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1、新版英语六年级下册重点句型Class_ Grade _Name _Module 1 Unit 11. -What do you want? -I want -What would you like? -Id like-What does he/she want? -He/She wants2. Is it really a dog?3. It looks good.4. -Can I help you? What can I do for you? -I want a hamburger, please. -A hamburger for me, too.5. -And to drink? A

2、nd what do you want to drink? -I want a cola. -A cola for me, too. -Three colas, please.6. -How much is it? -Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. -How much are they? -They are7. Enjoy your meal!8. Let me take them.9. Be careful!Module 1 Unit 11. -你想要什么? -我想要 -你想要什么? -我想要-他/她想要什么? -他/她想要2. 它真的

3、是只狗吗?3. 它看上去不错。4. -我能为你(们)做点什么?我能为你(们)做点什么吗? -我想要一个汉堡。-也给我一个汉堡。5. -还要喝的吗? 你想要喝点什么? -我想要一杯可乐。 -也给我一杯可乐。 -三杯可乐。6. -多少钱? -十三美元二十五美分。 -它们多少钱? -它们7. (请)享用你(们)的美餐!8. 让我拿它们。9. 当心!Module 1 Unit 21. - What do you want to eat? - I want to eat some meat. I want some meat. - I want a hot dog, please, with lots

4、and lots of cheese.2. - What do you want to drink? - Milk, please. I want to drink milk, please.Module 2 Unit 11. Im going to get up and have breakfast.2. - When are we going to eat? - At half past twelve.3. - What time is it now? - Its only half past eleven. One hour to go!4. There are some ducks o

5、n the pond.5. There are some dark clouds in the sky.6. Its going to rain soon.7. I dont think so.8. Its a beautiful day.9. Its raining now!10. Its dry over there.Module 1 Unit 21. -你想要吃什么? -我想要吃些肉。我想要些肉。 -我想要一个热狗,带有很多很多的奶酪。2. -你想要喝什么? -牛奶。我想要喝牛奶。Module 2 Unit 11. 我打算起床并且吃早餐。2. -我们打算什么时候吃饭?-在十二点半。3.

6、-现在几点了? -才十一点半。还有一小时!4. 池塘里有一些鸭子。5. 天空中有一些乌云。6. 很快就要下雨了。7. 我不这么认为。8. 今天是很好的一天。9. 现在下雨了!10. 那边是干的。11. Look at the ducks! They are eating our sandwiches!12. It looks like youre going to stay hungry.13. When are you going to the park? At eleven.14. When are you going to school? At eight.15. When are yo

7、u going to play football? At half past four.16. When are you going to eat? At half past six. Module 2 Unit 21. It will be sunny in Harbin.2. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. 3. It will snow in Beijing. It will be snowy in4. It will rain in Nanning. It will be rainy in5. It will be cold and windy in Xia

8、n.6. It will be warm and sunny in Sanya.7. Whats the weather like in? How is the weather in?It will+动词原形(+其他). /It will be+形容词(+其他).8. -What are you going to do today? -Im going to the park to play.9. -What are you going to do after dinner? -Im going to play chess and Ill be the winner.11. 看那些鸭子!它们正

9、在吃我们的三明治!12. 看来好像你依然将要饿着了。13. 你(们)打算什么时候去公园?在十一点。14. 你(们)打算什么时候去上学?在八点。15. 你(们)打算什么时候去踢足球?在四点半。16. 你(们)打算什么时候吃饭?在六点半。Module 2 Unit 21. 哈尔滨将是晴朗的。2. 天津将是多云的。3. 北京将会下雪。4. 南宁将会下雨。5. 西安将会是寒冷和多风的。6. 三亚将是温暖和晴朗的。7. 北京的天气怎么样?8. -今天你打算做什么? -我打算去公园玩。9. -晚餐后你打算做什么? -我打算下棋并且我将会成为赢家。10. -What are you going to do

10、tonight? -Go to bed and have a good night.11. It will be hot on Friday. 12. It wont be sunny in Hangzhou.Module 3 Unit 11. Look at the naughty bird. Its flying.2. Look at the little dog. Its crying.3. I had a very interesting day on Saturday.4. We had a picnic in the park.5. I am sending you some ph

11、otos.6. Please write to me soon.7. In this photo, the sun is shining.8. The birds are singing in the tree.9. We are looking at some ducks.10. They look hungry.11. In this photo, its starting to rain and the birds are flying away.12. And just look at this! The ducks are eating our sandwiches.10. -今晚你

12、打算做什么? -上床睡觉,好好休息。11. 在星期五将会很热。12. 杭州将不会晴朗。Module 3 Unit 11. 看这只淘气的鸟。它正在飞。2. 看这只小狗。它正在哭。3. 在星期六,我度过了非常有趣的一天。4. 我们在公园里进行野餐。5. 我将要给你邮寄一些照片。 6. 请尽快给我写信。7. 在这张照片中,太阳正在照耀。8. 鸟儿们正在树上唱歌。9. 我们正在看一些鸭子。10. 它们看起来很饿。11. 在这张照片中,天开始下雨,鸟儿们飞走了。12. 且请看以下这张(照片)! 鸭子们正在吃我们的三明治。Module 3 Unit 21. What are you doing? Im c

13、leaning my room.2. In this photo, we are in the mountains.3. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing.4. The cows are drinking water.5. The rabbits are jumping.6. Simon and I are playing hide-and-seek.7. Were having a lovely time.8. Im on the train.9. Im looking out of the window.10. Some pigs are

14、 sleeping under a tree.11. A man is wearing a big hat.12. Some boys are jumping in the water.13. Now the train is coming to the station.14. The sun is shining on the sea.Module 4 Unit 11. Shes buying things for your birthday.2. -Am I going to have a birthday party? -Yes, you are!Module 3 Unit 21. -你正在做什么?-我正在打扫我的房间。2. 在这张照片中,我们在山上。3. 太阳正在照耀,刮着风。4. 奶牛们正在喝水。5. 兔子们正在跳。6. 西蒙和我正在玩捉迷藏。7. 我们过得很开心。8. 我在火车上。9. 我正在向窗外看。10. 一些猪正在一棵树下睡觉。11. 一个男人正戴着一顶大帽子。12.



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