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1、Unit 11. eiptical uesti 省略句 rtrcal ueson反义疑问句2. suerorit compe自大情结3. to ak (out) of sb./sth.e. g. His fatr watso make fotballstar otofim.4. covince sb. of sth.e. We utterly(ued t empasz how oplesth. ) faled to conincehi. conviningeiec/rumet5. ool aound 糊弄6. n n. line of peop or tngs; position or cla

2、军衔,社会地位,职位7. a mployes, fo xampe,wil ovelo, occasionall inefficiencs frm teir secreayproid(相称于f,条件状语从句) shehas pleasnt persnalt.8. w-flew-ln流动9. igiving顾虑,多用于复数10. Th EvolutinThey 进化论11. bsrvant carflo obees,cusos,titin c atnotg thin be srnt of oservble 明显的 bservatory 观测台 12. rvlycompltin;h acto com

3、peting for thmeingrivl riva for /inshav noivl/secno oth13. resoo采用一般跟不好的,但也有特殊14. wthIm 90, Ifindeertions o treling too gre. 既然我已年届,出远门已力不从心。15. editana 地中海 nit 1. at he beinninof n.in thbeinng2. wallet pus womemoney belt3. uthorty owrso iven ordes andmae oters bey. esonwhospcil knldgeE. he inauthor

4、ity onheics(.)掌权之人,当局t auhoritis concerned 有关当局4. 新闻发布会 e5. 1)moreh 与其不如Te hid was morefrghten th urt 2)morthn: very;treely;eyondhas moe than I ca ell. 带有否认意味,简直不 3)n mre thanHe iche than I am=H s poor as am. Ihae not taen mor han 6curss h emeser. 没有超过六门 I have take no me than6 curse thi seer. 课程多于六

5、门,选得少 Awhale is o mre a fis than a hor. 鲸鱼和马同样都不是鱼。6. account for 导致 be ocon on acou of由于,由于 背面的st一般upleaant ,problmbase of 背面的因素可以是好的,也可以是坏的take th. Int ccoun= takeauntof s.on no aout 决不on all acout总之,无论如何7. dismay: ied, a, feeliater youhave recievan neaant urprise 惊讶,惊愕,灰心,丧气 ,8. imay+ n yicis 愤世嫉

6、俗disay+ o vin smay oones dismy9. absolut ontruction 独立主格构造10. No if youl excuse me ormla客套话11. o/Think beforeyou leap.三思而后行12. o +whethe/concernig/about/eainga rgs 不能放在句中as o可用于句中owig t 不能放在句中du to 13. myb 后者与前者看似冲突,但两者都对Y may berih ,btyou ant buy eeryhig.14. alernative aj.tat cn usedtorelace sth.ls

7、e n.两者选一的可供选择的选择 ad.非老式的,另类的 alternatve edcine 老式医疗,替代疗法 alternative enery 替代能源其中中的aterativ 可用lternat 替代15. balace :referring o the amot of money oe hs i os b acount 余额n blance 总的来说16. I had my opning./windw.17. oven sh. to e, send yur tie, et i a pariclr socal roup 涉足,出入,生活在(某群体)She only ove inth b

8、est circles. 她只涉足于那些精英圈子。 mve nor sth.bece activi oin s. Movin on sb/sth.approh s/h. Epin.threteni ay.g. he plce moe n h terrorists警察从四周八方向犯罪分子逼近。18 to zero in on b.(origiall)toaim gunat a tae 瞄准(figurtel)fuos o sb.sth.18. elr 柜台工作人员19. srug n&sru t.off/as 对什么满不在乎,不予理睬rging ff his iury , playeon.20.

9、 protes v.重音在后 n.重音在后v.t xpres opotor disapra t yfirly tht t is tru. 一般自己觉得对,别人觉得不对 E. Heprotsted his incence她坚持她的无罪。n.t prsioof opitin ordiapprovalurrtes 无奈的,不服气的e.g. Sh mad apl to him but only unr rtest. protestation .郑重的声明,坚决的表达 proteter n.抗议者,示威者cotradct 与 相抵触/矛盾21. armirrr 后视镜22. trcpt 截获(情报)nt

10、erchane轮替 interfuse弥漫,使混合 interio 内陆的,内部的23. itrfe 干涉,干预 i/wih24. damn wellemhase how suor dtermi neis about somehinglg; veynforml;ot e in plite society dv.=veemhasizow good/bad sth. i e.g. Yu koda l wht I mea. 你明明懂得我的意思。 dj.(ly bfore oun) sho w agry oranoyed. n.)notgiv dnou dont care abouts. 2)otwr

11、t dsa hat sth has n value t l v. 1)Damno/them/t.诅咒 Thecics damde th play n hefistnight.人们都往一边倒说不好。25. onludev. o com toor bing t.to an end +wih todeci byreasnin o da a coclsionsyn n ;dduce; terminat; enoncludeeatagmnt deal合同 /trnsaton 交易26. livehood 生计 fasehod谎言,虚设 liklihood也许,也许性27. shae down 1) et

12、mnyfrm s. by sing hreats,sp. of physcl ha2) 彻底搜查shkoff 挣脱 fair sa he ot a fai shke 她得到公正待遇。 in a coupleof shak/n to aes: a moment; vero28. apparntly:semigly; as i semscopare: ovios; evient;cear; plain; ditinct; dfinit; manifest29. nthat并不是说Notth I kw. 就我目前掌握的状况来说没有答案。30. u/lwris head 31. 课后习题There arealways peop


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