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1、project design. Construction preparation phase and construction tender approval for project administration procedures project site level. Project implementation schedule in Figure 2, the implementation of control measures (a .7、Tender procedures (a) invites tenders for the project in accordance with

2、 the relevant provisions of the State to comply with the project approval procedure, after obtaining the approval of public tenders. Publish tender notices tender specified media. Notice shall set forth the name and address of the tenderer, the nature, quantity, implementation of the project locatio

3、n and the times and ways to obtain tender documents and other items. This item should include the tender project of technical requirements, bidder eligibility criteria, bid requirements and evaluation standards of all substantive requirements and intends to sign the contracts terms and conditions. (

4、B) investigation and design bidding is the entire basis of the project of investigation and design work. Public tender of project design, public choice of investigation and design units, the project design is building professional grade b or above qualification of bidders. (C) quality of tendering a

5、nd construction supervision for engineering construction supervision plays a key role. At the time of construction supervision of tendering and public supervision of project construction management enterprises. This project require bidders to have construction engineering grade b or above qualificat

6、ion. (D) the construction Enterprise bidding engineering needs require bidders to have construction grade or above qualification. (E) main material procurement according to the projects needs, public choice major material suppliers, equipment, technology and material quality of the bidders shall con

7、form to the design requirements of this project, high quality and low price and reliable after-sales service. Potential bidders to the project site. The tender documents issued from the date of the item to the bidder submitting the tender closing date, the shortest shall not be less than 20th. 8 bid

8、ding this item the bidder should have the capacity to undertake the project, preparation of tender documents and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the tender documents. The bid documents shall respond to substantive requirements and conditions for tender documents. Bidders shall tender

9、 prior to the deadline for submission of bid documents, the tender documents the place. Less than three bidders, the Tenderer shall, in accordance with the way new. Bidders bid after the bid project part of the non-principal, critical work to subcontractors shall be set out in the tender documents.

10、Bidders shall not collude with the tender offer, and may not crowd out other bidders, fair competition, and must not harm the tenderer or bidders legitimate rights and interests. Bidders not c语言程序设计课程设计任务书设计题目:职员档案管理一 已知技术参数与设计前提员工人数1000人,对这1000人进行人员调动,管理二 设计内容及要求1 创建与显示职工档案2 查询与修改职工档案3 添加与删除职工档案4 排

11、序职工档案三课程设计工作计划1、确定题目,成立设计小组,做用户需求分析(3天)2、查阅资料,进行问题分析,制定方案,确定成员分工(3天)3、根据方案编写程序并进行调试(2天)4、撰写设计说明书,完成设计(3天)5、提交设计内容,答辩四、相关教材及参考书目1、C语言程序设计 高等教育出版社2、The C Programming Language 机械工业出版社 指导教师签字: 系主任 签字 : 年 月 日目 录一、需求分析4二、人员分工5三、系统运行环境5四、系统模块功能5五、使用说明7六、程序源代码14参考文献10教师评语22职员管理系统使用说明书一、需求分析在电子信息高度发达的时代,时间就是


13、结构体指针.基本类型有整型和字符型,其中字符型用来定义职工编号,姓名,薪水,电话,家庭住址.二、人员分工姓名主要负责内容xxx(组长)总体设计;管理档案的创建和显示的设计和编译.xxx职工档案的查询和修改的设计和编译.xxx职工档案的添加和删除的设计和编译xxx职工档案的排序和退出的设计和编译.三、运行环境硬件环境: CPU(pentium4 2.4Hz)、内存(256MB)、硬盘(80G)软件环境:Windows 98、 Tubro.c 2.0四、系统模块功能1、系统总体框模 块 能 功 1创建职工2显示职工3查询职工4修改职工5添加职工6删除职工职工档案4修改职工档案5添加职工档案6删除职

14、工档7职工信息 排案7排序职工2、模块设计创建模块:该模块功能是创建管理档案。在chuangjian()函数中定义整型变量i,结构体变量temp,和文件指针fp,以“w”的方式打开“jilu”文件,如果fp指向NULL,说明打开方式失败。否则,输入第一个记录,包括编号、姓名、电话、薪水、家庭住址等。直到遇见#”结束录入。最后关闭文件。显示模块:该模块功能是显示管理档案。在xianshi()函数中定义变量 n 初值为0,用来记录文件中写入的数目。定义结构体变量temp和文件指针fp,以“r”方式打开文件“jilu”。如果fp指向NULL,则文件打开失败。否则依次输入编号、姓名、电话、薪水、家庭住址等。每输入一次使n值增1。最后,如果n为0说明文件中没有记录,否则输出文件中有n个记录。最后关闭文件。查询模块:该模块功能是查询管理档案。在chaxun()函数中定义字符变量c,用来选择按编号查询还是按姓名查询。定义文件指针fp,以“r”的方式打开”jilu”文件,如果fp指向NULL,则


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