something theydont need at all.广告有时导致顾客购买他们根本不需要的东西。learn (learned / learnt, learned / learnt) 学习;学会;得知learn (wh-) to do sth:I want to learn to dr

12、ive.我想学开车。learn + wh-从句:Well learn what we did not know.我们将学到以前不知道的知识。learn (sth) from:I never learned anything from amatch that I won. Bobby Jones我从未在自己赢过的比赛中学到过任何东西。鲍比琼斯learn about / of:I learned about / of her arrival from aclose friend.我从一位好友那里得知她到了。leave (left, left) 离开;出发;使处于;剩下;留下leave for:Wh

13、en will the woman leave forLondon? ( . leave to London?)那位女士什么时候启程去伦敦?leave sb / sth doing sth:My sister and I didnt leave the taprunning when we brushed our teeth.刷牙时,我和姐姐从不让水龙头的水一直流着。leave . + done / adj / adv:Leave the door open, please.请让门开着。leave a message留个口信leave behind 把丢在后面;留下;忘带leave out 遗

14、漏;冷落(be) left over 剩下;留下lend (lent, lent) 借出;把借给lend sb sth / lend sth to sb:Could you lend me some money? /Could you lend some money to me?你能借给我些钱吗?lend (sb) a hand帮助(某人)let (let, let) 不用于被动语态让;允许let sb / sth do sth:Please let me know if you need anyhelp.如果你需要帮助,就告诉我。let sb / sth + adv / prep :Dont let strangers in when you arealone at home.当你一个人在家的时候,不要让陌生人进来。lets do sth 用于提出建议咱们做某事吧let down 使失望;辜负let off 饶恕;放过let out发出(声音等)like 喜欢;想要like (sb) doing / to do sth:I li



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