Increasing Growth Rate through Joint Business Plan

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1、Increasing Ggrowth Rrate through Jjoint Bbusiness Pplan 论文摘要美居乐家商贸有限公司是我投资并经营的一家主要销售家用电器的公司,成立于2009年,, 专注于电器销售在电子商务领域的开发与拓展。自2009年取得法国赛博集团旗下特福,好运达和Krups 三两个个品牌的网上电子商务销售代理权,分别与卓越亚马逊、京东商城、,红孩子、新蛋等各大B2C网站合作销售,同时还在淘宝电器商城开了自己的网店进行销售。自开张至2010年7月,销售都是稳步的增长。但是从2010年8月起,销售增长非常缓慢,有时还出现负增长,严重影响了公司的发展。与此同时,顾客的投

2、诉与抱怨也非常多,主要问题集中在以下几方面:1. 。网上产品零售价格较传统零售渠道标准零售价的折扣很小; 2。. 缺乏促销等市场活动动以持续提高顾客的关注度, 影响销售的进一步提升;3。 电子商务物流配送质量有待改善, 因运输而造成的货物破损影响顾客购物体验;4,网上客服咨询反馈速度慢。 。鉴于以上,我们认为现在公司内部管理以及发展战略已经跟不上公司发展的规模了。如果不及时转变,会严重制约公司的发展。本论文设计将公司工作的重点由初期的业务渠道拓展向强化终端零售管理转变,通过加强市场管理,促促销管理,价格管理以及,公司的内部运营管理,从而提升品牌的知名度,使销售继续稳健的增长项目假设要明确,具体


4、利的执行,从而顾客的好评量明显增长20%,销增长增长多少?将结果以数字的形式明确。这样才能看出来你的项目假设是否实现,实现了多少。,销售在经历了短期的低靡后又重新回到高速稳步增长同上的轨道上,实现了在3个月内增长105%的目标。实践证明,网络购物是适应当今快节奏生活的必然产物,其有着巨大的市场,只要我们抓住机会,使公司的经营战略及内部管理能够适应市场发展的需要,一定可以取得喜人的成绩。关键词:电子商务、小家电、促销、市场管理、业务增长Abstract The dissertation presents a detailed report of a business plan你实施了的计划就不再

5、是plan了,是项目。Project project to improve the sales of Meijulejia co.,ltd . The company is was opened and operated by myself. It is the authorized dealer of Tefal, Rowenta and Krups products and got on-line business authorization since 2009. From last Aug 2010, tAug在论文里面要明确时间,今年读你的论文2010年是last year,明年读呢

6、? 涉及到时间点,一定要明确那年那月, the year over year sales increasincrease goted slowly. The main problem we I think is the company cantcant catch up with the market development and less marketing activities你陈述发现的问题是少市场活动支持,结果下面解决问题的办法却是加强内部管理,这个很矛盾哦。至少我作为读者读起来感到恩困惑,不明白,说明你在叙述上没有讲明白,需要重新组织逻辑和语言。 to support the sa

7、les growth. To solve it, iIt is hypothesized that to change the working focus from sales channel expansion to the business fundamental. andWe would do internal controlmore marketing activities to to get higher growth rate of the business. Joint business plan was designed based on above. It was imple

8、mented from customer survey, SWOT analysis etc to the twofive- month final operation including the company internal organization, schedule the full year marketing plan with manufactures, build joint business plan with retailers etc. The flowchart, project framework were also used in the paper to exp

9、atiate this plan. The result of this plan project is the customer views to our products increased by 20% and then sales increased by 1220.5% more and more customers know and attracted by our products and our sales increased accordingly.How do you know this? Do you have figures to support your assert

10、ion? You need to incllude the figures here . The successful business planof this project means that the E-commerce is a common way for the people to purchase nowadays. If weWhats your role in this project? can get hold of it and develop towards the correct direction, the sales would be better than t

11、he traditional channel. Key words: E-commerce, Small Home Appliance, Promotion, Marketing, Business growthTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction .12 .Problem Identification and Analysis.212 2.1 Ppro目录的格式要认真调整,你的目录看起来比较乱。平台上的写作手册中有明确的要求供你参考。ject problem212 2.2. Problem analysis.2 2.2.1 current busines

12、s situation.2 2.2.2 Customer needs and wants3 2.2.3 SWOT 5463. Project Rationale.6574. Project Objective and Hypothesis.794.1. Project Goal and Objective.794.2. Project Hypothesis.87105. Project Design.87105.1. Planning of activities.87105.1.1 Activities planned to take place87115.1.2 Critical path

13、of the planned activities.98125.1.3 Time-scale of activities.913105.2. People Involved and Their Responsibilities.111055.3. Cost analysis.121165.4. Risk Analysis and Protective Measures-13127 5.4.1 Potential risks.13127 5.4.2 Protective measures to be taken131286.Project Implementation and Monitoring131296.1. Project implementation.13129 6.1.1 General introduction of time, place of project implementation. 131296.1.2. The working steps of implementation.141396.2. Monitoring of the Project.141397.Project Findings and Discussion1420137.1.


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