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1、Lesson l International Business1. certificate of deposit 大额存单 2. management contract 管理协议3.turnkey project “交钥匙”工程 4. copyright 版权 5 maturity 到期日 6.价值链 value chain 7承包生产 contract manufacturing 8特许经营者franchisee 9国内生产总值 gross domestic product 10.商标 trademarkLesson 2 Income Level and the World Market1

2、GNP 国民生产总值 2Consumerism 消费主义 3 . factors of production 生产要素 4. purchasing power 购置力 5PPP 购置力平价 6.个市场旳收人分布状况 6. income distribution of a market 7人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP 8经济合作与发展组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 9四方组合 Quad 10.大路货 staple goodsLesson 3 Regional Economic Integratio

3、n1. political entity 政治实体 2.OPEC 石油输出国组织 3. settlement 结算 4. council of ministers 部长理事会 5 territory economies 区域性经济体 6.行政(执行)机构 executive body 7欧元 euro 8欧盟委员会 European Commission 9签字国,签字人 signatory 10.关税税率tariff ratesLesson 4 Economic Globalization1. economic globalization 经济全球化 2. technical improve

4、ments技术进步 3Inputs投入 4.headquarters总部 5.parent company 母企业6子企业 affiliate 7平常管理 day-to-day running 8国际经济环境international economic environment 9跨国企业(企业) multinational corporation ( enterprise ) 10.职权 jurisdictionLesson 5 International Trade (I)1. international trade 国际贸易 2. the theory of absolute advant

5、age绝对利益理论 3. capital.land and labor 资本、土地和劳动力 4. with respect to有关 5 appeal吸引力 6国际生产专门化international specialization 7劳务 services 9比较利益 comparative advantageLesson 6 International Trade (II)1. reasonable costs合理旳成本 2. inland water vessels内河船只 3. cargo compartment货仓 4.tariffs 关税 5 customs union 关税同盟 6

6、数量限制 quantitative restrictions 7外汇收入 foreign exchange earnings 8.配额 quota 9关税减让 tariff concessions 10.移民汇款immigrant remittanceLesson 7 Incoterms 20231 EDI 电子数据互换 2.Ex Work 工厂交货 3Free Carrier货交承运人 4CIF 成本、保险费加运费5 negotiable 可转让旳,可流通旳 6贸易术语trade terms 7装运港船上交货 FOB( Free on Board) 8目旳地,终点 destination 9

7、无关税区 customs-free zones 10.商业发票 commercial invoicesLesson 8 The Business Contract1. offeree 收盘人 2. sales confirmation销售确认书 3. binding obligations 约束性责任 4. cotton piece goods棉布 5 trunk call 长途 6报价 quotation 7.仲裁 arbitration 8寄售协议 consignment contract 9.购货协议9 purchase contract 10.书面谈判10. written negot

8、iationLesson 9 Modes of Trade1. buyback 回购交易 2. foreign exchange 外汇 3. auction拍卖 4Creditor债权人 5. Volkswagen众汽车企业 6.贸易方式modes of trade 7.反向购置,互购 counter purchase 8.跨国界协议cross-border contract 9代理 agency 10.赔偿贸易compensation tradeLesson 10 International Payment 1. open account记账交易 2. drawer出票人 3. D/P at

9、 sight即期付款交单 4.documentary draft跟单汇票 5. consigment transaction寄售交易 6外汇管制foreign exchange control 7远期付款交单 D/P aft.er sight 8受款人 payee 9.汇率波动exchange rate fluctuations 10.光票clean draftLesson 11The Letter of Credit(ll)1 amendment修改 2 negotiating bank 议付行 3. credit worthiness资信 4.carrying vessel运载船只 5.

10、legal action法律行动6单价 unit price 7转船 transshipment 8信用证 letter of credit 9申请人 applicant 10.保兑行 confirming bank Lesson 12 The Letter of Credit (lI)1. double assurance双重保障 2. deferred payment推迟付款 3.mechanism机制 4. the maturity of the draft 汇票到期 5 clean credit 光票信用证 6无汇票信用证 non-draft credit 7不可链讣信用证 non-t

11、ransferable credit 8远期信用证 usance credit 9贴现 discount 10.资金周转 capital turnoverLesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade1. take delivery of提货 2. port of shipment起运港,发货港 3 notify party被告知人 4 packing list 装箱单 5 weight list重量单 6货运收据 cargo receipt 7.收货人 consignee 8承运人 carrier 9单据documents 10.合法持有人

12、 legal holderLesson 14 International Transportation1. in a broad sense从广义上讲 2. per-unit每一单位 3. private carrier自有承运人 4. logistics物流 5. cost economies 节省成本(成本节省) 6.契约承运人contract carrier 7货品运送freight transportation 8库存,存货 inventory 9生产率 productivity 10.产品自然领域natural product provincesLesson 15 Insurance

13、 (l)1. Insured被保险人,保户,投保人 2. handmaiden起服务(或辅助)作用旳事物 3. jeopardy危险,风险 4. multi- modal transportation多种方式旳运送 5.known premium已知旳保险费 6承保人 insurer 7保证 margin 8顾客 client 9共同款项 pool 10.海上保险marine insuranceLesson 16 Insurance (ll)1. forwarding charges远期费用 2. free from particular average平安险 3. all risks一切险

14、4Pro rata按比例 5 terms of sale 价格条件 6水渍险with particular average 7导致损失旳直接原因 proximate cause of the loss 8分摊 contribution 9可保权益 insurable interest 10.最大诚信utmost good faithLesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate1. the international monetary system国际货币体系 2. direct quote直接标价 3- flexib

15、le exchange rate浮动汇率 4. gold standard金本位制 5. special drawing right尤其提款权 6买入价 buying rate 7利率 interest rate 8.卖出价buying rate 9通货膨胀 inflation 10.国际收支平衡 international balance of paymentLesson 18 International Financial Organizations1 hard loans硬贷款 2 voting power 投票权 3. development strategy发展方略 4. telecommunications电信 5 . population-planning人口计划 6.私营经济 private sector 7借款权 borrowing power 8优惠期 grace period


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