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1、细心整理现场平安警示牌的布置原那么1平安警示牌的类型 Type of Safety Notice Board平安标记分为制止标记、警告标记、指令标记和提示标记四大类型。There are hour types of safety notice board: prohibiting sign, warning sign, direction sign, information sign.2不同平安警示牌的作用和根本形式 Function of Safety Notice Board1) 制止标记是用来制止人们担忧全行为的图形标记。根本形式是红色带斜杠的圆边框,图形是黑色,背景为白色。Prohib

2、iting sign is for forbidding the unsafe behavior. 2) 警告标记是用来提示人们对四周环境引起留意,以幸免发生紧急的图形标记。根本形式是黑色正三角形边框,图形是黑色,背景为黄色。Warning sign is for remind the workers to pay attention to surroundings.3) 指令标记是用来强制人们必需做出某种动作或必需接受必需防范措施的图形标记根本形式是黑色圆形边框,图形是白色,背景为蓝色。Direction sign is for forcing the workers to take pre

3、cautions.4) 提示标记是用来向人们供应目标全部位置与方向信息的图形标记。根本形式是矩形边框,图形文字是白色,背景是所供应的标记,为绿色。消防设备提示标记用红色。Information sign is for offering the location and direction information.3平安警示牌的设置原那么 Principal of Setting Safety Notice Board 1“标准”:图形、尺寸、色调、材质应符合标准。 Standard: figure, size, color, material should meet the requireme

4、nts.2“平安”:设置后本身不能存在潜在紧急,保证平安。Safety: No potential danger after setting the boards.3“醒目”:设置的位置应醒目。Markedness:easy to attract attention 4“便利”:设置的位置和角度应便于人们视察或捕获信息。Convenience: The location and angel is easy for observation and getting information.5“协调”:同一场所设置的各标记牌之间应尽量保持其高度、尺寸及与四周环境的协调统一。Coordination:

5、 The safety notice signs in the same place should coordinate with the surroundings at height and size. 6“合理”:尽量用适量的平安标记反映出必要的平安信息,幸免漏设和滥设。Reasonableness: Set moderate signs to show sufficient safety information. Avoid missing and setting at random.4运用平安警示牌的根本要求Basic Requirements1) 现场存在平安风险的重要部位和关键岗位

6、必需设置能供应相应平安信息的平安警示牌。依据有关规定,现场出入口、施工起重机械、临时用电设施、脚手架、通道口、楼梯口、孔洞、基坑边沿、爆炸物及有毒有害物质存放处等属于存在平安风险的重要部位,应当设置明显的平安警示标牌。例如,在爆炸物及有毒有害物质存放处设制止烟火等制止标记;在木工圆锯旁设置留神伤手等警告标记;在通道口处设置平安通道等提示标记等。The safety notice boards must be set at vital area and key operation post. According to the requirements, the safety boards mus

7、t be set at the site entrance, hoisting machine, temporary power, scaffolding, staircase, holes, foundation pit, storage area for explosive and toxic and harmful materials. For example, no fire sign must be set at the toxic and harmful material storage area. Beware injure hand sign need set at the c

8、ircular saw area. 2) 平安警示牌应设置在所涉及的相应紧急地点或设备旁边的最简洁被视察到的地方。The safety notice boards need to be set at the place easy to attract attention.3) 平安警示牌应设置在光明的、光线充分的环境中,如在应设置标记牌的位置旁边光线较暗,那么应考虑增加帮助光源。The safety boards need to be set at the bright area. If no enough light, the auxiliary light must be set.4) 平

9、安警示牌应坚实地固定在依托物上,不能产生倾斜、卷翘、摇摆等现象,高度就尽量与人眼的视线高度相相同。The safety boards need to set firmly to avoid lean and swing. The height should be accord with eye height.5) 平安警示牌不得设置在门、窗、架等可移动的物体上,警示牌的正面或其邻近不得有阻碍人们视读的固定障碍物,并昼幸免常常被其他临时性物体所遮挡。Safety notice boards is forbidden to set on the removal objects. To ensure

10、 no blocks at the front of safety boards 6) 多个平安警示牌在一起布置时,应按警告、制止、指令、提示类型的依次,先左后右、先上后下进展排列。各标记牌之间的距离至少应为标记牌尺寸的0.2倍。Several safety boards at the same place should follow the sequence of warning, prohibiting, direction and warning. The layout of safety notice boards should be arranged from left to rig

11、ht and from top to bottom.7) 有触电紧急的场所,应选用由绝缘材料制成的平安警示牌。The safety notice boards at the risk of electricity shock area should made of insulation material.8) 室内露天场所设置的消防平安标记宜选用由反光材料或自发光材料制成的警示牌。The safety notice boards set at indoor places should be made of reflective materials or luminescent material

12、s.9) 对有防火要求的场所,应选用由不燃材料制成的平安警示牌。The safety notice boards at the places having fireproof requirements should be made of fireproof materils.10) 现场布置的平安警示牌应进展登记造册,并绘制平安警示布置总平面图,按图进展布置,如布置的点位发生变更,应刚好保持更新。The safety notice boards should be set according to the layout. If the location change, the layout s

13、hould be updated. 11) 现场布置的平安警示片未经允许任何人不得私自进展挪动、移位、撤除或拆换。Only authorized person can move, change and dismantle the safety notice boards.12) 施工现场应加强对平安警示牌布置状况的检查,发觉有破损、变形、褪色等状况时,应刚好进展修整或更换。Check the conditions of the safety notice boards regularly. If damage, deformation and color fading, the boards need be repaired or changed.



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