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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福热门词汇词之保质期use by出国英语考试有哪些雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准托福阅读评分标准雅思和托福的区别据媒体报道,蒙牛驻浙江省义乌市的经理,擅自将蒙牛纯牛奶的生产日期篡改至出厂日期的6个月之后,这 批遭篡改的牛奶数量多达3000箱。目前,这名经理及同伙已被刑事拘留。请看报道:Police in East Chinas Zhejiang province have detained a sales manager at Mengniu Dairy Group on suspicion of tampering with the production da

2、tes on batches of milk.蒙牛乳业集团一名销售经理因涉嫌篡改数批次牛奶的生产日期已被浙江警方拘留。To tamper with the production date就是“篡改生产日期”的英文说法,这种行为属于fraudulent labeling(欺骗性 标签)。我们买东西的时候都会注意到包装上标注的保质期。英语里常见的有三种说法,分别为use by, best before和 display until, 每个的侧重点不同。Use by means exactly that. You shouldnt use any food or drink after the en

3、d of the use by date shown on the label. Use by指“最后食用期限”,过了这个日期以后产品性质会发生变化,不适宜 再食用。Best before dates are usually used on foods that last longer, such as frozen, dried or canned foods. It should be safe to eat food after the best before date, but the food will no longer be at its best. Best before 多用

4、于速冻、干 货或罐头食品,指过了这个期限后口感和味道可能会发生变化,但依旧可以安全食用。Display until and sell by dates are instructions for shop staff to tell them when they should take a product off the shelves. Display until 或 sell by 则是给销售人员看的,到了这个日期后就该把产品从货架上撤下来了。智课网s martstu d yxo m上暗裸网,会方枝芝丁 TOEFL中田ncNFL 口 * ,甲IELTSS 师网r.章用鼻GMAT名师SAT名师老师好!教的才好gum百度战略投魂的在住学习包导品携 听试些建猝为襟*ITOEAJil|l-A FtRL WIT-IS IIKA Ma”姑七#WT


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