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1、术语解释5个1. Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates space and exerts a negative pressure, which would have gravitational effects to account for the differences between the theoretical and observational results of gravitational effects on visible matter.2. Quantum physics is the stud

2、y of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic levels.3. Physics:4. Network security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization by keeping out intruders (hackers).5. Material:6. Materials science is an inter

3、disciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering.7. Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the human manipulation of an organisms genetic material in a way that does not occur under natural conditions. It involv

4、es the use of recombinant DNA techniques, but does not include traditional animal and plant breeding or mutagenesis. 8. mechanics9. automobile10. invention11. urbanisation:12. E=mc2:术语翻译50个13. 绝对补集 absolute complement / 代数 algebra /代数式 algebraic expression / 代数方程 algebraic equation / 代数不等式 algebraic

5、 inequality / 任意常数 arbitrary constant / 数组 array / 底数;基数 base number / 连续函数 continuous function / 函数 function / 复合函数 function of function / 函数记号functional notation / 集合aggregate / 子集 subset 14. 运动 movement /力force /动能和功kinetic energy and work /势能potential energy/ 能量守恒conservation of energy /引力 gravi

6、tation /声波 sound wave /振动 oscillation / 流体 fluid / 波 wave/ 温度temperature /热量 heat /电荷electric charge /电场 electric field 电势electric potential /电容 capacitance /电流current /电阻resistance/电路circuit /感应induction 、电感inductance /干涉interference /衍射 diffraction /相对论relativity /光子photon /物质波matter wave/核物理 nucl

7、ear physics/核能 energy from the nucleus/夸克quarks/轻子leptons/ 大爆炸the Big Bang 15. 信息安全 informationsecurity / 防火墙 firewall /入侵检测系统 IDS / 分布式拒绝服务 Distributed Denial of Service / 机密性 Confidentiality / 不可抵赖性 Non-repudiation / 中间人攻击 man-in-the-middle attack / 后门攻击 backdoor attack / 计算机病毒 Computer Virus / 密码

8、编码学Cryptography / 密钥协议 key agreement / 授权 authorization /备份文件 backup files / 泄密 compromise 密码 cipher / 违规 breach / 网桥 bridge / 蛮力攻击 brute-force attack / 证书序列号 certificate serial number / 询问 challenge / 选择明文攻击 chosen-plaintext attack / 破译 code breaking /线间进入 between-the-lines entry / 攻击者attacker / 密码

9、学 cryptology / 解密 decryption /授权 delegation / 加密 encryption 16. 阿童木 Astro Boy / 变形金刚 Transformers /人工智能 Artificial Intelligence /信息论information theory / 控制论 Cybernetics /自动化 automation /仿生学 bionics / 数理逻辑 mathematical logic /语言学 linguistics / 装置 installation; unit device 腿式移动机器人 legged mobile robot

10、/ 轮式移动机器人 wheeled mobile robot / 机器人的传感器 robot sensor / 机器人的定位 robot localization /运动学 kinematics / 运动控制 motion (move) control /规划与导航 planning and navigation /机器人仿真 robot simulation17. 磁性材料 magnetic material /半导体semiconductor / 结晶体 crystal / 非晶质的 amorphous / 微观结构 microstructure / 宏观的 macroscopic / 材

11、料性质 material property / 跨学科的 interdisciplinary / 石器时代Stone Age / 青铜时代 Bronze Age / 铁器时代 Steel Age / 冶金学 metallurgy / 薄膜沉淀 thin-film deposition / x光衍射 X-ray diffraction磁性材料 magnetic material /半导体semiconductor / 结晶体 crystal / 非晶质的 amorphous / 微观结构 microstructure / 宏观的 macroscopic / 材料性质 material prope

12、rty / 跨学科的 interdisciplinary / 石器时代Stone Age / 青铜时代 Bronze Age / 铁器时代 Steel Age / 冶金学 metallurgy / 薄膜沉淀 thin-film deposition / x光衍射 X-ray diffraction18. 机械工程 机电一体化 生物工程 纳米技术 信息技术 计算机辅助设计 太阳能电池 汽车工程 机械学 后勤学 计算流体动力学 无线电通讯19. mechanical engineering, mechatronics /mechanical-electrical integration, bioe

13、ngineering/ biological engineering, NT (Nanotechnology) , information technology, computer aided design, solar battery/solar powered battery , automotive engineering, mechanics / mechanology, logistics , CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics ), radiocommunication 20. 基因gene / 脱氧核糖核酸DNA / 基因序列 DNA sequen

14、ce/ 遗传genetic / 遗传学genetics / 遗传密码genetic code / 遗传学者geneticist / 遗传工程genetic engineering /遗传信息genetic information / 遗传操作genetic manipulation / 遗传特性 inheritance / 人类基因图 human genetic map / 基因组genome / 转基因有机体genetically modified organism / 重组器官recombinant / 分子农业molecular agriculture / 分子遗传学 molecular

15、 genetics / 生物体 organism / 克隆 clone / 基因克隆法 gene cloning / 分子克隆法 molecular cloning / 酶 enzyme / 连接酶ligase / 限制性内切酶restriction enzyme / 染色体外遗传因子extrachromosomal element / 复制子 replicon 21. 载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft航天飞机space shuttle太空舱 capsule通信卫星communication satellite运载火箭carrier rocket; rocke

16、t launcher国际空间站International Space Station太空服 space outfits (space suits)着陆区 landing area人造卫星 artificial satellite 同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite发射台launch pad登月舱lunar module中国空间技术研究院 CAST (the Chinese Academy ofSpace Technology)中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)美国航空航天管理局 NASA (The National Aeronautics andMercury(水星)Venus(金星)Gaia(球)Mars(火星)Jupiter(木星)Saturn(土星)Uranus(天王星)N


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