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1、 学校代码:11059 学 号:0913114041Hefei University 毕业设计(论文)BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目:化工业上市公司并购与管理层过度自信研究 学位类别:_ 管理学 学科专业:_ 会计学_ 作者姓名:_ _ _ 导师姓名:_ _ _ 完成时间:_ 2013年5月14号_ 目 录中文摘要4ABSTRACT5第一章 引 言.61.1研究背景61.2研究意义61.3研究内容与结构7第二章 相关理论及文献回顾82.1管理者过度自信的定义82.2过度自信的度量方法82.2.1股票期权法82.2.2相关主流媒体对CEO的评价92.2.3企业景气指数92.

2、2.4企业盈利预测的偏差92.2.5实施并购的频率92.3 并购动机理论102.3.1协同理论效应102.3.2委托代理理论102.3.3市场势力理论112.3.4交易费用理论112.4 小结11第三章 研究假设12第四章 研究设计134.1 样本选取和数据来源134.2 变量定义134.2.1被解释变量-M&A134.2.2解释变量-CONFIDENCE134.2.3控制变量144.2.4 回归方程的设定14第五章 实证分析165.1 描述性统计分析165.2 相关性分析165.3 回归分析175.3.1 对模型一的回归分析175.3.2对模型二的回归分析18第六章 结 论19参考文献20致

3、 谢22附 表23化工业上市公司并购与管理层过度自信研究中 文 摘 要 随着资本主义市场和科学技术以及相关法律的不断完善,并购已成为上市公司优化企业资源和资本运营的一种重要方式。并购不仅可以实现强强联合、拓展自己的经营领域,而且还可以使经营不善的公司避免破产倒闭的困境。然而,根据Loughran和Agrawal的研究发现,并购并不总能给企业带来益处,有时甚至会造成股东财富的损失,并给企业带来融资、营运和反收购等一系列风险。对此,部分学者开始对这一现象进行调查,指出一些企业的并购活动,可能源自过度自信的管理者。他们高估自己的专业知识,能力和获得信息的准确度。他们相信自己的能力比被并购公司的管理者


5、者过度自信的心理促使企业实施了更多的并购活动。(2)由于我国现有资本市场的不完善及法律法规的相对薄弱,我国化工业上市公司的并购活动对内部自有现金流的敏感度并不明显。关键词:化工业上市公司;管理层过度自信;并购决策;并购动因 The Research on M&A and Management Overconfidence of the Chemical Industry Listed CompaniesABSTRACTWith the constant improvement of the capitalist market, science and technology and relate

6、d laws, M&A has become an important way for listed companies to optimize enterprise resources and capital operation. Mergers and acquisitions not only can achieve powerful combination and expand their business areas, but also make mismanaged companies to avoid bankruptcy plight. However , according

7、to Loughran and Agrawal research, we find that mergers and acquisitions do not always give benefit, and sometimes even result in the loss of shareholder wealth, and bring a number of risks of financing, operation and anti-takeover to the enterprise. In this regard, some scholars began to investigate

8、 this phenomenon, pointing out that some mergers and acquisitions activity may be derived from overconfident managers. They overestimate their professional knowledge, ability and accuracy of the information. They trust their own ability stronger than the managers of the acquired company, and believe

9、 that the acquired company can obtain greater economic benefits under their own leadership. At present, domestic and foreign scholars have paid more attention to the performance of mergers and acquisitions, but few experts take the acquisition motivation for an in-depth inquiry. In addition, the 200

10、8 financial crisis has seriously affected the chemical industry, and mergers and acquisitions of chemical industry have also undergone a huge transformation. As a result, to study the chemical industry listed company M&A and management overconfidence has practical significance.In this article, we pu

11、t the study in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange A share listed companies from January 1, 2009-December 31 as an object, and explore whether the motivation of frequent M&A activities has something to do with the management overconfidence. At the same time, we introduce the 0/1 dichotomy to distin

12、guish whether the sample companies implement the M&A activities, whether the managers have an overconfidence and whether the company is a state-owned nature.The results show that: (1) The phenomenon of managerial overconfidence definitely exists in Chinas chemical industry listed companies, and the

13、managerial overconfidence psychology prompts enterprises to implement more M&A activities. (2) Because of capital market imperfections and relative weakness of laws and regulations, the sensitivity of Chinas chemical industry listed companies M&A activities to their own internal cash flow is not obv

14、ious.Key Words: Chemical industry listed companies ;Managerial Overconfidence; M&A Decision; M&A motivation第一章 引 言1.1研究背景 从19世纪下半叶至今,全球资本市场先后经历5次大的并购阶段。从横向并购、纵向并购、混合并购、杠杆并购到现在的跨国并购,企业的并购浪潮愈演愈烈。有数据显示,在2006年至2010年短短的五年时间,我国上市公司的并购重组规模将近万亿元,说明我国上市公司并购重组浪潮异常活跃。从2011年开始,我国资本市场又出现前所未有的跨国并购热。据最新资讯报导,2012年中国企业在美国的收购规模创下约105亿美元的年度最高纪录,例如中联重科以近2.4亿美元向高盛等购回CIFA剩余股权。 然而并不是所有的并购都能为企业带来正的利益。例如,中投公司仅仅用两个月的时间就斥巨资参股美国私募基金巨头黑石集团


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