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1、英语中数字表示方法英语中数字表示方法 小数和分数:0. 17 zero point one seven / point seventeen / zero point seventeen1/2 one half1/3 one /a third3/4 three fourths72/ 5seven and two fifths大于100的数字:one himdred (and ) one200 two hundred 998 nine hundred ( and ) niyeight在英语中上面括弧中的 and-般不能省略;而在美国英语中却往往省去。请分析下面的对话:A: How many peo

2、ple are present in the party last nightB: Thats nine hundred and niy-eight, exactly.A: Woo, you must be joking. How can you get such an accurate numberB: Ila, ha surely I am joking. You silly goose.大于1000 的数字:1001 a/one thousand (and) one2232 two thousand two hundred (and) thirtytwo900, 732, 266, 04

3、3nine hundred billion seven hundred thirtytwo million two hundred sixtysix thousand and forty three英语中一千以上数字的表达方法是以三位数为单元,从高到 低 billion, million, thousand 而依次读出的。因此我们在听 时,可以 三位数三位数地记录。试比较下面的对话:A: Can you tell me exactly the numbers of the whole people in our countryB: One billion four hundred thirty

4、two million two hundred sixtysix thousand and forty three.A: Thank you very much ?2 英语数字的书写攻略英美等国的出版社在排版时遵循一条原则,即 1 至 10 用单词表示, 10 以上的数目用阿拉伯数字(也有的以 100为界限 ) ,这条 原则值得我们借鉴。That table measures ten feet by five ?那个工作台长10 英尺,宽 5 英尺。The traditional pattern of classroom experience at thecollege level bring

5、s the professor and a group of 20 to 30students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week.大学课堂的传统的教学方式是,一个教授和二三十名学生每周见面两三次,每次授课时间 45 到 50 分钟。人数用阿拉伯数字表示显得更简洁明了,但不定数量、近似值用单词表示较恰当。There are 203817 voters on the electoral rolls.选举名单上有 203817个投票人。Nearly thirty thousand voters

6、 took part in this election.近 3 万个投票人参加了这次选举。遇到日期、百分比、带单位的特殊数字,通常用阿拉伯数字。Maximum swivel of table is 120.工作台的最大旋转角度是120 度。Eg. 3rd March 1991 或 3 March 1991 ;a discount of 5 percent( 5%的折扣);purchased 7 yards of carpet ( 买 7 码地毯);ordered 2 pounds of minced steak ( 订购 2 磅肉馅) 如果涉及的数目和单位是不定数,可用单词表示。about f

7、ive miles per hour ( 每小时大约 5 英里)at least ten yards away (至少有 10 码远)hesitated for a moment or two (犹豫了 片刻)I have warned you a hundred times (我已经警告你多少遍To )在科技文章中,数字频繁出现,用阿拉伯数字比用单词陈述 有利。The new engine has a capacity of 4? 3 litres and a poweroutput of 153 kilowatts at 4400 revolutions per min ute.这台新发动

8、机的容积为 4. 3 升,转速为每分钟 4400 转,时输 出功率是 153千瓦。We know that the weight of a cubic foot of air at 0C and 76cm, pressure is 0.081 pound, or 12 cubic feet of air weigh a pound.我们知道, 1 立方英尺的空气在0 摄氏度和 760 毫米汞柱压力下,重量是0.81 磅,也就是说12立方英尺空气的重量是 1 磅。句首不用阿拉伯数字,句末要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字。4th July is an important date in American h

9、istory. 应该写成The fourth of July.19 couples took part in the ballroom dancing petition.19对选手参加了交际舞比赛。应改写成:Nieen couples took ?60% profit was a reported.据报道有60%的利润。应改写成: Sixty per cent pro fit.1345 kilograms force was applied at the center point of thebar.试验时,在杆的中点加了 1345公斤力。可改成 When tested, a force of

10、 1345 kg was applied.遇到分数,可用带连字符的单词表示。3 数字用英语怎么念1: one wang 2 : two tuu 3: three si ru 4: fourfu 5: five fu i v 6: six si k s 7: seven se ven ( e音发出时舌头抵着下舌根) 8: eight i t 9: nine ni in 10 :ten ten10 以上的数字11: eleven i le Ven (e 音发出时舌根抵着下舌根) 12:twelve twilv 13: thirteen ser tng 14: fourteen fuo tng15:

11、 f ii teen fif tng 16 sixteen siks tng 17 seventeense ven tng ( e 音发出时舌头抵着下舌根) 18: eighteen i tng19: nieen nin tng20 以上数字20: twenty twen ti 21: twenty-one 22 : twenty-two 以 此类推到29twenty-nine30: thirty ser ti 31: thirty-one 32: thirty-two 以此类推到39thirty-nine40: forty fuo ti 50: fifty fif ti60: sixty s

12、iks ti 70: seventy se ven ti ( e 音发出时舌头抵着下舌根) 80: eighty i ti 90: niy nin ti100: one-hundred wang hang dred200: two-hundred tuu hang dred几百 : hundreds of.4 在英语中怎样读大数首先,英语数字都是以 1000 为单位的 , thousand ( ,million ( 百万 ) ,billion ( 十亿) . 比如 1 234 567890 要读成 one billion, two hundred thirty-fourmillion,five

13、 hundred sixty-seven thousand,eight hundred ninty.有点特殊的是2600可以读成 twenty-six hundred 关于什 么时候加 and,如果 相邻的两位数字不是零的话, and 都是可以省 去不读的;如果出现零一般都得读出 . 比如: 1405 one thousand 4hundred andfive,305 400 three hundred and five thousand (and) four thousand.以上两个没加括号的两个and 是不能省的 . 出现零也可以不读出的情况只有 200 300 two hundred thousand (and) three hundred 所以最开始的1234567890这个大数每一处都可以加 and, 只是这样不连贯,英语本土人一般都会把它省掉 . 我们 自己读的话都加上其实也没错的,毕竟我们也很难说到像他们那么 流利,加上 and 能增加我们思 考和组织话语的时间


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