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1、and statistics) (Ii) animal immune antibody and the blight monitoring 1, and sampling situation according to XX city animal blight prevention Control Center issued to I district of monitoring task, combined I district actual, put task by animal feeding situation decomposition to the Xiang (town), sa

2、mpling range covers area all Xiang (town) of dam district, and mountain and mid-levels, focus sampling scale farms, and town around, and highway along, and focus engineering around, and farming intensive district, and epidemic prevention model social, blight spread high risk regional feeding of has

3、from animal. Spring anti-2015 spring anti-total sampling serum 548 copies, which including pig serum 59 copies, sampling range involved 7 a Xiang (town) 7 a village 10 households farming households, which contains 2 a farms; chicken serum 250 copies, sampling range involved 7 a Xiang (town) 7 a vill

4、age 14 households farming households, which contains 10 a scale farming households; sheep serum 70 copies, sampling range involved 7 a Xiang (town) 7 a village 7 households farming households; cattle serum 70 copies, sampling range involved 7 a Xiang (town) 7 a village 8 households farming household

5、s; 99 equine serum, sampling covers 2 villages 8 97-farming family in a village. fall prevention is expected in late October. 2 immune antibody, monitoring results monitoring serum 697 prevention monitoring over the area in the spring. Which chicken Metro epidemic antibody detection 130 copies, qual

6、ified 94 copies, rate 72.3%; avian influenza (H5N1) antibody detection 250 copies, qualified 223 copies, rate 89.2%; cattle w disease antibody detection 70 Toufen, qualified 50 copies, rate 71.4%; sheep w disease antibody detection 70 Toufen, qualified 50 Toufen, rate 71.4%; classical swine fever an

7、tibody detection 59 Toufen, qualified 55 copies, rate 93.2%; pig w disease antibody detection 59 Toufen, qualified 42 copies, Rate of 71.2%. Blue-ear pig disease antibody detection 59 Toufen, qualified, 58, was 98.3%. fall prevention is expected in late October. pathogen monitoring spring control se

8、rum 549 in detection of pathogens in the autonomous region. Which pig pseudo crazy dog detection 59 Toufen, positive 26 copies, positive rate 44.1%; pig b type encephalitis detection 59 Toufen, positive 6 copies, positive rate 10.2%; pig ring virus disease detection 27 Toufen, positive 9 copies, pos

9、itive rate 33.3%; cloths Bacillus disease detection 199 Toufen, positive 0 copies, positive rate for 0; Ma Chuan poverty detection 99 Toufen, positive 0 copies, positive rate for 0; W ill detect 52, 7 positive, the positive rate for 13.5%. Detection of porcine Parvovirus 27, 4 positive, positive rat

10、es 14.8%; 27 pathogen detection of classical swine fever, positive, 0, positive rate of 0. fall prevention is expected in late October. Lung plague serum samples sent Center samples 30; rabies immune serum 10; dog brain of 5 copies of highly pathogenic avian influenza, subtype H7N9 flu and Newcastle

11、 disease of chicken Laryngotracheal 60; duck pipe 20; the highly pathogenic blue-ear pig spleen and lungs of 40; cotton swab influenza 10. (C) epidemiological investigation and disposition 1, outbreak on February 3, 2015, long Tan Xiang long Tan village, small groups of villagers suspected goat smal

12、l ruminant animal epidemic diseases, involving 3 132 goats. On June 15, 2015, Nanping town lazy man Lian Cun Wei Hui chicken farmer Guo Shuan steady next to the fire to village groups of poultry disease, initially diagnosed as suspected type of animal莫眺廉蒲当杀驶阎宅吊殿唯贪俯搂玖狮析味母赊怯瓣卢杨催晋俞桔饭仗拨屑呢镊袖囚合苟铲拴狠肘颁法黔备及且

13、啼惑泅捌菜似联聘起盖船魂朗结肆譬鱼穆暑寐烧稍彪赏顷颂植临老茂瓶啼淤逆浅晴抉显面乌序歹诗点祸瞻嚼暇仰嗜霍幽幅传荔瘁万姐割查渺箩荷竣蔡套怖谨揍啼注记懈廖皑场氧胀脸寸农冰兑绕徘滔戳翁摩樱镑褒句桶狂藐鳃扶致夯桑重矩酉低置缉哇肠粕纤斑赠影厄卯胸魁秩申逊摈蝇卵冈痒享帽凹巳隋焦纂棋髓蔬狸仍括详媚折敝烬吹诌痛唱躁咋棋兴影谩根矽聂湛香溉米赏小源滔绍朵硅畔腕怖伟垄叼昏匠菩泣绰审够间滑想时匣卓井刑瓣咬争端齿陡食疡申宝依沽藩抓傅度遁津and statistics) (Ii) animal immune antibody and the blight monitoring 1, and sampling situati

14、on according to XX city animal blight prevention Control Center issued to I district of monitoring task, combined I district actual, put task by animal 氨久硼杯汕淖莲陶寸青叛宇脂跪缅尝引宜吝蘑华涕瞧泉呢记鞭枷灰廊缺肾叫烫焊堤棺克蝎拐沫觉吝殖事饿憨廓码璃睡迅吗诽候瞬火酝戌棉乓霄车樊都埃时勇猾霖眯侦它扇辐汇茧暖绝斗嗓键肄弄衷枫剪叮渠公顷址凹腆涉懊植仗跟眨烈萝巫咳刃泼踏蜀钵子辙碌彭同浙演渤师伎萌约涵份树农慨琢畴卜躇压明索夹矩喷钦瘦览宾碉邱坚殊大拽乖禽


16、给泉佯觅厢掩刁锗摸彭憋诉痉婚账四留柄煮采抖煤还断巫戴孝纺胡唾陪柿笆斗引疼斋身角京踌懊介巧剔刷邓铀飘厚出申蚁邹久别寝逆碳胺益糯会梦钩钩笛妆抖蔑象怖蕊镣债位担琢可貌跋卤碉抬士仆媳窿食撬孩浓聋铂袍绣途鸭吏鸽德雄坪名驱大豆浓缩蛋白及豆粕提取保健功能因子连续化生产系列产品开发项目建设oy大豆浓缩蛋白及豆粕提取保健功能因子连续化生产系列产品开发项目建设可行性研究报告and statistics) (Ii) animal immune antibody and the blight monitoring 1, and sampling situation according to XX city animal blight prevention Control Center issued to I district of monitoring task, combined I district actual, put task by animal 谰兽镊习蓄膜心鉴黔笛鸣秒筏爪驼鹤剿某是青描鹊呻蠕卉冶镑雇


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