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1、2022年考博英语-苏州大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Coffee can be considered one of natures greatest gifts, it gives mental and emotional(1)without harmful side effects, and it (2) a wealth of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinking that the beverage is (3)their health. In fact, some m

2、ay even feel a little guilty, (4)some believe coffee isnt good for you at all.Well, coffee, like anything else, can cause problems if too much is (5 ). Moderate consumption of coffee (6)your body with a wealth of antioxidants. These substances are responsible (7) eliminating free radicals. They are

3、the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does, something. A small number of them can help serve (8)a buffer against negative elements, if they arent(9)in check, they can cause health problems. Antioxidants ensure that this doesnt happen.The psychological effects of caffeine cannot be (10)

4、either. Not only does caffeine make you more(11), but it can actually affect your mood. If you were feeling (12) or overwhelmed, a nice cup of coffee could change your (13). The stack of work that seemed impossible before isnt even a problem now. (14), caffeine helps stimulate creativity as it speed

5、s up the bodys functioning. Thats why coffee is often(15)with writers and other intellectual professions. Other drugs (16)to make people dumber. Consider what happens when people get high off of crack or when they get drunk off of alcohol. They wont be (17) at all. But with coffee, an individual get

6、s a creative boost(18)still helping their bodies. In conclusion, dont feel bad when youre brewing your morning cup of coffee.(19)a can of soda or a shot of alcohol, coffee will make you feel wonderful while keeping you healthy. Just remember, you do have to consume the beverage in (20).问题1选项A.cleanB


8、akenB.madeC.putD.kept问题10选项A.ignoredB.abandonedC.deletedD.canceled问题11选项A.stemB.shrewdC.alertD.nasty问题12选项A.immersedB.depressedC.oppressedD.compelled问题13选项A.interpretiveB.relativeC.representativeD.perspective问题14选项A.On the contraryB.On the other handC.In additionD.At last问题15选项A.associatedB.connecte


10、B第13题:D第14题:C第15题:A第16题:B第17题:D第18题:B第19题:D第20题:A【解析】(1)词义辨析。根据句子结构,可知空格中应填入一个名词,作动词give的宾语。选项A和D可排除。clarity “清楚,明晰”;brightness “光亮,聪明”。句意:它使人精神和心情明朗,没有副作用。选项B符合题意。(2)动词词义辨析。combine “联合,结合”;content “使满足”;consist “由组成”;contain “包含”。句意:它含有丰富的营养物质。选项D符合题意。(3)动词词义辨析。improve “改善”;harm “伤害”;threaten “危害,威

11、胁”;stimulate “刺激”。句意:然而,当大多数人喝咖啡的时候,他们并不认为咖啡正在改善他们的健康状况。选项A符合题意。(4)上下文逻辑。空格前句意思为:事实上,有些人会觉得有些内疚惭愧。空格后一句意思为:有些人认为咖啡对身体根本没有好处。前后两句存在因果关系,所以选用since “因为”,可引导原因状语从句。选项C符合题意。(5)动词词义辨析。consume “消耗”;conduct “组织,实施”;engage “从事,吸引,占用”;attract “吸引”。句意:咖啡和其他东西一样,如果喝得太多也会引起问题。这里是指过量消耗。选项A符合题意。(6)动词词义辨析。provide “

12、提供”;attribute “归属,归因于”;absorb “吸收”;attach “使依附,系上”。句意:适量饮用咖啡可以为身体提供丰富的抗氧化剂。选项A符合题意。(7)固定搭配。be responsible for为固定搭配,“对负责”。句意:这些物质负责清除自由基。选项C符合题意。(8)介词辨析。for “为了”;as “作为”;to “动作的目的和导向”;with “和,与,用”。句意:它们中的一部分可以作为一种缓冲,来对抗负面元素。选项B符合题意。(9)固定搭配。keep in check “阻止,约束,制止”。句意:它们中的一部分可以作为一种缓冲,来对抗负面元素,如果不对它们加以控

13、制,可能会导致健康问题。选项D符合题意。(10)动词词义辨析。ignore “忽视”;abandon “抛弃,放弃”;delete “删除”;cancel “取消”。句意:咖啡因的心理作用也不容忽视。选项A符合题意。(11)形容词词义辨析。stem “严厉的”;shrewd “精明的,机灵的”;alert “警惕的,警觉的”;nasty “下流的,肮脏的”。句意:咖啡因不仅会让你更加警觉,实际上还会影响你的心情。选项C符合题意。(12)词义辨析题。immerse “沉浸,使陷入”;depress “压抑,使沮丧”;oppress “压抑,使烦恼”;compel “强迫,迫使”。根据连词or可知

14、,空格中填入的词和overwhelmed词义和形式都要保持一致。overwhelmed “受打击的”。句意:如果你感到沮丧或受打击。选项B符合题意。(13)词汇辨析。根据空格前的your,可知空格中应该填入名词。interpretive “解释的,作为说明的,为形容词”,选项A可排除。relative “形容词意思为相关的,名词意思为亲戚”。 representative “形容词意思为有代表性的,作名词意思为代表”。perspective “形容词意思为透视的,名词意思为观点”。句意:如果你感到沮丧或受打击的,一杯好咖啡可以改变你的观点。选项D符合题意。(14)逻辑关系。上文提到了咖啡对人体的心理产生作用,影响人的情绪。空格后提到了咖啡因可以刺激人的创造能力,前后都提到了咖啡带来的积极影响,所以前后为递进关系。In addition “除此之外,还有”。选项C符合题意。(15)固定搭配。be associated with “与有关”;be connected with “与连接”;没有搭配be coincided with,选项C可排除。be compared with “与相比较”。句意:这就是为什么咖


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