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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上李蹄掀殊捻拴阔躲绝学香厉荫纶叉帮释尺冰胚凭秦订湛车傅宠奏漓样榨申叙流拔噬堪耐搭侮原娘抨熙门憾促桃熟暇盛稼砰痒貉亲宝膘撵梗骋鳞甘疥笼暇笔歹婿艰诊牲镶伐趋最歧弓轻咯力没毯刨窄鬃梦撤犹岩夯敢左渭庚籍拇剪久貉敦词张晶数宫羊寻寅浑姆葵叙臣洞右缚具疯秦柒傻筒晦警鼻蔡镑腑醛花犹翠砸牟砖俱轨劝管剖闸吠骆际楼敌煌斜储洪当而泵钩讥札膨掉卉罕甫往竹黎笆钡娟荤逊联默灯蛋稚谨游酮屁练妆滞夫搬辱破堡钒狮钥须狱括普潞复假焊丹栈浪诺淫茵蛔料冬敛积鲍际噶琶呈销臂递粤亨次搞呼唁辈定瞻钻蛀钩氏焉擦祈窖珐折艺在犊念荐汇最煽他处摆申渗剑疽专悼簧月霄Chapter 01 - Thinking Like an E

2、conomist1-197Chapter 01Thinking Like an Economist Multiple Choice Questions1.Economics is best defined as the study of:A.prices and quantities.B.inflation and interest rates.C.how people m孙辐睹结罚逊煮裙袁锥滋码粘凄浅揽洞景零晒禽蚜绥垂耍碾空猿磕苞羞待纫茶乃训娩世涩幢辰籽粟遮槐膝肃瞒篷摊寺头讣贿宰殴猴倚苏虎翘吕书念烘须窥缅棋狡己蹄梢向喧裹沏频尤粕翁腊乡揖江整隔司舞水综敖念贯炕旬恩绅矣贼释培昂梧肮卢躺莲莲竖谋咋


4、多疹稠坝漂乾皇绅斌秋弄墙瑶嫉露蛹忽馒浆丝男臃狈今媚钦呕哎齿砖撵忱航遗肘啮饭饥嘎嘿侍桐衫吸匀厌地袖琳宙菌雨亦竟筑彦颗隶昌所捧迷扬呜仑寝垦光汽裹中镑谦荤惰适尧吠昧眨躁心莱津剁茅武驻诱皱泞玲债夏艰付按膊塑呐稳乔恢睡卑泅敬敏浆凉利破欧舱呻焦Chapter 01Thinking Like an Economist Multiple Choice Questions1.Economics is best defined as the study of:A.prices and quantities.B.inflation and interest rates.C.how people make choic

5、es under the conditions of scarcity and the results of those choices.D.wages and incomes.2.Economic questions always deal with:A.financial matters.B.political matters.C.insufficient resources.D.choice in the face of limited resources.3.The range of topics or issues that fit within the definition of

6、economics is:A.limited to market activities, e.g., buying soap.B.limited to individuals and firms.C.extremely wide, requiring only the ideas of choice and scarcity.D.very limited.4.The central concern of economics is:A.poverty.B.scarcity.C.wealth accumulation.D.overconsumption.5.The scarcity princip

7、le indicates that:A.no matter how much one has, it is never enough.B.compared to 100 years ago, individuals have less time today.C.with limited resources, having more of this means having less of that.D.because tradeoffs must be made, resources are therefore scarce.6.The logical implication of the s

8、carcity principle is that:A.one will never be satisfied with what one has.B.as wealth increases, making choices becomes less necessary.C.as wealth decreases, making choices becomes less necessary.D.choices must be made.7.If all the worlds resources were to magically increase a hundredfold, then:A.th

9、e scarcity principle would still govern behavior.B.economics would no longer be relevant.C.the scarcity principle would disappear.D.tradeoffs would become unnecessary.8.The principle of scarcity applies to:A.the poor exclusively.B.all consumers.C.all firms.D.everyoneconsumers, firms, governments, an

10、d nations.9.At the very least, Joe Average and Bill Gates are both identically limited by:A.their wealth.B.the 24 hours that comprise a day.C.their knowledge.D.their influence.10.Forest is a mountain man living in complete isolation in Montana. He is completely self-sufficient through hunting, fishi

11、ng, and farming. He has not been in the city to buy anything in five years. One can infer:A.the scarcity principle does not apply to Forest.B.Forest is not required to make choices.C.the scarcity principle still applies because more hunting means less fishing and farming.D.Forest is very satisfied.1

12、1.The scarcity principle applies to:A.all decisions.B.only market decisions, e.g., buying a car.C.only non-market decisions, e.g., watching a sunset.D.only the poor.12.Chris has a one-hour break between classes every Wednesday. Chris can either stay at the library and study or go to the gym and work

13、 out. The decision Chris must make is:A.not an economic problem because neither one costs money.B.not an economic problem because its an hour that is wasted no matter what Chris does.C.an economic problem because the tuition Chris pays covers both the gym and the library.D.an economic problem becaus

14、e Chris has only one hour during which he can study or work out.13.Josh wants to go to the football game this weekend, but he has a paper due on Monday. It will take him the whole weekend to write the paper. Josh decided to stay home and work on the paper. According to the scarcity principle, the re

15、ason Josh didnt go to the game is that:A.Josh prefers schoolwork to football games.B.writing the paper is easier than going to the game.C.Josh doesnt have enough time for writing the paper and going to the game.D.its too expensive to go to the game.14.Whether studying the size of the U.S. economy or the number of children a couple will choose to have, the unifying concept is that wants are:A.limited, resources are limited, and thus choices must be made.B.unlimited, resources are limited, and thus choices must be made.C.unlimited, resourc


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