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1、2022年四年级英语上册Module2Unit3Friends教案沪教牛津版Teaching Contents: Read a storyTeaching Aims:1. Basic aims: Using adjectives to describe people, animals and objects Using nouns/noun phrases to identify people, animals, events, objects and activities2. Developing aims: Try to tell a small story about the key w

2、ords or pictures3. Education aims: A friend in need is a friend indeed. We should help each other .Difficult and key points: Using adjectives to describe people, animals and objects .Teaching aids: A cassette player, cassette 4A, a wallpicture , some toy animals,a slideTeaching procedure:ProcedureMe

3、thodsModificationWarming-up1.Sing a song: In the zooYou can see all kinds of animals in the zoo. The lion, the tiger, the elephant and the fox.2.Tell a story: Little LucyRevision! T: Have you got a pet? P: Yes, I have. T: What is it? P: Its a dog. T: Have you got a pet? P: No. But I have a toy. Look

4、, its a lion.Review lion: Who can say something about the lionSay and ask : Is it big? Has it got a tail? What colour is it ? Can it jump?, etc.Review mouse : The same method as the lionT: Do you like the mouse? P: NO.TT: Why? P: Its dirty/ugly/badT: But today we will learn a story about a little mo

5、use. Its brave and lovely. I like it very much. .Presentation1. Show the title: The lion and the mouseHave the students read the title loud and fluently.2. Learn Picture1 and picture 2: Look at the wallpicture and listen to the tape. Students try to repeat it. Learn the word strong: Say the word aft

6、er the teacherRead the word and act it .Make sentences using this word.Students do pair work to talk about these two pictures.3. Learn picture3 and picture 4. Look , listen ,repeat and say.3. Learn picture 5:Look at the picture , listen to the tape .Learn the word branch: Draw a treeAnswer teachers

7、questions:Where is the mouse? Where is the tiger?Is the mouse brave? Are his teeth sharp? Students describe the picture.4. Learn picture 6:Listen and try to say.5. Students tick the boxes in Look and talk.6. Ask students to look at the wallpicture or key words to tell the story.They can form groups

8、to finish this task.e.g. Ask:Whats the name of the story? To elicit: The lion and the mouse.Ask: What can you see? To elict: I can see a lion. Etc. Consolidation1. Read the story time and time until you can recite it.2. Copy the new words, each for two lines.3. Try to retell the story.4. An addition

9、al reading material: My friend Bip 课 后 随 笔 板 书 设 计Read a story The lion and the mouse big and strong small afraid brave happy happy friends附送:2022年四年级英语上册Module3Unit2FoodP28教案沪教牛津版知识目标:1正确认读并拼背单词: bread, fruit, milk, coffee 2正确认读单词:butter, sugar, chocolate, flour 3正确朗读并理解对话技能目标:能在一定的语言情境中运用本课出现的单词,句

10、型。情感目标:引导学生合理饮食。课的设计:一、Pre-task: 1. Song ( An apple a day keeps the doctor away) 2. Daily talk: - What have you got? - How is your bag? - Have you got a pencil? - Is it long? -3.Act out the dialougue : ( In the supermarket)4. Fill in the blanks: 1) _ _ is the sandwich? Five yuan. 2) I want a _ _ cho

11、colate. 3) How many _ _ crisps are there on the desk? 4) How much are three _ _ water?二、While-task:1. Sentences: What have you got? 1) T: Look, I have a bottle of water. We can also say I have got a bottle of water. I have got = Ive got 2) T: Ive got a new book. What have you got? P: Ive got _. 3) P

12、ractice in pairs. 4) Use the same method to teach : has got he has got = hes got2. Put on the picture of page 28and ask: Where are Kitty, Ben and their mother? What can you see ? What has Kitty got?3. Learn the words: coffee a box / a bottle / glass of coffee butter bread with butter sugar a bag / p

13、acket of sugar flour- flower a packet / bag / bowl of flour bread a piece / bag of bread fruit talk about your favourite fruit4. Listen to the tape and read after it.三、Post- task1. Act out the dialogue : in the supermarket2. Change the sentences: 1) Alices got a bottle of juice. 2) Weve got a packet

14、 of flour.3. Answer the questions: 1) What have the boys got? ( biscuit) 2) What has your mother got? ( bread) 3) What have you got? ( jam)4. Homework: 1) Listen to the tape. 2) Copy the words. 3) Ask the questions: A: Theyve got some bread. B: Kittys got a packet of crisps. C: Theres a glass of coffee on the table. D: Kittys my friend. E: The jam is eight yuan.


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