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1、【七选五1】Winning an Oscar isn all aboutacting abilityWhiletheawardsclaim theyrecog nizethe topperforma ncesfromarou ndtheworld , anew studyhas found that you femore likely towinan Oscar ifyoure an America nactor .1Britishactorsare morelikely to take home anaward .Researchers say the trend suggests view

2、ers are more likely to perceive a performanee astruly brilliant ” if they are members of the samesocial groupas the actor.Itcanbe seen , perhaps mostfamously , inthecaseof Leon ardoDiCaprio ,whofin ally won a Ion g-awaited Oscar inthe88thAcademy Awards for his role in The Revenant , which follows th

3、e story of an American frontiersman .2In 2014 , Matthew McConaughey won anOscar for his role in Dallas Buyers Club , and Jennifer Lawrenee took an award home in 2013 for Silver Lingings Playbook .3 The findingscomefrom a new studypublishedin the British Journalof Psychology . Theteamin vestigateda t

4、otalof 908merit prize winn ers:97 winners and 383nominees for the Oscar ,and 97 winners and 331 nominees for the BAFTA.Overall , they found that USactorsdominated theawards, claiming over50 percent ofthe prizesacrossOscarsand BAFTAs.4 When the performer and judge shared membershipwith ina particular

5、 social group , being America n actors was more likely to win .As a result , Americanactors werefoundto win 52 percentof allBAFTAs ,and 69perce nt of allOscars .WhileBritishactorswon just 18perce ntof all Oscars ,and 34 perce nt of BAFTAS .5 In the Oscars , America ns who performed in films about no

6、n-US culture accounted for just 26 percent of the award winners . But, those who performed in films about America n culture made up 88 perce nt of the winners .A. Things are differentin Britain.B. But the trend also stretches back throughoutthe years.C. And , the same applies to London BAFTAs .D. Bu

7、t they also no teda trend with in social groups .E. Subject matterplayed a role , too ,accord ing to the researchers .F. ln recent years , many actors have cast themselves as frontiersmen .G. ln addition , Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar in 2008 for his role inThere Will be Blood.【答案】1.C2.B 3.G 4.D5.E

8、【七选五2】Beiji ng Opera represe nts the fin est conbin ati on of literature , dance , Kung fu ,fine arts and many other arts . Its way of performing is different from opera and drama . 1Beiji ng Opera is a kind of art that pays equal atte nti on to singing , speak ing ,act ing and fight ing . 2 Mean wh

9、ile , Beiji ng Operaprovides theopport unity to appreciate the pleas ingartistic bala neeofthedance ,stre ngth and music , even from only one act .3 Accordingto the historical record, it dates backtothemiddle period of the Qing Dynasty . In the 55th year ruled by the Emperor Qianlong , the most famo

10、us four theatrical troupes in Anhui went to Beijing to show their opera performances and then got great success .Then , based on Anhui Opera” and Han Opera”, and also mixed with characteristics of Beijing dialect , Beijing Opera was formed . 4Beiji ng Opera was officially formed after the 20th year

11、of the Emperor Daoguang(1840) .At that time , the forms of each kind of arias(唱月空)and the Ian guage characteristic ofBeiji ng Opera orig in ally came into being .Newchanges appeared in the role of Beijing Opera . 5 .Later, the firstgen erati on of the opera actors also appeared .A. Beiji ng Opera is

12、 a ki nd of moder n opera.B. Acturally Beiji ng Operahas its own characters.C. Ma ny roles of the Beiji ng Opera had appeared.D. Because it was popular in Beijing, it spread nationwide.E. Ma ny people won der whe n the origi n of Beiji ng Opera is.F. It en ables the audie nee to be in spired by Ian

13、guage ,music and fine arts .G. Althoughit was formed in Beijing , it didn have its origins in Beijingtotally .【答案】1.B2.F 3.E4.G 5.C【七选五3】It is one of the oldest magic tricks in the booka magicia n locks a woman in a box , with her head and feet sticking out , and saws(锯) it in half . But whe n she f

14、in ally jumps out of the box , the woma n is un harmed .This trick was in troduced n early a cen tury ago . It has bee n around for some time , but 1 .Why is it so successful ?The answer issimple:the huma n mind is easily fooled .Our brain processes the world around us based on information that sens

15、ory organs(感觉器官),including the eye , pick up .For instanee , when we see a cow or a horse standing behind a tree , we automatically fill in ” the part of the animal body that is hidden from our sight . So 2 and it generating this rich worldbyfillingininformation .But si nee our brainsarefilli nginthe gas ,3. They tendtobedrive nbyour revious exerie nces andwe expectthings to go astheydid inthe past even if sometimesthey donot .Thistendency explains magician success in fooling people with well-known coin tricks .For example, when you see



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