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1、旅游英语情景对话旅游英语情景对话 here is the tourist information center? 旅游咨询处在哪里? A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tourist information center is? 打扰一下,你能告诉我旅游咨询处在哪儿吗? B:Im new here. You had better ask the policeman over there. 我初来此地,你最好问问那边的警察。 A:Thank you all the same. 谢谢你! Is there a tourist information

2、center in this city? 本市有没有旅游咨询处? A:Is there a tourist information center is this city? 本市有没有旅游咨询处? B:Yes, there is one near the airport. 有,在飞机场附近有一个。 Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive? 你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗? A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive? 你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗? B:Well,

3、there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK? 有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何? A:OK! Thank you! 好的,谢谢! Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach. 我想要住在一间靠近海滩的旅馆。 A:May I help you? 需要什么帮助吗? B:Yes, Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one? 是的,我想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆。你

4、能为我推荐一个吗? A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach. 嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,而且服务是一流的。 B:Thank you! 谢谢! 小提示: 初次踏入异国旅游,人生地不熟,在旅游咨询处可问询关于住宿的信息,可以根据自己的要求具体询问。比如还有以下相关的问法: Do you have a hotel list? 这儿有旅馆目录吗? Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的旅馆?

5、Could you recommend a hotel in the city center? 是否可推荐一家位于市中心的旅馆? Please tell me about some interesting places in this city. 请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。 A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city. 请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。 B: OK, what are you interested in? 好的,你对什么感兴趣? A: I want to visit some historic

6、sites. 我想参观一些历史名胜。 What are the places of special interest here? 这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗? A: What are the places of special interest here? 这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗? B: Why dont you go to the Disneyland? Im sure youll have fun here. 何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。 A: Thank you! 谢谢! 初到异地旅游若是不熟悉该国的旅游景点可以向别人询问,其他类似的表达法还有: Coul

7、d you recommend some interesting places to visit in the city? 你能为我介绍一些这座城市有趣的可供参观的地方吗? What are the best places to visit here, please? 请问这里最好的旅游观光处在哪里? Which places are the most-sees? 哪些地方是必看之地? 第一句:May I have a free city map? 我可以要一张免费城市地图吗? A:Excuse me. May I have a free city map? 打扰了,我可以要一张免费城市地图吗

8、? B:Sure, here you are. 当然可以,给你。 A:Thank you very much. Thats very nice of you. 多谢了!您真好! B:Not at all. 不客气! 第二句:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city? 你有这座城市的旅游手册吗? A:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city? 你有这座城市的旅游手册吗? B:Yes, but Im afraid its not free. 是的,但不是免费的。 A:All right! I

9、ll take one. Here is the money. 没关系,我买一本,给你钱。 B:Here is your change. Have a nice trip! 给您找零,祝您路途愉快! 知识延伸: 想要索取或购买旅游手册,还有以下相关的说法: Please give me a sightseers pamphlet. 请给我一本观光手册。 Where can I get a tourist handbook? 我在哪里可以买到旅游手册? 第一句:Id like to know the route of the streetcar. 我想知道电车行进的路线。 A: Id like

10、to know the route of the streetcar. 我想知道电车行进的路线。 B: Its shown on this map. 地图上有。 第二句:Is there a bus to go to there? 有到那儿的公汽吗? A: Is there a bus to go to the Star Hotel? 有到星星宾馆的公汽吗? B: Yes, the bus runs every hour. 有,每小时一趟。 A: By the way, could you tell me which bus to take to go there? 顺便问一下,能告诉我乘哪路

11、公交去吗? B: No. 12. 12路。 A: Thank you. 谢谢! 关于乘车路线的表达法还有: Is it far to walk? 走到那儿远吗? Should I take a bus? 要乘公共汽车吗? Should I go this way or that way? 我应当走这条路还是那条路? Is there any landmark there? 那个地方有路牌吗? 第一句:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks? 我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱? A:How much dose it cost if I s

12、tay there for two weeks? 我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱? B:It doesnt cost much, because its far from the downtown area. 不会花费太多,因为那儿离市中心远。 A:Thats good. 那还不错。 How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days? 香格里拉7日游多少钱? A:Hello, CITS? How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days? 你好,中国旅游吗?香格里拉7日游多少钱? B:The winter program is

13、 650 dollars. 冬季游是650美元。 A:For each person? 每个人650美元? B:Yes, including meals. 是的,包括饭钱在内。 旅游前选择一家好的旅行社很重要,他们会安排行程、住宿和饮食等。如果询问机票的话可以说: Is the ticket included? 含机票吗? Do you give a discount? 你们打折吗? 第一句:Do you have any tour including all these places? 你们有没有包含所有这些地方的旅游路线? A: What places do you prefer to g

14、o? 你们想去哪些地方? B: We particularly want to visit Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Do you have any tour including all these places? 我们特别想去北京、西安和上海。你们有没有包含所有这些地方的旅游路线? A: Yes, we do. But it is a little bit expensive! 是的,我们有,但稍微有些贵! How much do you usually charge for a tour to China? 到中国旅行一般收费多少? A: Here are t

15、he brochures that describe various tour routes in China. You can choose anyone you like. 这些是介绍到中国旅行各种路线的小册子。您可以选择您喜欢的任意一种。 B: How much do you usually charge for a tour to China? 到中国旅行一般收费多少? 知识延伸: 出门前向旅行社咨询信息很重要,他们一般会提供住宿、餐饮和交通方面的信息。如果想问机票是否打折的话,可以说: Do you have discount for air tickets? 机票打折吗? 第一句:Room service, please. 我要客房服务。 A:Room service, please. 我要客房服务。 B:W


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