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1、2019届高考英语一轮写作综合训练 2第一节:完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1. I (4哥不胜感激)if you can change your plan a little bit tomake it more workable . (appreciate)2. (时间允许的话),I will come over to see you two . (permit)3. Please dont (生气)if you dont get a good treatment here.(offence)4. Farm produce prices in

2、China fell in the week ending Oct . 16(和上一周比较).(compare)5. All the bodies discovered had gunshot wounds(手被绑在身后).(with)6. If you(吃些药)last night, you would feel better now . ttake)7. It is high time that we (专注)our studies. (concentrate)8. (不愿等待)at home, we would go to meet him at theairport. r rather

3、)9. Due to the husbands heavy load of work, the couple have decided (推迟要小孩).(postpone)10. I am fond of reading novels, but I dislike online reading .(我妹 妹也是这样).(same)高考英语必备经典句型1. as soon as 就=directly / immediately / instantly=the second / the minute / the moment / the instant如:He came around to see

4、 me as soon as / the moment/ immediately he checked in the hotel.他刚一入住宾馆就来看我.They informed us the news immediately / directly they got it.他们一得到消息就通知了我们.The policeman came to the spot the moment / the instant / the minute she heard of the accidents听说事故,这位警察就到了现场.2. before(1)没来得及就The roof fell before

5、he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.他还没有来得及冲进房间把孩子就出来,房顶就塌了.He ran off before I could stop him.To my great disappointment , my favorite singer left the concert before I could have a word with him.(2) 过了多久才怎么样, 动作进行到什么程度才怎样They walked about thirty miles to the west before they saw a vi

6、llage.They worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal.Three years passed before I knew it.3. It was +时间段+ before过了多久才It was not long before 不久就 It will (not) be + 时间段 + before 嘤过多久(不久)才如: It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.It was three years b

7、efore he came back.It will be half a year before you graduate from this school.4. no sooner than = hardly when就 ,刚刚 就no sooner / hardly + 过去完成时, than / when + 一般过去时如果 no sooner, hardly 位于句首 , 主句要倒装.He had hardly sat down to have a rest when the door bell rang and in came Allan.No sooner had he got o

8、ff the train than his daughter ran towards him.Hardly had we arrived when she started crying to go home.5. once 一旦,表示时间和条件Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.Once you have decided to do something, you should do it well.Once you enter the chemistry lab, you should follo

9、w the teacher s instructions.6. since 自从以来since 引导的从句不论是延续性或非延续性动词 , 都表示的是动作或状态的完成或结束 .注意一下句子翻译:Since he lived in Nanjing, I have not heard from him. (= since he left Nanjing自从他离开南京以来,我没有收到过他的信.Since she was in Yangzhou, she has kept in touch with her former friends. ( since she left Yangzhou)她离开扬州以

10、来,一直同过去的朋友保持着联系.对比 :1) . I have never seen him since he was ill.他病好后,我就再也没有见到他.2) . I have never seen him since he fell ill.他生病以后我就再也没有见过他.It is / ( has been ) + 时间段 + since + 过去式It is / has been two years since his father died.= his father has been dead for two years. = his father died two years ag

11、o.他的父亲去世两年了 .It has been 8 years since I graduated from university.= I graduated from university 8 years ago.第 3 页It is 3 years since he smoked他三年不吸烟了 .(即,从句动词延续性的,译成否定 意义 ;从句动词非延续性的,译成肯定意义.)It is 3 years since he left school. 他毕业三年了-.7 .until 直至U时候;notuntil直至U才You are to stay here until / till your

12、 mother comes back.The meeting was putoff until ten o clock.Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know much about global warning.= We did not know much about global warning until we watched the Earth Day program.= It was not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV that we knew

13、 much about global warming.Not until he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted much time playing computer games.8 .when引导并列分句,当时,突然”,强调另一动作的突然发生.One day Chuck was on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed. Chuck survived the crash and landed on a deserted isl

14、and.I was walking along the river when I heard a drowning boy crying for help.I was about to leave when it began to rain.对比 : A: I was walking along the street when I caught sight of a tailor s shop.8: I was walking along the streets. Just at that moment I caught sight of a tailor s shop.*结束第二节:写作在日

15、常生活中,人们对于体育锻炼所持的观点各不相同,请你以 “H ealth means wealth ”为题写一篇不少于120 词的短文, 号召人们坚持健康积极的生活方式: 每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。注意: 1 适当想象发挥,不能逐句翻译:2至少要有两个不同的观点或态度。第 4 页Health means wealth答案*1 will/ would appreciate it2 Time permitting/ If time permits3 take offence4 compared to/with the previous week5 with their hands tied behind back6 had taken some medicine7 concentrated on/ should concentrate on8 Rather than wait / waiting9 to postpone having their baby10 I


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