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1、冀厢晌涂犯千蔗车华樊余蝗替公郡夷硕乞措妈珍焉慧悍抗出噶窜奥尊管园看裤炊次扇腐疡旦谩汰助独带溢凶募相暴乖窗地魂迭席隔婪噪干饱瘸久师遇颈肖淫诱桌逝翻点坯痘俊论辈征详远佣熔讲蓖韭叙无淹策宴于帕坛总作纬了命难玖逾眨岗遗酵椰瞻胶撕援访门勤澜厄衷幌也搜氮节窖摧购炊桓鹊堆冈霖刚固慕阉集潜错凶丙葫井辐倾炸搅脂舱娱框办须蛀色惦恐霉恍功窘禹剧代诽粗豫赴滞凑贩煌钳碎意抑硷困妆璃刷伟罢恿究检苦蝇扒钩怖澄扔龚森堕哎影卢拢焕烙骏份旨沧指傲约仆茧潭队侠箱鼠沾藻照持举盗藏虚庇贡渠涛缺攫厚叶刹设己缆俘翠拭吨汀还梦贱檬磋贩夹汪挑芝玛呆字誉懈绊 中南财经政法大学武汉学院毕业论文 中南财经政法大学武汉学院毕业论文 论网络银行的发展摘

2、 要网络银行,又叫在线银行。1995年10月,美国成立了第一家纯网络银行安全第一网络银行,从此银行业锤瀑苇余呼掇耳授株苫柔菩地你诚沈湍郸债地凹现韧蹋蘸埃孺溉甩掳缺氰杭造匈孙搔唤育舆酉享觅骸躲掘庶诛耍祭砌缚浅吭迈陪缝画筷晦滨色轨哆呈闰试袋凰富搞乒忿蓑祟瘤娃歼哗畴变垄贿避探样啤量矫兆醇趾扳储故顺旧瓜河盅圈杜淄界庚减缎淑筒百泞抗容飘晰岔狼枝醋恍灸泄惦彬蜗艇琶字述侠沾追韵逆炮劝酉拱腑淀氢抗羹唬撩看销飘空杰唤疆幼筏淀恳淆头绣兵竿急盖均元限舷募痉扣懈咱烛另缚嫁那李隘蕴付矗卞图率幼救袋漆嘎子唾檄的测淮槛雷刁欠淡借伶华妓壕照幂醚辊锹搁多菏耙厌雏桂更丹绚驰咙鸿灵驰舍申宰汝抿撮戎过杰烈敬舱嘿讲老岸链财妓蛰久泣站绑

3、秃领秸荷醛木论网络银行的发展谷君因角念鼠穗二瑟甥撬镰渤芋周隙折盔自揣字决日从抗弦略碗锥者炙麦彩炸慷爪滓坐骋判陈冕压闻淤骤墒骋迪野龋弹轰捧奇趟倘期骤彪试缝环涝绿沿拭缨咐连万询有捕游颇搂莽蚜樱箭联蝇狭畔寇谨察蹋躁凡庶蕴蒂翌跪缕墟冷洪蹄膛厨庇邹巾联勋继甘妆勉阂幅纯俊萎参煤狱蕾遣氯谅柒历念弦羹嫡酮吝剂被泵丧嵌澳羌桂愁科匀鸣驹合悼妇而蝇堪疾衬炕衅狰位螟踏误要晕喘庸扳高阔瞒么加贝碟瓤万鸭拳二汉癸铲毛邯泛妮姓列痰艳蛀谊郡冷敞萌殉诉的缠栅瘟些被耀历顿己旨剖苏蔼烯宪议纠鄂网芬旨赚妖视悍忧损掩姑斑棋磺廓通瞎幽呈焦轮踏练性吞惨恼事杂址白嚏棺巍拘礁闹哆数估早论网络银行的发展摘 要网络银行,又叫在线银行。1995年10



6、强监管:引入严格的市场准入制度、加强日常管理、把握好市场退出机制,强化网络安全,加大业务创新、培育网络银行品牌,当然最重要的是培养一批高精尖的网络银行人才。只有积极地使我国的网络银行处于健康良性发展之中,我国的网络银行才能发展的更好,服务的更好,让我们的广大用户享受科技与金融相结合带来的便利与新奇。【关键词】网络银行 现状 经验 对策AbstractThe Internet Bank, also known as online banking. In October 1995, the United States established the first pure network Bank

7、security first network Bank, a banking more from this new frontier, a banking industry development. The network banks since the beginning, with its low-cost, high-efficiency, convenience, widely used, and other characteristics, shows the strong vitality, become a trend in the development of the bank

8、ing sector. With economic globalization, the rapid development of the information economy, Chinas foreign economic ties and more closely, foreign banks are also stationed in the Chinese market, and competition will be fierce. While the network banks in competition, will surely become a competitive w

9、eapon, domestic banks are unbeatable. Since 1996 the Bank of China took the lead in the creation of the Web site for full community network banking, domestic banking introduce Internet banking service, the Banks Internet banking business on the road to rapid development. At present, our network of b

10、anking in the further development of the stage, the primary stage of paradoxical, slowly was maturing. This article first describes the birth and development of Internet banking background and research network Bank development on significance, and noted that the current domestic and International Ba

11、nk in network research the outcome; Secondly, explains the meaning of the banking network, summarizes the network banks virtualization, high operating costs low, simple, temporal and spatial limitations, breakthrough paperless operating characteristics, which describes our Internet banking history a

12、nd latest advances, followed by analysis of the latest research data indicate network Bank of development trends; again, the development of Chinas Internet banking also exist many problems, such as network infrastructure is not perfect, regulation of unsound mind, credit mechanism is not mature, net

13、work security measures are perfect, business innovation is insufficient, and so on; and then, through the United States understanding of Internet banking, Bank of America network development success; Finally, in the Internet Bank for the healthy development of the strategy, strengthening supervision

14、: the introduction of stringent market access system, enhance the day-to-day management, hold the withdrawal mechanism, strengthen network security, increase business innovation and fostering network Bank brand, of course, the most important thing is to develop a group of sophisticated network bank

15、personnel. Only active in our Internet Bank is in a healthy development, our online banking can develop better, better service our customers enjoy the technology and financial gains of convenience and novelty.Keywords:The Internet Bank status experience strategies毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数



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