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1、一般过去时讲义学员:年级:六年级第课时辅导科目:英语教师:朱教师课题一般过去时授课时间:年月日教学目标1. 一般过去时的定义2. 常见一般过去时的时间状语3. 动词的构成。4. 动词过去式的变化规则乖巧与叛逆5. 句型转换否认句和疑问句6. 听力、阅读和写作训练重点、难点1. 一般过去时的定义2. 常见一般过去时的时间状语3. 动词的构成。4. 动词过去式的变化规则乖巧与叛逆5. 句型转换否认句和疑问句考点及考试要求本节容会以各种题型出现,要灵活运用。教学容一般过去时读一读:找出句子的“心脏昨天我去书店了。I went to the book store yesterday.弟弟常去那个书店。

2、My younger brother goes to the book store.我明天就去!Im going to Shanghai tomorrow.一一般过去时表示在过去*个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去时间里经常或反复发生的动作。I am late again. I played puter games last night.二一般过去时时间信号家族last 家族last night 昨晚 last week上星期 last Saturday上周六last month上个月 last year去年 last winter去年冬天I to bed at eleven last

3、night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。*iao Ling eleven years old last year.yesterday家族yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;the day before yesterday前天Today is Saturday,so yesterday was.ago家族a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;Miss Zhu to Tiantian Market three days ago.I in my bed two hours ago.one 、that家族其它家族

4、just now,in the old days, in those days, in 1980,the other day, at that time, once upon a timeE*ercises1.I _ the number down on a piece of paper a moment ago. A. write B. writed C. wrote D. writing2. Everything _ ready before Father came. A. were B. was C. is D. are 3.He always _me last term. A. hel

5、ped B. helps C. helping D. help 请你为下面的句子把把脉! How is Jane yesterday He go to school by bus last week. I can fly kites seven years ago. Did you saw him just now Tom wasnt watch TV last night. I did not my homework yesterday. 三. 动词的构成四大类动词:_、_、_、_主语Iyouhesheitweyoutheybe动词 1. I _tired yesterday. 2. It

6、_ cold yesterday. 3.You _ late yesterday. 4. He _ sick at that time. 5. We_ busy last time. 6. They_ in their office yesterday. 【扫清障碍】动词过去时的变化规则(1)规则动词的过去时:(乖巧的规则动词过去式)变化规则单词归类一般情况以不发音的e的结尾的动词以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母辅元辅的动词精灵训练场写出以下单词的过去式:1. look 2. live 3. stop 4. play 5. hope6. trip 7. wash

7、 8. want 9. watch 10. plan 11. clean12. study 13. dance 14. cry 15. visit16. is2不规则动词的过去时:(叛逆的不规则动词过去式) 不用变:原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式bringflyseebuygetsingegosleepdohaveswimdrawleavetakedrinkmaketeachdrivereadtelleatrunwritefallhearbreaksaysweepspeak sitstandgivestealthinkfind小升初真题: Last Tuesday, I a train to

8、Shanghai. (育贤2010)A. by B. took C. take-What did you do on your holiday-I went to Beijing and (拍照) there. 四校2009一 be动词一般过去时“多累米发嗖1.时间信号句子后Chen Jiein the classroom yesterday morning昨天早上我在教室里。 He at school last Tuesday上周二他在学校。 They over there a moment ago刚刚他们在那边。2.waswere主语后主语我三单用_,其他用_The weather was

9、 very cold yesterday.昨天天气很冷。3.否认直接在waswere后加notI was not () here yesterday昨天我不在这儿。 My parents were not () at home last Sunday上周日我父母不在家。4.疑问waswere调句首 Were you at home the day before yesterday前天你在家吗? Was she happy this morning今天早上她开心吗?肯定答复“Yes, 主语waswere;否认答复“No, 主语wasntwerent。Were *iao Qiang and *ia

10、o Long here just now刚刚小强和小龙在这儿吗?Yes, they were (No, they werent) 是的,他们在。不,他们不在。5.there wasthere were表示“有There_ an eraser on the desk a mement.一分钟前桌子上块橡皮擦。There _eight ducks in the lake yesterday.昨天这湖里有八只鸭子。二.肯定句、否认句与疑问句。be 动词肯否疑She was e*cited. (改为否认句) The turtles were in the swimming pool yesterday

11、. (改为否认句) Miss Zhu was busy yesterday. (改为一般疑问句和分别作肯定和否认答复)挑战高难度There was a restaurant here last year.否认句:疑问句:实义动词肯否疑She had a good time last night. (改为否认句) Shelast night. I swam to the river. (改为一般疑问句和分别作肯定和否认答复)优优点招:含有实义动词的句子改为否认句要借助助动词!挑战高难度Ming Ming visitedthe Great Wall on his winter holidayfor

12、 five days.(分别对划线句子提问)_ _Ming Ming_on his winter holiday-He visited the Great Wall._ _Ming Ming_on his winter holiday-He visited the Great Wall._ _Ming Ming visted the Great Wall-He visited the Great Wall on his winter holiday._ _ _Ming Ming_ the Great Wall-He visted there for five days.【兵法案例】1. The bus _ and an old man _ off.A. stopped; got B. stoped; got C. stopped; get D. stop; get2.He _ out of school last year. A.drop B. droped C. drops D. dropped3. - you watch TV last night (四校2009)- Yes, I watched TV. A. Did B. Do C. Does4. 她昨天晚上喉咙痛吗?育贤 2010she a throat last night?【小试牛刀】1. My sister _



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