英语九年级上仁爱湘教版unit1topic2abcd学案 (2)

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1、名词使增加如果不,除非人口,人数量数词政策,方针形容词十亿增加,增强欧洲的词组困难,费力近来的打电话,号召措施,方法新生的因为,由于百分之极好的短缺夫妇副词到目前为止集市还,仍然采取措施做某事运输很可能,大概一些几个关系,亲属(两者一个)也不赶上跟上动词连词属于Unit 1 Topic 2分析下面单词的词性及意思probable-_( ) Europe-_( ) recently-_( ) relative-_( )either-_( ) million-_( ) difficult-_( ) transport-_( ) 写出下面动词的过去式-过去分词catch-_-_ choose-_-_

2、 come-_-_cost-_-_cut-_-_deal-_-_dig-_-_do-_-_draw-_-_dream-_-_drink-_-_drive-_-_eat-_-_fall-_-_feed-_-_Section A一. 读1a,回答1b的问题二. 读3a,找出3b中句子的同义句三. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.最多的人口_2.一家购物中心_3.不再_4.迷路,走散_5.倒霉_6.给他打个电话_7.这么个地方_8.欧洲的一些国家_9.这么美丽的国家_10.在那个时候(1)_11.在(两个中)另一张照片上_12.我爸爸的家庭照片_13.至少三四个孩子_14.在那个时候(2)_15.发生

3、_16.近年来_17.很大的发展_18.因为计划生育政策_19.过去常常_20.对某人要求严格_四在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. I have just called you, but you werent in. 译:_点拨:call - 给打电话 链接:给打电话还可以说:_ /_/_ in - 在家 = _ 链接:不在家- _练习:昨天他给我打电话时我不在家。_ he _ me yesterday, I _ _.2. Ive never been there before, but I dont want to go there any more. 译:_点拨:before - 以前 (表

4、示时间),在句中是副词(不是连词或介词),模糊时间状语,表示到说话时间为止之前发生的事,大多使用完成时态练习:a.我以前看过那本小说。_ b.他们以前看过那部电影。_ c.他以前去过北京。_辨别下面句子中的before的词性:连词?副词?介词?a. He never goes to bed before 12:00 at night. ( ) b. It will not be long before they understand each other. ( )点拨:not.any more = no more - 不再 (强调程度) 链接:not .any longer = no long

5、er - 不再 (强调时间)练习:a. He is no more angry with me. 译:_= _b. Hurry up, or we wont wait for you any longer. 译:_=_3. -I really hate to go to such a place. -So do I. 译:_点拨:So do I. - 完全倒装句,含义是:A如此,B也如此 结构是:so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语练习:a. He likes playing the piano, _. (她也是) b. They are interested in Chines

6、e culture, _. (我们也是) c. Tom can work out the difficult problem, _. (我也能) d. He has been to Beijing before, _. (他弟弟也去过)拓展:上述结构的否定形式为:Neither / Nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 - A不是这样,B也不是这样练习:a. I am not good at singing, _. (他也是) b. I have never been there, _. (他也是)4. It seems that their living conditions

7、 were not very good. 译:_ Their living conditions didnt seem to be very good. 译:_回忆seem的三个结构-a.It seems that + 句子 b.主语 seem + 形容词/名词/介词短语 c.主语 seem + to be / to do练习:他好像不在家。a._ b._ c._ 这天似乎要下雨了。a._ b._ c._5. China had the largest population in the world and it was not well developed. 译:_点拨:population - 人口,居民,其修饰词是:large和small 切记:不要用many和few !总结:询问和回答人口常用句子是 - Whats the population of? - have a population of练习:- 中国有多少人口? - 十三亿。_6. -No one likes “Little Emperors”. -Neither do my parents. 译:_巩固:a.你不是工人,他也不是。_ b.-他们昨晚没去电影院。-我也没去。_


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