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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.问题1选项A.assembledB.accumulatedC.piledD.joined【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项assemble“集合”;B选项accumulated“积累”;C选项piled“拥挤”;D选项joined“加入”。句意:大家都_在大厅,接受秘书的欢迎。根据语境,这里指大家有序地聚集在大厅,A选项assemble“集合”符合题意。因此A选项正确。2.

2、单选题The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position.问题1选项A.curiosityB.statusC.determinationD.significance【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项curiosity“好奇”;B选项status“身份,职位”;C选项determination“决心”;D选项significance“(尤指对将来有影响的)重要性;意思,含义”。句意:一个人穿的衣服可以体现他的_或社会地位。根据语境,这里指的是可以通过衣服看出一个人的社会信息,B选项status“身份,职位

3、”符合题意。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his arguments in favor of the new theory.问题1选项A.which to base onB.on which to baseC.to be based onD.to base on【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查定语从句。句意:这位教授几乎找不到足够的根据来支持他的新理论。根据横线到句尾是对sufficient grounds进行修饰的定语从句,确定用引导词which;根据短语base his argumen

4、ts on these sufficient,确定用介词on,B选项on which to base正确。A选项which to base on介词和语序错误;C选项to be based on和D选项to base on介词使用错误。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still wh

5、en they fixate. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words. This is known as the recognition span or the visual span. The length of time for which the eyes stopthe duration of the fixationvaries considerably from person to person. It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in

6、reading and his familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.Unfortunately, in the past, many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the printed page. As a result of this misleading emphasis on the pu

7、rely visual aspects of reading, numerous exercises have been devised to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation. For instance, in some exercises, words are flashed on to a screen for, say, a tenth or a twentieth of a second. One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on so

8、me central point, taking in the words on either side. Such word patterns are often constructed in the shape of rather steep pyramids so the reader takes in more and more words at each successive fixation. All these exercises are very clever, but its one thing to improve a persons ability to see word

9、s and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently. Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words. Consequently, for these reasons, many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training, especially since any approach which trains

10、a person to read isolated words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.1. The time of the recognition span can be affected by the following facts EXCEPT _.2. The author may believe that reading _.3. What does the author mean by saying “but its one thing to improve a

11、 persons ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently” in Paragraph 2?4. Which of the following is NOT true?5. The tune of the author in writing this article is _.问题1选项A.the length of a group of wordsB.lighting and tirednessC.ones familiarity with th

12、e textD.ones purpose in reading问题2选项A.demands a deeply-participating mindB.demands more mind than eyesC.requires a reader to take in more words at each fixationD.requires a reader to see words more quickly问题3选项A.The reading exercises mentioned cant help to improve an efficient reading.B.The reading

13、exercises mentioned has done a great job to improve ones ability to see words.C.The ability to see words is not needed when an efficient reading is conducted.D.The reading exercises mentioned cant help to improve both the ability to see and to comprehend words.问题4选项A.The emphasis on the purely visua

14、l aspects is misleading.B.The eye training will help readers in reading a continuous text.C.The visual span is a word or a group of words we see each time.D.Many experts began to question the efficiency of eye training.问题5选项A.pessimisticB.optimisticC.criticalD.neutral【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析

15、】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。根据第一段最后两句It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.(每个人的阅读目的和对文本的熟悉程度也不同。此外,它还会受到光照和疲劳等因素的影响。),可知识别广度受阅读目的、对文本的熟悉程度、光照和疲劳的影响,B选项“光照和疲劳”、C选项“对课文的熟悉程度”和D选项“阅读的目的”符合文章内容,A选项“一组单词的长度”不符合文章内容。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words


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