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1、关于胜利的英语演讲稿关于胜利的英语演讲稿1 MyDefntion fues “Onc upon a time,e as in ho had adaugher abeutifulas a bloomingose. T all hesuiors whcm t thkins alcto ask o the dof th pincess,thekng aiedthreetaksto beaccomplishd, ech ext to impossible.On dy, intohekings pala amea andsom yung prine. Wll,yu knowthe res. The tr

2、ee ta may e diferent idifret versins, u the min plt is alwysthe sa, with the pnce laiming therincessd trumphantly.A t endng is always tesame, finsing wth the inAndteivehapiyvr ate Wh rent we tire ofsetin sfacu, o urelisic,ad, wud a, so unmaginatve? How ca stoylike enure eertions f reettion? eause,I

3、thik, it a tisucess or.I is hihlyphloophica and smbli. By mplcaton, w see a 4stepinitin osucess: 1 )a goalte set. as rsentdb te beaifu prince; 2 ) hallengs tob et, aeprentdby e tretsks; )theprocess o srmuiniffultis, asreresentedbythe rdeals the outh goe hog; and ) te ead oucces,areprsnted by te happ

4、 ariae Th story nt l ates o everyones nward yearin for uccess,ut asoempasizesthe inseparailiy of th poes and te esl. T rewa of scc il beuch amplifedif thahleaingtowards is reaherou,and vice vers. If ersonhitshis faers millisd leads an eay lif, is oa scessl person eveni aterialerms,bcase hr e o ificu

5、ltes involvd in his achieving fluence The term succss,obe sur. wil not st stillforasydinitin. But a understandi,t tre eninof succss ntais a cmbinatin both the pcesad the stisfactoryresu of a endeavo. To clarify my view, le giv aoternog I we haged he ruleso fotbal,geaty nrged the gal andnt aa d Seama

6、n or any thr go kepe, o that anoter Dav,namly Davi Becham, culd sce easily, thn scoringwold nt ive im th thri ccomplishment an theythati rngs.f erher changed the rulyotalowig Aenas efenders t def, sothatBckhm needed only to it er, actally a o,t co, then theewold be no get ll, bcusethe meaning ofig w

7、ouldhv disapperedIn aceptin the allenge, in rmutingthe ifficultis an inndurig thharship, sucess cquies ivaueThe sene of aainmt aie in roportio to te degree o dificulies o overcoms. Theconcept of uccsisnot onta ut relatve becehe nture o dfficuy is alo elaive. Soehing u dfforlessly mgt oe rea ifficult

8、fra handicapp pron n auiring theabilyt h same a u a, e or sh aceesuces.hts wh wreatly aie Seen awing, ecaue, though confied towhee chair, e hsonrbte real othefied of sciece. mself, a aher shy pson bnu o eail ffer fro stage frigt, ha to pluk pgrt corage to ae prt in a seech ontst like thi.Icdhav stay

9、ed wayand ha eay tme o it by o entrig thunivsitylevel contet.ut I chose oacet challenge and to c te difculties. w he f I com ot first, it will be a grea succs fo me.If Icoe out at-I opethis w not b te ase-but iI coe out last, I will ot all my atteta failue, but willalsoceate t as aruuces, becaus par

10、tf mygoal i wn carcertrnto do ore asetive, tbe brave in fce of diffculties Fome, t is maigfl sepforwad, smallas it is, in the longjourney toardthefial sccessiny ife, becaueIhave ruly gained byaticipating.Let rern o our hndn price and th4step fnition of sccess Yu have ntitat thsul orlly criteriao wel

11、th,ostionan fam wr nt mentida prt of h story,b rah, it mphaszed the rocess of orcoming difficulti. Tencien wdm aleady dfne mning oscess, and ths my defniton,oo.hanou.关于胜利的英语演讲稿2syoudefinition of uce a at misake? For oe, success isdfed i sfh dolaroton a paychek or thers, ts titl onteir busiess crd Ot

12、ers aydfn suce in erms of the acolades awardsteyhve on.But thproblem wh how people efne sucess thse day s hawhe teyre fced change t, they can.Look atthe bsinsen ohav omittedsuicide beause teyave lot ortues Considerthe worer w are fire nd then go back t wok, armedwt a un. Extemease, sure. Not evernnsidskillg themsves or other whe terlelihod is thretneBut spoint out thaayewe needt revisi our w de


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