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1、 50分钟小专题(2)一单项选择1 Usually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fogI happened to witness this morning来Ait Bthose Ceach Done2What would you like to do next? Go skating?Well, _ . I hate to be black and blue all over AThats the last thing Ill do BIts up to you CI cant agree more DYou can say t

2、hat again!3When I first got this horse,she was not going to accept any from me Ainvitations Bconstructions Cinstructions Ddirections4When doing experiments,one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make observation Aaccurate Bcasual Ceventual Dpotential5-Whats wrong with your car? -Well,as y

3、ou know,cars usually start in winter Adont Bdidnt Cwont Dcant6Children above l6 are encouraged to take part in these activities specially for them Adesigning Bdesigned Cto design Dhaving designed7Did you enjoy yourself in Nantong this summer? . It was too hot.AYes, why not BNot reallyCOh, noDYou got

4、 it8Why didnt you go for a walk? Itll give you a (n) for your lunch.AappetiteBauthorityCenergyDmotivation9After spending a wonderful weekend, Jim would have to return to his duties on Monday.AcommonBnormalCregularDusual10It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man th

5、e other animals.AwithBfromCbetweenDamong11Do you believe that opportunities always the prepared minds?I couldnt agree more.AmakeBchangeCkeepDfavor12It is necessary that we keep the young generation of the current affairs.AinformedBbeing informedCinformingDto inform13A recent survey shows the number

6、of people who shop in stores , while far more are shopping online.AdecreaseBdecreasesCis decreasingDare decreasing14Our English teacher often tells us that the meaning of a new word may be according to the given context.Apicked outBruled outCbrought outDtaken out15The band was very successful in the

7、 seventies, most of members were in their twenties.AitsBwhoseCwhomDwhich16The China dream is the peoples dream. Only when everyone is hardworking and full of energy to make their due contribution .Ait can better realizeBcan it better realizeCit can better be realizedDcan it better be realized17Launc

8、hed in March 2010, China Face has been a daily news feature on a Chinese individual.Abeing focusedBfocusingCto be focusedDto focus18I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence such an easy test.Amight have failed Bcould have failed Cshould have failed Dmust have failed19It hasnt been made clear

9、 the new underground line is to be open to traffic.AwhenBthatCwhatDwhere20Do you think I can pass the driving test? , Im afraid.AOf courseBYou canCNot a chanceDNot a little二完型填空What is true friendship? True friendship doesnt mean that when you need your friends help, you will 21 them to dinner, and

10、you will put your friends in a difficult 22 when you have to protect yourself. 23 true friendship is understanding of the souls and the 24 of the hearts. True friends are connected in hearts every minute whatever the 25 is.True friendship involves 26 : doing something for someone else while expectin

11、g nothing 27 ; sharing thoughts and feelings 28 fear of judgment or negative criticism. 29 is essential to true friendship. We need to be able to 30 our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will 31 on the Internet the next day! Failing to 32 those secrets can destroy a f

12、riendship in a hurry. True friendship has 33 to do with fame, power, or possessions. True friends 34 contact you at usual time, but come to you 35 you need their help. They care not 36 you are, but who you are. Youre not his stepping-stone to 37 but are his walking stick to 38 difficulties. When you

13、 are happy, you are 39 to forget him, but when you are in trouble, he is the first one you will 40 for help.21 A. inform B. regard C. treat D. advise22A. situation B. state C. occasion D. surrounding23A. In a word B. On the contrary C. In a nutshell D. On average24A. consideration B. connection C. attraction D. communication25A. distance B. destination C. position D. ambition26A. promise B. action C. belief D. words27 A. in turn B. at times C. in return D. at no times28A. with B. without C. despite D. beyond29A. Trust B. Honesty C. Kindn



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